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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. So in that picture of Ariga holding a kid, is that kid Mwu or Raww?
  2. I would assume he did, since he had a supirority complex towards everyone.
  3. It was medication to slow down the growth acceleration that Le Creuset was put through. Accroding to what's been said, he was altered with growth acceleration to catch up to Mu's age. In later years, they would try to stop this but failed and the side effect was sharp intense pain developed (kinda like he was having a heart attack) which he would have to take medication for. My guess is that stuff acted like a relaxer/blood pressure medication/fentanyl (this is a powerful pain killer), stuff to keep him from Apparently, Dullindal was the one who supplied Rau with the drugs. So what is he then, a Natural or Coordinator? I always though those pills were a pill form of Gamma Glephitin.
  4. Man they got some rabid-ass fan boys over there...
  5. Yeah really, she definatly doesn't seem like she did in the first series. What the hell happend to the Cagali who chopped that ZAFT land battleship in half with a Sword SkyGrasper? They may as well give that Strike Gundam to Andy when he get's back, she's definatly not using it. Now that Talia has designated Archangel and enemy I want to see them fight (she's lucky Natarle isn't around). A three way fight between Archangel, Girty Lue, and Minverva would be something to see.
  6. Wonder how many times he's going to say b!tch and motherf*cker in this movie...
  7. Yeah, you'd figure Athrun would be just as pissed as Kira if not more so, I mean isn't Cagali supposed to be his fiancee?! If I was Athrun I would have promptly sliced off Impulse's arms and legs. I wonder if the next time we see Archangel it's hangar is going to be packed with Murasame units. Is it just me or does episode 28 seem reminicent of Sea of Chaos in Ace Combat 5? Archangel = Kestrel Osean Fleet = Minerva Yuketobanian Fleet = Earth Alliance/Orb Archangel is trying to end the fighting between the two. Todaka tells his executive officer to take what ever Orb troops are willing to go to the Archangel. A little like how that Yuke captain told people who ever agreed with him, follow him to the Kestrel Minerva's been whipping the Alliance's ass for awhile like how the Oseans have been repeatedly defeateing the Yukes.
  8. No add ons from Robocop III?
  9. Or Ace Combat with a Mobius Zero or Exass. Knowing the AC's team's hobby of putting in easter eggs it'll be kind of neat if they snuck in a Zaku II or Ground Gundam somewhere.
  10. The Alliance isn't the solidified political entity the Earth Federation was, it's more like NATO. As far as I know the only problem the Atlantic Federation is having aside from ZAFT is with the United States of South America. They started revolting at the same time as the Battle of Yakin Due was going on. The Earth Alliance controls just about every continent on Earth aside from Australia and parts of Africa, and now that they have mobile suits what's really stopping them from running ZAFT off Earth? The only explanation I can think of is both the Atlantic and Eurasians have to divde their attention between ZAFT and domestic unrest.
  11. If they all went through the same training and same indoctrination. You're stating that Orb is acting like WWII era Japanese soldiers, you ought to know the answer to that question already.
  12. I tend to think honor would go out the window in favor of life. Well you said it yourself, Orb's soldiers right now are in a similar mindset as Japanese troops were in WWII. With that kind of mindset, there is no life without honor. If they are following a bushido style code of honor, honor goes above all, even life.
  13. Yeah that guy needs some serious councelling and anger management.
  14. Infinite Justice?! They're ripping off the U.S. government too? Infinite Justice was the original name for Enduring Freedom, they dropped the name on political grounds. Strike Freedom, bad name, too misleading. Makes it sound like a combination of Strike and Freedom, like a Freedom that can use Striker packs.
  15. Rey and Gilbert are standing side by side, Gilbert in a black robe with a hood over his head and Rey in a black pilot's suit with tinted visor. Rey holds his hand out to Shinn and says "Come with me to the Dark Side." Actualy, if Shinn had to kill Stellar that would make him even more psycho (well it would in real life anyway). I don't think offing someone she swore to protect would give him any sort of stability.
