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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Just like all the other Destiny Gundams, that big black is BUTT-@SS UGLY. Main body section looks like it was based off Gaia, shoulders look like Impulse's, legs kind of make me think of the GP02. And seriously, what the hell is up with that back pack. Looks like something you'd see on some weird looking Mega Man X boss. Why couldn't they get Junichi Akutsu to do the designs again. I can't wait to see the Strike Rouge just to see a Gundam that doesn't make my eyes hurt. Though I'll admit Savior isn't that bad. Acutaly, Savior and Calamity are just about the only Okawara SEED suits I like. Unless Neo or Rey is piloting that thing I doubt it'll have any kind of DRAGOON or Gunbarrel weapon system. Though on the other hand no here has been able to confirm if Morgan Chevalier is a Newtype or not. I would say this guy was spawed by the Alliance, specificaly the Atlantic Federation, if that Eurasian captain is anything to go by, I'll assume it's the Eurasian Federation behind the mobile armors. I guess they weren't satisfied with Hyperion. And that screen shot really got my hopes up d@mnit. I though we would see someone with a third Strike Gundam unit. I'll wait till I see a clearer line art before I start ripping on the "enchanced" Freedom.
  2. I'm more inclined to think the PS3 will be more like a PC, taller than it is wide. If I ever get off my lazy @ss, I'll throw some sketch togeather of what I think it'll look like.
  3. Exactly, I'm sure britney spears puts alot of emotion into some of her "songs", but I still think they're garbage.
  4. Looks like something Katoki would have done. I like it.
  5. I wonder how it would have gone if they only had the Protoculture equivalent of D12...
  6. Well not only that but look at his mobile armor, the shocked look on Ramius's face in the second opening and the fact they removed his helmet among the Strike wreakage in the Special Edition. Does anyone know the name of that song in epi 21 where Shinn and Stellar are in the cave?
  7. I'd say the most plausable mech would be the Stage 1 Shagohod. Then the Cheyane and Gundam Leopard, since they have those grind rollers on the feet and guns for arms. We could probably pull off some of the more simple mobile suits and mechs like the GMs, Leos, and labors.
  8. well acutaly, if it counts, you see it in the flash back opening of the Encore episodes.
  9. I've got a Gunbarrel Strike I'm going to put Neo's Windam colors on. Thing is, what colors should I use to get that shade of purple he uses? Ah dumbass me, I forgot to post a pic of that suit...
  10. If this is supposed to be based off Z Gundam, then I'm guessing there's going to be a third SEED where instead of Neo Zeon, the enemy is Logos. As far as Gilbert goes, I'm guessing he either: A: Wants to take over Logos B: Wants to take Logos' place C: Wants to destroy Logos If he's option C then it would make sence why he's restraining himself, the Alliance and Blue Cosmos isn't his real enemy and he's just biding his time until he can hit Logos. I'm guessing he new about Logos before he was elected Chairman. Right now I don't see him as evil but I see him more in the same light as Char. He kind of makes me think of Relena if she had a more militant ideal on how to acheve a lasting peace. I think Neo might be the one to get that mystery Gundam, and I'm still guessing he's really an amnesiac Mwu, who'll start getting his memories back when he runs into Archangel or the Freedom. I want to know what kind of role Scandanavia will play, they're hiding Archangel and it's where Siegel was from. The leadership there might know something, or maybe Lacus has a relative there who's some kind of big shot.
  11. Is it just me of has the whole anti-Coordinator anti-Natural thing among the regular troops seemed to have died down? I remember in the first SEED the only thing you seem to hear from either side is either "damn Naturals" or "damn Coordinators" and now in Destiny you hardly hear anyone saying that. Now with people on Earth trying to get out from under the Alliance's domination, the whole thing seems more like a poltitical fight than a genocidal one. If Gilbert is the bad guy, what is his motivation? Is he just another power hungry leader, or is he another Partick Zala/Hitler in disguise? And why is he restraining himself, wouldn't less of his people die if he just let loose with another GENESIS?
  12. Has anyone here ever found out what the CAT stands for in the Hyperion's designation?
  13. I'm kind of pissed they gave Andy a Murasame, they should have given him some new Orb prototype.
  14. Hopefully some kid who had a relative killed by Shinn shows up at the end and shoots Shinn dead. And as he's dying in a pool of his own blood he thinks I f*cked up and the last thing he sees is Athrun looking down at him saying I told you so...
  15. Whoa, that acutaly looks cool...
  16. That's Destiny?! That's supposed to be the big bad suit of the series?! I'm even more dissappointed than I was when I saw the Freedom. It's not that I hate it, it's just... I don't know... maybe it's the paint job... So when are we supposed to see that Gundam we see Freedom and Destiny flying towards in the opening?
  17. Meh, looks better than all the other Destiny suits I've seen so far, but that's not really saying a lot.
  18. If I can't afford a 1/48 what makes them think I'll buy one of those...
  19. Was he the first one to bite someone's ear off in the ring?
  20. Well there was a conversion kit for Calamity.
  21. That guy looks infinitly nicer than that craptacular Force Impulse...
  22. Hmm, I wonder if it's possilble to make a custom PS2 controler, with the right stick replaced by a small trackball.
  23. You want a cure for any disease? Go infect bill gates with it and I guaruntee we'll have a fesable cure within a week.
  24. As you said diffrent strokes for diffrent folks... No it's not... If I can still play Street Fighter for over and hour with it and not get pissed off at it, it's a good pad.
  25. [Ah-nold voice] Come with me if you want to live.[/Ah-nold voice] Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 75! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least your alive.
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