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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Uhh, define "serious"... People that play lots of 2D games like fighter and shooters and don't need a craptastic D-pad messing you up. The round shape makes it easier to pull off diagonal moves, and the Saturn is the best 2D system anyways, so it kind of goes hand in hand. I've been playing Street Fighter since it came out on the SNES, personaly I've always preffered the cross shaped D-pad over the Genesis style circular pad. I fact I always had the problem of inadvertly hitting a diagonal when I mean to hit one of the "main" directions. When I think craptastic d-pad I think those circular d-pads, and yes I can also play Street Fighter with the arcade stick.
  2. I know what you mean, I absolutly hate those kinds of D pads, it so easy to hit diagonal down right, when you want to hit right.
  3. Uhh, define "serious"...
  4. If that's the case then it could be that Gilbert cloned or used Raww's DNA to create Rey. I can see Neo being an amesiac Mwu, regaining his memories and taking out Rey out, kind of settling the Mwu vs Raww thing once and for all.
  5. This guy going to show up somewhere along the line or is he just a custom kit?
  6. When are we going to get to see Neo's face?
  7. I see nothing wrong with the first four points though the mode and select button have been fairly useless. Personaly I like the button lay out, with four face buttons all four buttons are decently sized and all underneath your thumb, the same goes for the four triggers. I absolutly hated the long pull on the Dreamcast and xbox. I also hated how the xbox had six face buttons, meanting two buttons wern't already under your thumb.
  8. Would you care to clarify what was "flawed and outdated" about the dual shock design? I've used just about every 1st party game controler and found them to be all garbage compared to Sony's design. Microsoft's are either too big or have the buttons in akward positions, it hurts to hold the Dreamcast controler after about an hour and the D pad has a habit of biting into your thumb, the Gamecube, is by far the worst, too damn small. Sony didn't need to redesign their controler, it was fine as is.
  9. Meh, one site goes down, it won't be long till another takes it's place. I bet the mpaa loves it when I rent movies for $5 or less, then rip them onto my hard drive.
  10. Well gee that thing cost around, what, $500?
  11. Well seeing it like that, it doesn't look all that bad. I still like Norris's more though.
  12. A Dagger with and X number...? Whatever... Is it just me or does the Wild Dagger remind anyone else of the GM III?
  13. Is Miriallia supposed to show up later on, she's listed in the official site under Orb?
  14. Exactly, Athrun's mom got nuked by the Alliance and Cagali's father died right in front of her, and they aren't acting like little biotches.
  15. Because they aren't of that class anymore. SDFs were mobile fortresses that also served as carriers. New-Macross class are fleet carriers and not mobile fortresses. Well what makes a Mobile Fortress then? What puts the Macross in that category and not the New Macross?
  16. Well I was thinking Buster and Calamity should have been given the 200 designation based on it purpose. They did take the 100 frame and optimize it for long range. I'm not saying I don't like Okawara, I mean Gundam X is by far one of my favorite designs same with Epyon, it's just in recent times his stuff has become quite stale. I mean Freedom is a re-make of Gundam XX, Justice is sort of a Frankenstein of diffrent SEED designs, Forbidden is fairly basic, Raider seems to be the bastard child of Wing and Airmaster.
  17. I can't help but think that drugs had something to do with these designs...
  18. How come the New-Macross classes don't have the SDF designation?
  19. Here's how the GAT-X numbering system works. It says all this on the official site. 100 series use a basic frame. (Strike, Duel and Buster use a fairly basic frames, though I think Buster and Calamity should have been given a 200 designation) 200 series use a specialized frame. (Blitz was optimised for stealth and Forbidden for close combat) 300 series use a transformable frame. Well these two look familiar. Does Okawara even try anymore of is just Bandai not letting him do anything new?
  20. Well MGS2 sort of left on a cliffhanger, Ocelot/Liquid is still running loose with the orginal Ray. I've heard people say that you can spot Vamp alive in the background of the ending somewhere. Solid and Emmerich are supposedly going to get Olga's son from the Patriots. So Kojima could just pick up right where he left off. Now we know that the Patriots were orginaly the U.S. branch of the Philosophers, perhaps a weakend Russian and/or Chinese branch could try to challenge the Patriots.
  21. Considering how powerful the UN Spacy was in the 40's the only way I could see Macross II fitting anywhere in the same universe is if the UN government as a whole just started to decay in the same way Gundam's Earth Federation did.
  22. Now that idea I like. Instead of trying to make an adaptation of any of the current stuff for a live action. Kawamori could just come up with something completly new, with just VFs, ships and storyline elements tieing them in with the rest of the continuity. I mean in Macross Plus the only thing we see from the TV series was a brief VF-1J camio, the UN emblem, and the SDF-1.
  23. I don't think the Alliance MS pilots being Naturals have anything to do with their poor performance. The Windam's OS should be compensating for all that. Like I mentioned before, the Strike Daggers can more than hold their own against GINNs. The Minerva's crew are all elite and the same can't be said for these Alliance guys.
  24. If I was Athrun the medics would have to surgecaly dislodge my foot from Shinn's @ss.
  25. If you're going to use that argument, Then why would Siegel, as the Supreme Chairman allow the deveoplement of mobile suits if his goal was peace. Gilbert proably knew any sort of peace with Blue Cosmos still hanging around Earth would be a false one, and since Australia is a ZAFT ally it might be a good idea to develop a new aquatic MS incase the Atlantic Federation decided to deal with Australia the same way it delt with South America.
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