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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I'm still thinking Gilbert is actualy the good guy. With Patrick dead the only extreemist faction left standing in the way of some kind of peace is Blue Cosmos. With Patrick dead at the end of the war and Eileen basicaly carrying out a coup de ta, Eileen and Siegel's followers are in a fairly powerful position now that they control the government. I don't think Eileen would have let him succeed her if she had any reservations about him. Gilbert also seems to be showing some restraint. I mean 2 years is more than enough time to make another GENESIS, and after the Alliance launched another nuclear attack what is he waiting for? Also why isn't he using Mia to stir-up all kinds of anti-Natural sentiment? I'm still thinking Neo is an amnesiac Mwu, and Rey, I'm not sure. Either an illegit of Mwu, Raww, or Ariga. Another person who reached Newtype stage. Or an artificial newtype. Shinn and Stellar, either the two end up togeather, but Shinn loseing the last of him humanity while Stellar regains hers, or someone or both of them die. I really wouldn't be surprised.
  2. next one last one
  3. Well I'm kind of bored right now so here's mine. This isn't even half of my collection here at my apartment, the rest is at my house back in Santa Barbara. I had to use the camara on my phone so if you can't tell what I've got there a: Blue Frame 2nd Red Frame Figure of Murrue Ramius M1 Astray customised Hyperion customised Gunbarrel Strike Aile Dagger Figure of Laguna Loire 1/144 Blue Frame Titans Gundam Mk II Masamune Shiro angel chick figure
  4. I want to know how Shinn and Stellar even meet to begin with?
  5. I almost laughed when I saw that. The AF guys got to fly the mightly new F/A-22, and what did the Navy guys get...? It's kind of funny if it was to show off new technology, I'm sure everyone was "whoa, it's that new air force plane" but I don't think non aviation freaks can spot the diffrence between a Legacy and Super Hornet.
  6. There IS a reason crack is illegal...
  7. What if the Macross was the size of a Nupetiet Vergenitz, or better yet, the size of that Fulbtzs Berrentzs? Or how about if the Macross's crew was still alive when it crashed?
  8. So I take it those in support of a live action wouldn't mind if they turned it into some brainless retarded-ass teen movie?
  9. Honestly it pisses me off more in DESTINY than SEED. I mean you remember when the Strike Dagger made it appearace? If it wasn't for that EMP thing ZAFT deployed they would have gotten their @sses handed to them on a platter complete with seconds and dessert. And if the whole Coordinators are better than Naturals thing is their excuse, then that's pretty stupid. At least they could say most of our hardend vets were on the negotiating end GENESIS or something. Does anyone have any info on Astray Destiny? What I want to know most, is George Glen (yes, the George Glen) still the captain of ReHOME?
  10. Don't get me wrong I'm not against expanding the franchise, I'm all for re-animating the original series. I just don't think live action is the way to go. I mean come on, do you really want to see Brad Pitt as Roy Focker? Or Vin Disel as Britai? Or how about Ashton Kutcher as Hikaru?
  11. It's probably just some cheap trick to make the main Alliance characters look even more bad ass. Like we're supposed to think "wow all these other Alliance guys are like flyes in a room with with sprinklers raining Raid down on them, but look Neo and his lackies are taking out ZAFT guys left and right."
  12. So when are Archangel and Minerva supposed to meet? I hear Archangel is heading for Scandinavia? Wonder if Lacus knows people there, it's where Siegel's from after all.
  13. It's never been a question of can it be done, it's a question of should it be done...
  14. This thread has de-railed...
  15. With all the trailers they keep releasing, we're going to end up seeing the whole movie in the trailers before they release it...
  16. Hmm, I actualy like that better than the finished work.
  17. Think Hikaru with Kamjin's temper...
  18. Hey is it just me or is that shade of purple on Neo's Windam the same shade of purple as Mwu's flight suit...?
  19. Hey what website is that, I've always liked the battleship designs they had?
  20. Well it's not that she's a really small person, it's something with her wrist. She's fired guns before with an ex and can handle recoil. So I'll check out the laws and the lease and if I can't get a revolver, I'll keep breaking in the spring in mind. The thing is I'd like to have the shotgun since a cop has told me that they've avoided confrontations just by raking the shotgun slide.
  21. Two questions I can't quite seem to find a good website covering this. But does anyone know the handgun laws in California? I'm moving into an apartment or condo next year with a friend and I told her I'm getting a gun for the place. She said she can work the slide on an automatic and could only use revolvers (hence the first question). Now the second question is if she can't work the slide on an auto, would she be strong enough to load rounds with a pump shotgun? Because there's no way I'd leave a gun laying around with a loaded chamber.
  22. If that's the case then I'm guessing it's some sort of colony assault MS.
  23. Looks better than basara's fire valkyrie if you ask me... I mean at least this girly mech is associated with a girl.
  24. Well it's gotten my curiosity simply because several things in the stroy got changed and I want to see how much of a diffrence it has with the game. For example Virgil was supposed to get killed on the Woglinde but instead he got off with Shion and Allen. Man the AGWS look like crap, I mean seriously i took me maybe five minutes to tell what units those were. It also pissed me off that they didn't use music from the game. I mean when KOS MOS busted in with those two triple gatlings I was dissappointed to no end that it wasn't her theme that was playing.
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