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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Either way, I'd preffer not to see a monopoly on the gaming market. Especialy not by Microsoft.
  2. This is the standard Leo with the backpack for space use.
  3. Not so much boreing, just the class room it's in (if you could call it that, it's more like a f*cking utility closet, thanks for the budget cuts Ah-nold) has zero ventilation, it's constantly hot and stale, that you just get drowsy in there no matter what. This room is one of the reasons I stay out of AgentOne's Ah-nold thread. There no way I'd be able to keep from making it into a political thread and keep myself from bashing Ah-nold.
  4. No that isn't the kind I"m talking about. The site my friend metioned would send the ringtone to your phone, you don't need to punch it in.
  5. Uh, it has Row-boat-teck...
  6. Before we start applying real world physics to a piece of fantasy, lets remember this is the same series someone used a ground combat unit for air combat. IT didn't make sence since episode 1 so why should it make sence now?
  7. Damn I did not know Wikipedia had this much crap on Gundam SEED they have a lot of info on everything I never thought I'd find the backgrounds on Prayer and Canard here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coordinator
  8. I've got this class in a stuffy as hell room that's always hot. Meaning it's hard to stay awake in there, so in an attempt to stay awake, I drew this guy up. Background: Developed towards the end of the Eve Wars (last week of November), the Leo Custom was an improved version of the Leo. With it's large veniers, and Neo Titanium armor the perfomance of the Leo Custom was compareable to the Tallgeese and can even hold it's own against a Gundam. However unlike the Tallgeese, the Leo Custom isn't as harsh on the pilot. The Leo Custom was equipped with a Dober Gun/105mm machine gun combo on the right shoulder and a large shield with a retractable style heat rod similar to the one that would be seen on the Tallgeese III, on the left shoulder. The Leo Custom also carried the usual two beam sabers storeed in an internal rack on the shield. At the time of the final battle between the World Nation and the White Fang there were only 20 Leo Custom units available for evaluation. These 20 units racked up and impressive kill score against the Mobile Dolls of the White Fang. At the end of the battle all 20 units emergered relatively intact. Following the war all 20 units fell under the care of the Preventers. During the Barton Foundation's attempted coup, the 20 Leo Custom units were engaged with the Taurus Mobile Dolls of the Foundation in orbit to prevent them from joining with the Serpent units already in Brussels. Following the attempted coup, the Leo Customs were locked away by the Preventers. Unlike the other mobile suits the Preventers kept the Leo Customs around, just in case...
  9. I like the Zone of the Enders styling. The look like they could be a next gen LEVs.
  10. All I'll say is that you people bitching that Shinn never uses the Launcher pack (or whatever it's called) will be very happy.
  11. A friend of mine told me about this site where you can take a midi turn it to a ring tone then have it sent to your phone. Does anyone know the name of this site?
  12. That's pretty much what I plan to do, let them get all bugs out first. Though I've pretty much decided I'll get the PS3. Nothing is really making me want an Nintendo system, and I don't have the money to buy a console just for one game. As much as I like Halo I'm not paying $300 just to play one game, Halo is good but not that good. I'm damn near 100% satisfied with my PS2 so there isn't much reason for me to look at the others, though I might get an old xbox if I run into one hella cheap just for Halo.
  13. I have XP, you know what happend to me a month after I got it? The damned thing got infected with that blaster worm, and it disabled my internet explorer meaning I couldn't download what I needed to fix it. Sure it's stable but it's got security flaws up the ass.
  14. Since we do see that scene in Rey's flash back in some Mendel looking place, and Gilbert does have a background in genetics. I wonder if he was a scientist there or has anything to do with that place. Anyone else find it interesting that Raww wasn't wearing his mask in that scene? Wonder of Raww started wearing that thing when Mwu made a name for himself, or if Gilbert was the only person he let see his face.
  15. Gee thanks a lot buddy... Ah well I was going to find out eventualy anyway...
  16. Only seen the second movie so I can't say too much about the Major aside from she's hot. But Batou is definatly someone I wouldn't mind to have assigned to watch my back. What's the name of his dog?
  17. Windows ME has forever left a foul taste in my mouth for all things microsoft (the damned thing was guarunteed to crash everytime I used my computer, I am not even exaggerting, go ask Dat Pinche Haro if you want someone to validate that statement). The fact they even released that sorry piece of crap OS is proof they're no better than any other corporation, and has left me convinced they are not a company that is really caring and trying. Microsoft is the only company I have a product from that has a 99% chance of malfunctioning when used. Then there was that unpleasent bussiness with some little things called the Blaster worm, when I "upgraded" to XP. I will admit I like Halo, and I have pulled near all nighters on co-op mode with my brother.
  18. You have to pay an additional $100 to get backwards compatibility? That's one of the most lame things I've heard so far regarding these next gen consoles.
  19. Is it going to be the size of a VCR?
  20. Looks like a cross between an F-15ACTIVE and an F/A-22.
  21. I am going to laugh my ass off so bad if Justice is the only Gundam to come out of this war in one piece.
  22. So how will the next xbox compare with the PS3?
  23. Whoa, are they making a Windam kit, or is that a custom?
  24. Exactly, we don't have the technology to create practical useage mechs. So essays like this are about as useful as essays on helicopters before the internal combustion engine was developed. Interesting concept but no way we're pulling it off right now. Not to say it's a bad essay, I just don't see the point in writing it. It's pretty much just a hella long way of saying what everyone already knows anyway. We don't have the level of technology to implement this idea on a practical basis. There no way to tell if sometime in the future when we're more technologicaly advanced, we can develop mechs that can dance around tanks the way the TAs in Gasaraki did.
  25. from this pic,, Knight justice looks like a Windam Now that you mention it, it does look like Neo's Windam in that pic.
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