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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Just got done watching episode 24, what the hell was that place Shinn and Rey found, was it where the Alliance made their "organic CPUs" in the last war? Why was Rey totaly freaking out.
  2. Who didn't see that one comming, pics?
  3. Never said it was hentai, but it's still disturbing enough.
  4. After seeing some of the most disturbing, disgusting and just plain wrong hentai and porno, I thought I had just about seen everything. I take one look at this and I know, I know I have not seen everything...
  5. Is it just me, or does Scott look like a really messed up version of Gamlin, wearing a Lara Croft-tight version of Gamlin's uniform? So what is the actual storyline behind this?
  6. So if he macronized himself, would he be the size of Britai?
  7. Only now you're asking what intoxicants Kawamori is on? I've been asking that question after I saw about three episodes of Macross 7. AS far as the mech designs go. I like them, you want to see crap go look at a Gundam SEED DESTINY. The designs in this one kick the crap out of anything Okawara has done as of recent times.
  8. What if... ...someone cared?
  9. New Justice... Meh, so what, we get a new version of a suit that was butt-ugly to begin with. I wonder what designs Okawara is cannibalizing to make this one...
  10. Well Kira did think Cagali was a guy for a little while, so I guess Rey being a chick isn't that out there. Not like a chick posing as a guy is a new thing anyway. Maybe Rey is really Gilbert's daughter or niece. Kira doesn't trust Gilbert so I don't think he'd let ZAFT itself touch Freedom. I'm guessing Lacus calls up some of the former Clyne Faction people who are still hanging around and get this thing overhauled. I'm guessing Erica Simmons shows up again, maybe on Kusanagi with Kisaka and plans the overhauls. Either that or it's a second Freedom unit, maybe built from spares on the Eternal, where ever the hell that ship ended up at. How much is that EX Exass going for? $40? And please tell me I can get from someplace besides HLJ where I have to wait like 2 month for my crap to get in.
  11. I know that, but it doesn't mean it won't piss me off now and then depending on what it is.
  12. I have a question... Why is this concept so hard for people to grasp? It's not that I can't grasp it, it's just that I don't care as long as I can get products I want. Immersion got jacked, so what? Sony has to pay money, so what? It Sony can't sell their products then that affects me. I don't give a flying f*ck about Immerision or their patent nor do I care that Sony has to pay them all kinds of money, all I care about is being able to get a hold of a product (unaltered) now and for the forseeable future. If I'm sounding selfish, I am no more selfish then the companies who want my money.
  13. Hmm, in terms of story Macross 7 definatly beats out Macross II, but that's not really saying a lot now is it? As far as characters well II has a blue haired hottie in a skimpy outfit, revelaing, while 7 has some annoying self-rightious jack-ass that I'd like to punch out. So I'll give that one to II. Mechanics, well I like the designs of both of them except for those butt-ass ugly sound force VFs (well Mylene's wasn't that bad).
  14. Aside from mangas I'm not really into comic books but this movie looks like it could be pretty cool, I will actualy go to a theater to see this. And belive me that's saying a lot.
  15. You know, I looked at your quote and before I clicked it, I thought it was about Serenety the porno star...
  16. Do I really think I won't be albe to buy another PS2 controler? Of course not. Would I be able to buy another dual shock 2? Well that remains to be seen. It's not just controlers, and what's happening now, but how can this affect what will happen a little later down the road. On the list of stuff Sony can't sell, are also "over 40" games, of unknown titles. This whole mess could affect which of those games could be sold here. That is what I'm most angry about. If you want to read something ridiculous go read those posts earlier in this thread about who has the best controler and why everyone else's sucks. Can't believe I let my self get sucked into something as trivial as a controler fight...
  17. I'm not going to get into another, "who has the best controler" debate with you. I'm completly satisfied with the PS2 controler, it's the only controler that's yet to piss me off. Yes your cherished second rate piece of junk Saturn controler has succeded in pissing me off at one point or another. I really don't care if Sony has to pay them all kinds of money, what I do care about is being able to get ahold of their products, that's what pissing me off. I don't want to have to import another controler if one of mine breaks. Why the hell should their little eight year delayed hissy fit affect me and other consumers?
