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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Brave New World, exactly what I was thinking when we found out what the Destiny Plan was. Uzumi didn't really have anything to do with his creation. I don't remember how but Kira and Cagalli ended up in Uzumi's hands after Blue Cosmos killed their parents.
  2. The only suits like really liked in Destiny, were the Akatsuki, Murasame, and the Windam. So, so far, Bandai isn't getting any money from me on this. Though I might end up getting an Exass kit.
  3. You're telling me Norris and Gato wouldn't give Amuro a hard time?
  4. It's a real shame Enil never got a Gundam.
  5. I'm still skepitcal, and for good reason, we've yet to have a good video game based movie. Though I right now I see this as nothing more than watch Master Chief run around and blow stuff up. Sure it has a decent story for an FPS, but it's no Metal Gear Solid, or Final Fantasy. Personaly if I had to see a FPS based movie, I'd rather see a Killzone movie. Oh by the way, I consider myself a Halo fan...
  6. I still say guys like Shiro and Kou were the best Gundam pilots. They didn't need Newtype abilites to get the job done.
  7. Bottom line, people should have gotten fired over Destiny, first on the To Fire list should be the writer.
  8. Well it depends on who the get writing it. I've got two of the Astray mangas and few of the SEED characters make cameos, but they're gone by the next page. One was just Cagali showing up, yelling a people, then leaving.
  9. There is no way anyone can say Akatsuki is an original design, it's essetialy a gold plated Strike with Nu Gundam's weapons, and this is comming from someone who considers it one of their favorite MS. If there's someone he owes an apology to it's Junichi Akutsu. The only problem I have with the Mwu thing is that they basicaly brought him back for nothing. If they didn't waste so much time in the middle and try to shoe-horn in everything at the end, they could have changed his charater a bit and have him regain his memories half way though and spend the rest of the series doing the whole feeling guilty/trying to atone thing. Losing a couple limbs like Andy did, would have been nice too. They should have had him take out Rey, in some, I'm-ending-this-cursed-bloodline thing. I would have made more sence to have something going on between those two instead of that one fight in the first episode. As for a sequel, taking place 50 years down the line, would be the best. It'll force the writers to use whatever new characters they come up with.
  10. The Astray manga is leaps and bounds better than Destiny and I'd say better than SEED too. I wouldn't mind seeing a Cosmic Era equivalant to 08th MS Team. Is the Earth Federation still around in Gaia Gear?
  11. I rather deal with Destiny's cast than that full of himself jackass.
  12. I'd actualy like to see something back in the After Colony time line. Something several centuries after Endless Waltz where a war is about to break out between Earth and Mars. Or Martian space colonies are fighting against Mars and trying to convince Earth to help them. Though I suppose this could also work in the Cosmic Era, since Lowe said there were people already on Mars.
  13. Crappy ending for a crappy series. There are so many things I can piss and moan about, but I just don't have the enery or patience to really go off on this. Though I would look forward to a third SEED if it meant Fukuda's wife and Okawara were told to f*ck off. Destiny is a perfect example of how to run a potentialy great series into the ground.
  14. Oh excuse me Otaku Grand Master. I apologise for haveing more things to devote my time to than the anime world. Fact of the matter it, it still looks like White Base and in my opinion those uniforms still looks like spandex versions of Earth Alliance uniforms. I'm only saying it looks like they took it from the front of the White Base and the grey color and red and yellow on the shoulders of the uniforms look like Alliance uniforms.
  15. I wish there were some suits based on Tallgeese, but they're all mostly lame versions of the original UC suits. The closest thing is a CGUE DEEP ARMS kit I have that I put a spare Tallgeese II head on. Though the Akasuki is more like a gold plated Strike Gundam instead of being based on the Hyaku Shiki.
  16. You mean this design here, from which that drop ship is partially based, right? Oh, you mean the Colonel Wolfe flashback uniform we see from Eulogy 332852[/snapback] Well if their intention was to base it off of the Ikazuchi-class, they ended up making the bow look like they took it from White Base. The image is too gritty to see any detail in Wolf's unifom. Either way the coloring and shoulder patches make it look like Alliance uniforms.
  17. The front of that ship looks like they ripped it off from the White Base. Those grey uniforms in the comic scans look like spandex versions of the Earth Alliance uniforms. I'd comment on the whole RT vs Macross 7 thing, but let's not send this thread to the trash.
  18. Screw Freedom and Destiny, I'm waiting on at least a 1/144 HG (though prefably a 1/100 HG or MG) Akatsuki. Get off your asses and get to it Bandai.
  19. It just so happens that what the 'other side' is saying IS complete and utter nonsense! 332376[/snapback] They kind of hint at it, but they need to just flat out say it. "We reject the Destiny Plan because it eliminates free will, and will give rise to a totalitarian state." Though if fighting to preserve free will is complete and utter nonsense...
  20. So far I'm kind of dissapointed at how the last fight is turning out. I find it hard to believe, EVERY Alliance fleet has been wiped out. They should have had a few remaining fleets move in to support Archangel. It's what, about 30-50 ships total against over a 100 ZAFT ships? Granted they're mostly powerful Izumo-classes but still. I wanted to see a huge free for all with ZAFT against everyone else. I think the problem with the overpowered suits was that Freedom and Justice were too powerful to begin with. At least the Alliance Gundams had a limited power source. We can pretty much all agree the uber Gundam isn't Strike Freedom or Destiny but Akatsuki. What the hell was up with taking a positron cannon shot without even getting the paint job scorched. All that's left is for it to block a GENESIS shot.
  21. Of all the pilots I've always liked Mwu the most, even as Neo he's more bad-ass than all the others, with Andy second. Shinn, Kira and Cagali all whine too much, and for most of the series Athrun was more confused than an MTV teeny-bopper trying to learn politics. It's a real shame Rey had to interfear before Neo took Impulse apart with the Exass.
  22. I also want to see Minerva get blasted and Archangel and Eternal busted beyond repair.
  23. Get Smart, that was a great show.
  24. Or the un-named Murasame trio who are somehow still alive. There's a great way to come up with some characters, just keep recycling their combat footage.
  25. Aww, I wanted Athrun to be the one to drop Shinn.
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