  16. That would be nice to see. He needs to be the kind of shituation where he sees what's Athrun's been trying to warn him about, him creating more Shinns. Have him walk around a town in civilian clothes and wander by a cemetary and find a kid crying at a grave. He asks the kid what's wrong and the kid says Impulse killed his brother and father and have the kid curse ZAFT and Impulse and vow to join the Alliance and destroy Impulse. Then have the kid's mom show up in an Alliance uniform and try to tell the kid not to hate ZAFT and Impulse like that. Then a little dialogue between Shinn and the mother where he asks her why she's fighting.
  17. I don't know about you guys, but I've gotten used to the idea of nothing but crap comming out of Hollywood... Kind of like how I've gotten used to the idea of nothing but crap comming from Okawara these days...
  18. Yeah I know what you mean. I really wonder if a Seed mode Shinn could beat Neo if Neo had a Gunbarrel equipped MS. At his current level of skill he can't take someone like Neo even with a Gundam. But then again if Neo is Mwu, it's not surprising Shinn can't beat him.
  19. Not nessesariliy die, but I think Freedom, Strike Rouge and Archangel at the end should be completly destroyed, so the weapons from the last war are gone. With Junius 7 gone the only material reminders of the last war aside from memorials are the Archangel, Freedom and Strike Rouge. Though this should be the last series Kira has a large role in, if they expand further into the CE universe.
  20. Wouldn't annihilating the Orb fleet just drive them further to the Alliance's side? If I was running Orb losses like that would be grounds for mass producing Gold Frame Amuterasu.
  21. Seeing as how Eternal is showing up a little later, I guess it would be safe to assume that Kusanagi will likewise show up later, after all we do see Kisaka in the latest opening. I'd guess that Erica Simmons is still aboard the Kusanagi and she's the one behind S Freedom and Knight. Either that or they're built from spares of Freedom and Justice aboard the Eternal. Maybe Lacus and Andy steal the plans to those suits and have them built some place else. Since those two are back at PLANT I wonder if they'll meet with Eileen Canaver, she was Siegel's right hand person. I wonder what part Neo is going to play later, things are pointing more and more that Neo is Mwu (especialy the scars on him we see in the opening). So I wonder if we'll see the Hawk of Endymion again, maybe in a souped up Windam with an Exass style gunbarrel striker pack. I really doubt he's an clone of Ariga since doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him. Kluez needed to take those drugs and Prayer was always sickly. I don't think Rey is a clone but they definatly did something to him. I'm still not sure what to make of Gilbert, if he's working with Logos/wants to take over Logos/destroy Logos so he be the big fish then that would mean that right now the Minvera and crew are also "bad guys" since Talia answers only to him.
  22. At first I was just going to see this for the Ben and Anakin fight, but now it looks like the whole thing is going to be kick-ass.
  23. Yeah I can see that, since the Atlantic Federation is kind of like a satire of the United States. The capital is Washington D.C. and they go around doing what ever they damn well please just because they're the Atlantic Federation. I can go on and on about that but it'll involve politics so I'll stop at that.
  24. Meh, I only get the HG and above grade kits from Japan anyway...
  25. Tallgeese Built by the five Gundam scientists several decades before the series. Deemed to powerful and too difficult to handle for the average pilot. OZ downgraded the Tallgeese for the mass-production Leo. The Leo is basicaly a GM of Tallgeese. Tallgeese was self-detonated by Zechs when he went to recover Wing Zero. Tallgeese II Built by Treize from spares for Tallgeese. Supposedly technicaly identical to Tallgeese but that can be debated. Rumors range from beam cannon instead of a standard Dober Gun, to Gundanium used in the armor. Tallgeese III Built for Treize but the Mega Cannon and Shield weren't ready in time for the final battle against White Fang. Tallgeese III was not built by OZ and it's unknown who built it. Ends up in the hands of the Preventers. We never see it get destroyed so it's possible that Tallgeese III is the last remaing mobile suit. Treize and Zechs are the only pilots known to be able to handle Tallgeese.
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