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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Okawara mentioned at a recent event that he had already finished all the mobile suit designs for the first half of the series and was already working on the second half, including Shinn's mid-series upgrade, which may be called Destiny Gundam. NOOOOOO!!!! AHHHHHHHGGGGHHHHHH!!! God I hope the last Gundam doesn't look like that Frankenstein Freedom and Gundam XX kit that guy made. Now I'm just hoping he'll decide to rip Katoki off, I mean this guy just doesn't try anymore. So which looks better, before Okawara got his hands on them, or after?
  2. I just got the Falken last night and man I feel kind of ripped off. I mean the performance is great and Mega Cannon is nice, but it's not worth the price. If it had an energy shield or something then jeah it'll be worth it. I want see a plane with bits next.
  3. SEED Naturals against Coordinators? Now that would be something I'd like to see. The had at least enough to create a Zero sqd. Why the Alliance set off a Cyclopes while they were still in range is far beyond me. Maybe they knew it wouldn't be too long till they got replacements.
  4. On the other hand though, though three might not be Naturals. They're certainly linked to what ever project created the three junkies, and Athrun and Kira agreed that those three weren't Naturals. And we don't know what kind of OS was in Calamity, Raider, and Forbidden. So we can't exactly say those guys can't use a standard Coordinator OS. My money stays with artificial newtype experiments. I'm leaning more towards "artificial" coordinators, but it could also be that they're trying to combine Newtype and Coordinator abilites.
  5. Ask David Hintegen, he'd probably know...
  6. I want to see Donald Duck vs. Osama Bin Laden.
  7. I think the oddest thing I've ever seen in Disney animation, which was simultaneously the funniest and most horrifying thing I've seen in Disney animation was a short clip from the 40s of war propaganda. VERY anti-German (and not just anti-Nazi)... Wish I knew where to find the clip online... I saw it at a friends house. I was more than a little shocked... This was Disney? Anyway... Did it have this scene in it? I don't know if I'm the only one but I found Shrek to be over hyped. I mean it's by no means a bad movie, I think it's pretty good. Just not as good as they're making it out to be.
  8. On the other hand though, though three might not be Naturals. They're certainly linked to what ever project created the three junkies, and Athrun and Kira agreed that those three weren't Naturals. And we don't know what kind of OS was in Calamity, Raider, and Forbidden. So we can't exactly say those guys can't use a standard Coordinator OS.
  9. How long has those three suits been in Alliance hands? Did they have them long enough to be analyzed? This time I'd like to see the ultimate suit have a GAT-X designation. I know it's a long shot but I'm hopeing Okawara isn't doing the later suits.
  10. I started hateing disney when they stopped showing all the old school cartoons that had all the crazy violence, like Goofy as Mr. Wheeler running people over and putting tally marks on his car.
  11. The VFX2 helmet looks a bit Macross II-ish to me. Toss up between Zero and Plus. Though the helmet on the TV Zentran heavy armor didn't look too bad either.
  12. I just love how the Tomahawk is just stanging there saying "Cool!" Hmm, this just gave me an idea, I wonder if I can come up with a variable Tomahawk. I have a boreing @ss class tommorow, I'll have time to think then...
  13. Maybe it's just me but that head looks a bit Five Star Stories-ish...
  14. Wonder if BC will try to tamper with the "terrorists" plans and get that thing to land on top of some area trying to get out from under the Alliance's heel, if not already dominated by the Alliance? How many nukes did it take to destroy that colony? I know the animation shows several missiles but over at gundamofficial they make it seem like it was only one.
  15. Yeah I saw that over at acecombat.net, I wonder how Namco pulled that off with so few buttons to work with. I'd like to see an Ace Combat on the PSP. I'm sure they could find some way to compensate for the lack of an R2 and L2 buttons.
  16. Has this guy always been the Blue Cosmos leader or did he take over from Azrael? They should put him in some white Rufus Shinra style suit.
  17. Well you've got to have commander's colors for Blaze. So far I've found the best thing to kill the Synfaxi-classes is the base model Tornado. Line it up right and you can kill those subs in around 3 passes.
  18. Hey what's wrong with the "Space Pope" heads. Besides, they look more like Coneheads. Anyway, ugliest, yeah I'd say the Sound Force heads are pretty butt-ugly, though the VA-3 and the TV Zentran power armor recive dishonorable mentions.
  19. You went as far as to register a handle just to tell us how wrong we are? Get a life or go back to "lurking" then. Most of us love the game as it is an ARCADE STYLE game. It was never meant to be a simulator, only have very realistic looking aircraft models (which it does) Uhhh... yeah..as oppose to you replying to me and YOU posting here all the time. Do I need to get a life? by the way, since you like ARCADE fighter games, I suggest you buy the old "AFTERBURNER". That's better than this stinker. Whoa he actualy responded. Here I was thinking he was just another one-post-wonder. Well everyone is entitled to their opinions. So go on man ignore all these guys who love this game a voice your opinion. After all we're all free to voice our opinions.
  20. I got the YF-23 after doing the B mission of that one before Journey Home. That mission where you have to support two tank divisions and take out a battleship at the end. Hey David, is that BB an Iowa-class or a Yamato-class? I'm usualy too busy trying not to die to get a really good look at it.
  21. My top 5... Astray Gundam Fz-109/VF-14 Mirgage Tallgeese VF-17D
  22. They totaly neutered the QAAMs here, though I'm not surprised given that Grabacr and Ofnir are total pansies compared to the Yellows. Is it just me or does this guy look like the Razgriz?
  23. Hero: Jack Sparrow Villain: HEERRREEESSSS JOHNNY! Jack Torrence
  24. You know I had a witty and totaly smart ass response to this but don't think the mods would appreciate it. So I'm just going to shut up...
  25. I can't quite put my finger on it, but does anyone else feel like Halo has something that's lacking in other FPS like Medal of Honor?
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