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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I haven't seen it yet, but maybe it was reaction to Neo's style, maybe he fights like Mwu. Neo wasn't fighting. Kira's reaction was much like Mu's reaction to Rau in the first couple of episodes, before they developed the Newtype pings. If that's evolution and not genetic tampering then Cagali should have the same ability.
  2. The device that springs to mind that hurt my fingers would be would be the arcade stick. I hate having to arch my fingers in some claw-like manner to hit the buttons.
  3. I haven't seen it yet, but maybe it was reaction to Neo's style, maybe he fights like Mwu.
  4. Who plays fighters with a pad anyways? Suck it up and drop a couple bucks on a joystick. Heck, SC2 generated an XCube 2 stick with SC2 artwork on it. Oh I can name a genrous number of people who do play with a pad buddy. A whole generous number who've been playing a pad since Street Fighter II. If my opinion irks you so much, then why don't you drop a couple bucks on a joystick and buy one for me, you just might change it to an opinion you like. Personaly I can play with both, but I'd much rather use a controler, hurts my fingers less, meaning I can play longer.
  5. I say SC2 was best on the PS2 because of the controler. What good is a pretty fighting game if the controler is sh!t? The Xbox was a pain in the ass and the Gamecube wa just horrendous. Wonder if Siegfried is going to be back, Nightmare's SC2 ending had him find the Soul Calibur and become Siegfried again.
  6. Never though of an overloading sheild as a WMD, more like some kind of improv weapon MacGuyver would come up with. I don't think it's because of people like Kaifun that the UN restricts it's nuke use, but mainly that what ever Zentraedi they run into they'll try to convert or if it's humans they can deal with them with converntional weapons. I never sugested the shotgun as a primary weapon, hence I called it a defensive weapon mounted on the arm. Something to counter missile swarms. As I also said eariler it's not like some 12 ga, it would be a large mech sized gun, so you could load the shells with bomblets or grenades as opposed to just buckshot. Think of it as a cross between a shotgun and grenade launcher. So yes a mech shotgun I'm thinking of would take out armor quite nicely with it's hail of explosives. When Roy took out those missiles in Zero he had to switch to battroid. Since those missiles were fairly close he could have taken them all out with a couple well placed blasts as opposed to targeting each one individualy. If we're going to try to put ourselfs into the Macross Univers as oppose to watching it like we do now. I doubt our typical VF-11 pilot could weave though missiles like the 21 and 19 can. Hell Isamu just barely made it though in his 11. If Mr. Cannon Fodder has enough space between a swarm of missiles and those swarms are close togeather he could same himself with a few well placed blasts. Of course there's the Full Armor who doesn't have the luxury of transforming. If he's not some ace then all he can do is just let the missiles hit him. That giant gunpod the 11 has is a bit unweildly, and it only has one head laser as opposed to two or four, so it might not fire fast enough it hit all of them.
  7. I'm guessing Luna gets the Impulse while Rey would get something like the Drednaught instead of Providence. I'm also guessing Neo will get a kind of upgraded Gunbarrel for his Windam. Maybe his Exas will get modified to dock with his Windam. I actualy wouldn't mind that Destiny kit, definatly getting a new paint job though.
  8. Someone mentioned that having the full barrier overload would be a disadvantage. It could actualy be an advantage if you're outnumbered. Just engage the barrier, fly out into the middle of an enemy formation and ram things or let them hit you to the point the barrier overloads and starts expanding. Someone also asked what good an arm mounted shotgun would be in fighter mode. It would be about as useful as the Sturmvogel's arm guns are in fighter mode. I'm thinking it's spread would make it a useful defensive weapon against incomming missiles though. Since it doesn't fire all that fast overheating wouldn't be a concern. Also since this shotgun would be mech sized, instead of using buckshot, it could be loaded with bomblets giving it a spread and blast radius
  9. Dude, Pacman...
  10. I am so getting that. Soul Calibur 3 on PS2, Namco loves me, well as long as Siegfried/Nightmare, or someone just like him is in SC3.
  11. What about some sort of arm mounted anti-micromissile shotgun as a secondary weapon.
  12. Is it possible to create some kind of security software, that when it detects a hacking attempt, it sends a virus or some nasty as f*ck worm cluster to the intruding computer?
  13. Thanks for all the input, I was ablt to get something close to this color by mixing: metalic red insignia red purple dark blue Unfortunatly I was in such a hurry I forgot my Gunbarrel Strike back in SF, so I ended up painting up an Alex in Neo's colors, I'll post it when the paint dries.
