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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Where did they mention his genetics got screwed up? Ah finnaly some info on Prayer. Is he another Ariga clone? What's his background? If neither the Alliance nor ZAFT knew about the existance of Newtypes then that would mean a geneticaly "normal" person could operate the Gunbarrel and DRAGOON system as long as they were gifted/skilled enough. Meaning: A: The Alliance got lucky in unknowingly getting all Newtypes for the Mobius Zero squad that Mwu was a part of. B: You just have to be extreemly gifted/skilled to use those weapon systems.
  2. Looking at that pic for his face, I don't see anything wrong with it. I don't think Ariga ever intended for Raww to be a Coordinator. From what we know about him the guy had a real supiriority complex and was a total narcicist. He loved himself more than his own son and decided himself would be his best heir. I would also guess Ariga knew he himself was a Newtype, hence the supiriority complex. He probably saw Mwu as "contaminated" in that half his genes were not from Ariga. Knowing he's a Newtype, what would be the point of making Raww a Coordinator? We've pretty much seen just how unstoppable a Newtype can be. Mwu took out 5 GINNs in one fight by himself in a Mobile Armor, and Kira needed his SEED mode on top of his super coordinator abilites to just barely defeat Raww. Raww probably too those pills so he could use ZAFT's suits and no one would wonder why he couldn't use a standard OS.
  3. I don't think those pills he takes has anything to do with him being a clone but more with something like the drugs the EA's three Gundam pilots were cranked up on.
  4. Speaking of the EA super weapon. If the Atlantic and Eurasian Federations are willing to share, I wonder if they'll do a joint project with a Gundam using the N Jammer Cancellers, Gunbarrels/bits and the beam sheild. A suit like that would be invincible, it could cocoon up in the umbrella while the bits go and take everyone out.
  5. Either that or Ariga had a third son that neither Mwu nor Raww knew about. Or is Rey too young for that senario?
  6. Have the GINN suits been totaly phased out from ZAFT's frontline inventory? Going by the Astray manga, it looks like plenty of diffrent factions used GINNs, that almost anyone could get ahold of one. Gai used to use a GINN until Lowe gave him the Blue Frame. Is anyone there saying "Hey wait, ZAFT doesn't use GINNs anymore they use GuAIZ units. Those GINNs could be anyone..." Either way, the thing I wan't to find out most is what's with Neo and Rey.
  7. There's a Japanese restaurant in Santa Barabara called the Taiko, and the manager there looks exactly like Onizuka without the blond hair.
  8. I remember reading on Gunota that Dreadnaught is the final entry in the Seed MSV line. I do think that's really damn silly, though, considering that Sword Calamity was in both Astray shorts, and those shorts advertise the MSV line. Well on the bright side there are conversion parts of a Sword Calamity floating around.
  9. Hmm, when are they going to come out with a 1/144 HG Impulse? It'll be fun making a little set up with a Force Impuse about to get owned by my Gunbarrel Strike.
  10. If ORB is warming up to the Alliance, I wonder if that means Minerva and Archangel are going to be seeing each other on opposite lines, and if that does happen, I wonder if Ramius will be commanding her again.
  11. No, ORB agreed to work with the Alliance and let the Alliance use the Morgenroter facility on Heliopolis so they could steal the Alliance's tech. If it was the other way around it would be the Alliance not ORB who wouldn't have the Phase Shift armor. It's like letting someone build a car on your driveway just so you can steal some of the parts for yourself.
  12. I never did understood that cameo. He wasn't the incoming enemy...so why was there visual on him? It was the Deep ARMS. Lowe was accesing the data in the head he just got and I guess the Sword Calamity was that last thing it saw.
  13. As long as they do it right is all I can say...
  14. He shows up in the Blue Frame promo.
  15. Uzumi wanted to steal the Alliance's MS tech to upgrade ORB's defence forces. Basicaly he didn't want ORB to be left behind in the arms race. As far as I know the Red Frame still has it's orginal OS, Lowe just has his outdated computer pluged into it helping him pilot it.
  16. I just got done beating it on co-op with my brother and the whole time I was wondering, did several of the Starcraft people go to Bungie? I mean: Humans = Terrens Covenant = Protoss Flood = Zerg Kind of makes me want to get an xbox of my own just for this... but with the PS3 just around the corner... f@ck it...
  17. I'm wondering if we'll see some kind of SEED mode use packs for the Strike Rouge and possibly Impulse (provided of course that Shin has that ability). Oh and anyone know where I can download some episodes, I've been having to rely on the MAHQ summaries to find out what the hell is going on since San Francisco State is scared of the riaa and I can't get a damn though though P2P sites with my conection there.
  18. Whoa, that Windam unit doesn't look too bad, kind of a looks like a cross between the GAT-01A1 and the Duel. Certainly looks a lot nicer than any of the current Gundams. Hell it looks better than all the other butt-@ss ugly looking Destiny suits. I'm guessing this guy is going to be what the Taurus was to Wing. Not quite Gundam status but definatly good enough to give one a hard time. Let me guess "Windam" is also an acronym. Wonder what the W and I stand for if that is the case. Is that some sort of rocket anchor on the sheild?
  19. Have you tried using the Falken against naval targets or clustered ground targets? You can wipe out an entire fleet in under a minute... a few sweeps of the beam, and its over. I own 2 at the moment, and am looking to purchase 2 more once I get back to the game (playing San Andreas and then MGS3). Yup and I took the SOLG out in around 3 minutes with that thing. Still don't think it's worth 800,000+
  20. Mediocre game, didn't like it a lot but didn't hate it all that much either. I don't know why people have a hard time with the escort missions. Only the fighter pods go after the escortee as long as you kill them asap and drops some decoys around the escortee, you'll be fine.
  21. I reccomend Zone Of the Enders and Armored Core.
  22. Aside from the UN emblem, I've taken an likeing to the OMNI emblem.
  23. Well maybe it wound be that bad, I am kind of found of the Daggers and Calamity. But geeze the man could have put in a little more effort into: Forbidden Raider (this thing is like a butt-ugly version of Airmaster and Wing) Justice (Come-on seriously this thing has the Aegis's head, Freedom's body, and a CGUE's legs) Freedom (Gundam XX remake) Providence (Ewww...)
  24. Thank you....for a while there I was starting to think I was the only one. Until that series, I really thought that I would love anything Maross. My opinion of Macross 7 is that it has a great story with lots of potential... on paper it was fine, but the way it is presented (ie. the show) is just a fruit cake circus, full of chesse, stupid designs, sissy characters, shamefull enemies and a really anoying lack of respect to what macross was... just MHO. now back to the tread HAHAHA!!! Preech on my man. I am lovin the fact that there are some members with balls around here. Most who hate M7 are tired of discussing it so they don't say anything, but just think of the horror if some n00b showed up and read up on a pro-m7 thread... He would see it and then think ALL Macross fans were lame-ass sissie girlie-men. OUR mission is of the utmost importance. Uh-Oh, it's starting all over again...
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