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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I wonder how Buster would look with his legs, head and fore arms...
  2. That would be the guy me and Azrael were talking about a few posts above...
  3. For some reason I want to put money down for Neo as the pilot... I'm guessing it's an Alliance unit since Kira and Shinn look like they're moving in to attack it. Perhaps it's some "invincible Gundam" like the one I mentioned way back in this thread. That if the Atlantic and Eurasian Federations are acutaly working togeather they could build a suit using a Gunbarrel system and the Hyperion's Armure Lumiere.
  4. Hmm, looks like something that would show up in some RT comic...
  5. Hey does anyone have any idea what that Gundam is that you see "Destiny" and Freedom flying towards in the second opening?
  6. Hey does anyone know if the CGUE DEEP Arms has a ball and socket thing for the head? I've got a spare Tallgeese II head I though might look cool on it.
  7. Well I'm back after a little haiatus... Has anyone read vol 3 of the Astray manga? Things take a turn for the weird there to say the least.
  8. What are the chances of an HG Windam? That suit is easily one of my favorite mass production units.
  9. **Waits for someone to bring up the proposed Super Tomcat**
  10. On another note, if a Newtype is indeed the next step in evolution as opposed to some strange anomaly, then how is Mwu related to the whole SEED factor thing? A factor that determines the course of a species' evolution. The existence of the SEED factor has yet to be proven, and it remains a subject of intense controversy in scientific circles. But in theory, those who possess the SEED factor have the ability to advance to the next stage of human evolution - an ability unrelated to whether the carrier is a Natural or a Coordinator. Does this mean that Mwu has this factor as well but has past the phase Kira, Athrun, Lacus and Cagali are at? Or he's at the same phase but has never reached the point to trigger his SEED mode? Or maybe there are two evolutionary paths, the SEED and Newtype paths? Either way, someone's got some 'splaining ta do...
  11. I think he just got lucky when the Alliance set off the Cyclopse array that was installed at their Endymion Base. That the Mobius Zero squad wasn't wiped out by ZAFT but by friendly fire. Well that's the impression I get from the official site. Skirmishing continued along the Grimaldi Front for roughly a month, culminating in a fierce battle at the Endymion Crater, the site of a major Alliance resource base. The Alliance forces ultimately used a Cyclops System to destroy their own base, wiping out friend and foe alike. The Alliance's 3rd Fleet was destroyed in this battle, along with its elite mobile armor corps, while the ZAFT forces sustained losses so severe that they were forced to abandon the Grimaldi Front and withdraw from the moon. It would be nice to know if Morgan Chevalier (the guy with the Gunbarrel Dagger) is a Newtype or not. Especialy since he looks significantly older than Mwu.
  12. I'd have no problem with the F-14 being replaced as long as it was by a plane that that could totaly out perform it. Like the F-15 being replaced by the F/A-22. The Hornet overall certainly doesn't out perform the F-14. Too bad the X-02 isn't a real plane.
  13. Probably not much. Yeah, shes probably been kept busy doing, ahem....'docking maneuvers' with Athrun for the last 2 years Graham Yeah, Kira and Athrun are off drinking somewhere... Athrun: Hey Kira you wouldn't belive what your sister did last night she ................ *hic* Kira: Damnit why did you have to tell me that, now every time I look at her I'm going to think that! Damn my sister's a fr-EAK
  14. I'd say if the field was totaly level. In that both pilots used the suits that maxed out their potentials (Kira with Freedom and Mwu with a suit equal to Providence) I would call it a draw. Kira's SEED mode and Mwu expirience and Newtype abilites would cancel each other out. Yes in the end Kira did beat Raww, but Mwu has had more expirience with a gunbarrel type weapon system. Mwu used the Zero for a good part of the war, while Raww only got it at the end. As for the Strike begin out dated, upgrading the internal systems can go a long way, just look at the F-4. When you think about it the only real edge Freedom and Justice hold over the Strike is the nuclear engine.
  15. There was one on Orb and ZAFT held the one at Victoria in Africa and the one in Taiwan (I'm not sure if that one got detroyed though).
  16. I don't know, Freedom and Justice couldn't hold back the last Alliance assault.
  17. When are we going to see a Windam vs Zaku fight?
  18. Well your system can't be immune to a disease that doesn't exist yet. I'm sure the Alliance has some bioengineers that could make some really nasty virus or bacteria never seen before.
  19. There was an interview on Guntota where the writer (I forget his name) states that Mwu and Raww are Newtypes. He also states that they're the only ones, though I'm not sure if Bandai decided to change that, since now we have Morgan and his Gunbarrel Dagger, and in the early stages of the first war, the Alliance had a whole Mobius Zero squad.
  20. Since ZAFT always has some kind of counter to nuclear weapons (the Cancellers and Stampeders), why the hell doesn't the Alliance just use biological or chemical weapons. Though if this is supposed to mirror Zeta I guess I could expect some Windams to go in and gas one of the PLANTS.
  21. I'm assuming it was rebuilt as is. I'm guessing that who ever has it isn't intending for that suit to ever see the light of day again unless the sh!t hits the fan in a big way. And if/when that happens it's likely the treaty been flushed down the toilet anyway so there's no point in removing the Cancellers.
  22. Well sticking with Norse mythology, I'd go with, Alaisiagae just another word for Valkyire.
  23. It all depends on how much time I have and how bored I am. I'll do a marathon for one day, if I'm busy then I might not be able to see the next DVD in three days, and it might just be one DVD I have time to see.
  24. And in that thread will be me listening to everyone and responding with "Shut the f@ck up! Next!"
  25. I don't give a crap about sports games, but seeing how Medal of Honor Rising Sun felt like step back from Frontline, I feel bad for you guys. EA certainly isn't the cream of the crop, I'd be pissed off too if the only FPSs I could play was made by them.
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