  14. Nah, middle finger isn't lined up correctly. Not that I'd know or anything...
  15. OK that thing has just got to be the lamest Destiny Gundam. I thought the Impulse was pretty lame looking but man, this steaming pile of excrement surpasses even Impulse and those fake Zakus in lameness. That last dump I took had more substance than this POS. I mean seriously, I can honestly say, I can do better than this thing...
  16. GFAS-X1 Hmm... I wonder who spearheaded development for this guy. The Atlantic uses GAT-X as it's MS designations. The Eurasians us CAT-X and Orb uses MBF.
  17. So then, would you care to share with us the details of your interview with Kawamori where he explained in great detail what the meaning and the main points of the Macross story are? Oh that's right, you never have sat down with him for such as disscussion, so how can you say your points are infallable? I've backed up my rebuttals that your arguments hold only your own interpreteations and opinions, because you do not know what is going on in Kawamori's head. If you don't know what is going on in the creator's mind, then all you can do is make assumptions based on what ever interpretations you get from his work of art. Those interpretations are opinions. Think of Macross as a work of abstract art, the only really "correct" view is that of the person who created it. Yeah, buddy I've watched the show, more times that I can count. Point out the part where your points are validated and proven as an undebatable fact, then I'll shut up. I swear, you're like some Macross 7 version of those people who think the Force is real. I would pay money to see you try to use some kind of spirita attack on some gangsta thugs in the process of jumping someone.
  18. Too bad that's the only thing pretty about it...
  19. Here let me give you some advice when it comes to argueing keith. I'm on my way to becomming law student and had a defense attoney role back in my high school's mock trial team so I think I know a little about arguing. Opinions do not equal facts. You can have all the convicion in the world and be willing to go to Hell and back for it, but not matter what, unless you produce evidence it will remain an opinion. When making an arguement the burden of proof is on you. In this case, you've failed to prove how it's not the listener but the singer that makes a song what it is. You're argueing that with a song, it is not in the eye (ear) of the beholder, but how much emotion a singer puts into it that makes it what it is. You've so far failed to prove that. When you use a statement like "there is no need to debate" you better make d@mn sure that you're argument is airtight because if it's not it just makes you look, well stupid. You're argument is not air tight, moving on... Finnaly above all UNLESS KAWAMORI HAS SAT DOWN WITH YOU AND EXPLAINED HIS GRAND VISION TO YOU, YOU ONLY HAVE OPINION AND INTERPRETATIONS TO GO BY. YOURS ARE NO BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE'S. NOT EVERYONE WILL ACCEPT MACROSS THE SAME WAY YOU WILL, THAT IS FACT. LEARN TO ACCEPT IT. And finnaly. STOP ACTING SO SELF RIGHTIOUS. IT'S A D@MN TV SHOW, A CARTOON, FOR F*$%'S SAKE. YOU'RE TAKING IT WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.
  20. Or if you're going to compare the SV-51 to the VF-22S, look at how Guld dodged those missiles. You know what, someone needs to drag David Hintegen into this thread...
  21. I had some intirior line art, but I can't seem to find it anymore. Anyway, don't go by what you see on the MPC, the Yamatos are more accurate.
  22. I bet a Low-Viz 1/48 that he'd say the same thing about Macross 7's songs.
  23. Well the F-4 was designed in what, the 60's and the YF-23 around the mid 90's? About a 30 year gap. The SV-51 was designed in the early 2000's and the YF-19 around 2040. The time gap between the existance of those sets of planes is similar. Point is you can upgrade the crap out of an older plane, but it's not takeing on a plane desgined 30 or 40 years later on even terms.
  24. Oh yeah, everyone else's opinion is wrong because you say so, and you are the ultimate authority on Macross right? Granted Kawamori never sat down with any of us and explained his grand vision to us. As far as "feeling the conviction" or what ever in a Beatles song. No I didn't feel jack sh!t, hell half of thier songs put me to sleep in the car. And jsut about the only time I listen to Jimi Hendrix is when I'm smoking weed. Get off you're high horse already, I'm sure I'm not the only sick of it already. Alright I'll shut-up now before I get yelled at by the mods.
  25. No, you can upgrade an F-4 Phantom all you want but that thing ain't going to be taking on a YF-23 on equal terms.
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