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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Of course above all there is one thing we all need to remember. The year is 2005 CE (Common Era, not Cosmic Era). What ever technology we see in Gundam obviously far surpasses anything we have today (Luna-Titanium, Neo-Titanium, Phase-Shift, beam weapons, etc), so of course a modern day mech wouldn't be too useful in combat. Same with Macross, we don't have an SDF-1 to reverse engineer.
  2. Why does this come to mind... HA DO KEN
  3. Looks like the Eurasians built the Destroy. Well I guess that explains why it's so huge, given that they like big mobile armors. That unit should prove to be pretty nasty if it used both Atlantic and Eurasian technology (not like it isn't nasty enough as it is with 3x scylla cannons).
  4. Hmm, not too bad. Hell I kind of like it. Thats is how Justice should have looked to begin with. At least the legs aren't taken right off from the CGUE, and head from the Aegis like with the first Justice. You want to talk about how low Okawara can go, I think the first Justice was somewhere near rock bottom. Just about everything from that suit was jacked from another. Anyone see this mean looking unit before? MAHQ says Mr. N Dagger N equipped with a Mirage Colloid and nuclear engine. Personaly I think this is the best looking MS in Destiny (aside from the Strike Rouge and Out Frame), too bad it's an MSV, so we'll never see it in the series.
  5. If that happens I wonder what Neo will get later one, I'm pretty sure that would outclass his Exass. I'm guessing he would get either a new mobile armor, or a really souped up Windam with somekind of gunbarrel pack.
  6. Well that being the case, those two units have the same face then. Then again, the pic of Providence II doesn't have much detail on the face...
  7. So what does Athrun get? Four pilots, three units...
  8. Looking at that thing's head I think that's the case. It looks like a that head we saw a close-up of that everyone said was the new Justice. It's not butt-ass ugly enough to be a Providence...
  9. Eh? The next xbox is comming out in 2005?
  10. Cool Those two chicks working for Maxwell and Father Andersen going to be in it too?
  11. Well Eternal's showing up again, I guess it's only a matter of time before Kusanagi shows up with Kisaka as the captain. Where are these scenes from?
  12. That and their faces are shaped a little diffrently. Meer looks like she has more of a babyface than Lacus.
  13. A new Providence, a new Justice, why are they reviving butt-ass ugly suits. I wonder if DaCosta is the Eternal's acting captain.
  14. I got the feeling Ramius was just being sarcastic.
  15. How come they never wear thongs?
  16. Nah, it's not a mistake, the VF-0 is equipped with a Vector Trap.
  17. You can't beat Mr. Bigelsworth, people die just because he's unhappy.
  18. I'm kind of disappointed we haven't seen any really powerful mobile armors yet, the kind that would take a METEOR to take out like a Nieu Ziel.
  19. The fact Gilbert is holding back definalty proves he's not a psycho the way Patrick was. Gilbert has a buissnessman like feel to him. I'm convinced his main target is Logos, whether or not he wants to get rid of them for the sake of peace or eliminate the competition remains to be seen.
  20. I'm surprised someone hasn't gone off on Athrun about his recless use of Gundams. "Stop screwing around, those Gundams are expensive equipment!"
  21. I know someone who would love that. Is it only at Fry's?
  22. Please do not insult Armored Core like that. Graham You're telling me that green one doesn't look like it's made from Zio Matrix parts?
  23. The look like something out of Armored Core...
  24. Whoa I didn't notice those scars till the pic was blown-up. Neo has got to be Mwu, but is he brainwashed or just amnesiac? Strangely enough I'm acutaly starting to like the Destiny. Still not impressed but it's starting to grow on me. Is the upgraded Freedom the original unit or is it an enchanced version based on the Freedom like how the Gundam XX was based on Jamil's Gundam X and not built from the original unit (the New Federation only took Jamil's recorded brainwaves from the computer).
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