  18. I don't give a crap about them. As a consumer there's a chance I just might get screwed here, that's what I care about. Beside why wait till now to piss and moan about it, if they really cared about their patent they would have brought this up around eight years about when they first made the dual shock 1. It's not like that thing was some under the radar thing. This kind of crap is similar to the crap HG is pulling.
  19. OK enough of the teenage girls already. Who's got some of Capt. Ramius?
  20. Well somebody has no life...
  21. I actualy like the overall shape of that controler, though I hate the Dreamcast style triggers and the button placement leave something to be desired.
  22. So what the hell does this mean of all of us, if our PS2 controlers break we have to import one? I can just imagine how many pissed off gamers there are going to be if some of those "over 40 game software products" happen to be Devil May Cry 3 or some other highly anticipated game. If someone's putting a lynch mob together to go after Immersion, I've got some free time so count me in. Either way, you know Sony's going to appeal this.
  23. We agree that it may be an asset, as in it doesn't hurt to have another ally. But, it's a different track you take depending on whether you get them through diplomacy (getting their assets without losing your own) or getting them through warfare. The objectives are different: If you want to have the asset by force, you plan the battle in a way to preserve the asset. It incurs losses on your assault force because you have to physically take and hold an objective. If you want to take it out, you can stand off bombard without encroachment and having to fight through all the defenses. i.e. reduce losses. If you want to put it in context. They could use nukes. That will wipe out Orb without any losses at all on the part of their conventional military. It's fundamentally contradictory objectives due to the potential losses in troops. What this means is you have to carefully quantify and analyze the risk vs reward options for launching a full scale invasion. The middle ground doesn't exist. You can't say, well, we'll try to take it by force, but if it doesn't work, then we'll blow it up. Because at that point, you would've already lost troops trying to take it. What you propose would be militarily wasteful and insane especially when you have the option of blowing it up without losing any conventional forces in the first place. And the kicker here is, you have no idea how much troops EA would lose in an assault during the GSD time frame. At this point, you would consider EA and ZAFT to be equal. If it turns out you lose an unacceptable amount of conventional forces, then you suddenly put yourself vs your main enemy. Where did I say it would be the Alliance blowing up Orb? It would be Orb blowing their stuff up again to keep it out of Alliance hands. The Alliance would like to take Orb intact. If anyone is doing any blowing up, it's Orb, and if anyone is getting blown up, it's Orb again. Let me try this again. OMNI Objective: 1. Secure Onogrono Island and capture the Morgenrotor facilities or keep them from ZAFT's hands. 2. Neutralize Orb as a potential enemy. Senario One Orb accepts Alliance's "offer" and joins. Objective one and two completed. Senario Two Orb refuses, Alliance invades, Orb fails to defend and destroy facilites. Objective one and two completed. Senario Three Orb refuses and fails to defend facilites, destroys facilites to keep them from Alliance hands. Objective one and two completed. Risk, minor to moderate losses. We can all agree that Orb isn't holding off a full scale Alliance invasion, otherwise why are they scared of the Alliance and agree to side with them? They all know and even said, they won't be able to beat back the Alliance. Hell you even said yourself Orb proably has a small military, any losses by the Alliance would be a drop in the bucket for them. Gain, Orb's research data, or deny ZAFT a potent ally. That's all I have left to say, an other posts on this topic and I'll just be repeating myself. If you want to continue this debate then just re-read my previous posts, because I'll just be saying the same thing anyway.
  24. The former implies you need the resources at Orb Not nessesarily. The Alliance doesn't need Orb, but it would be an excellent asset, and having it could certainly make life easier. The Alliance doesn't need Orb's resources it wants Orb's resource. And if they can't get it then taking it out would make life easier as well by eliminating a potential threat and denying that resource to the enemy. They do not contradict and yes you can have both ways. See going after Orb is a win win situation for the Alliance. Orb joins the Alliance, Alliance wins. Orb refuses and gets crushed again, Alliance wins.
  25. Is this a big company? If not why doesn't Sony just pull a microsoft and buy the company?
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