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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I don't think the PS3 will be signifiacntly higher than $300, maybe $350. Mainly because microsoft has a few months head start on them. Yes, the PS3 is a monster of a console and arguably more powerful than the 360, and has all kinds of features and what not, but the "average" Joe/Jane Gamer most likely doesn't realize all the stuff the PS3 has and will just say "oh look the 360 is cheaper." I don't think Sony will release the PS3 above $375 at the most, to keep microsoft from getting too much an upper hand.
  2. I want a Zaku II and have it beating up those fake ZAKUs from Destiny.
  3. Freedom Gundam "Gold Frame"
  4. Well if you're a Nobunaga fan then go pick up Kessen III, you play as Nobunaga and have Hideyoshi and Tokugawa as your lackies.
  5. Hey we got ours and that's what matters.
  6. Why is it that the Alliance has only one Gundam so far?! I mean come on they're run by a bunch of genocidal lunatics, and can out produce ZAFT, you'd think they would come out with a bunch of nuke powered Gundams and giant Nieu Ziel style mobile armors. You'd expect them to make a nuke powered mobile armor with a mirage colloid and a lohengrin and send it out to shoot PLANT full of holes.
  7. It'll be nice if we had pictures of what you're talking about...
  8. Of those three companies, Sony is the only on who hasn't pissed me off. Nintendo let me down and microsoft seems to take sick demented pleasure in pissing me the f*ck off. I was just using my word processor when the damned thing "encountered and error" and made me lose 2 pages of my paper on Russia. It took a lot of self control to not put a hole in the wall. Unlike my PC with XP, I've never felt a boiling rage that makes want to hurl my PS2 out my 3rd story window. ...Yes Druna Skass needs anger management...
  9. Can't say I'm impressed with the casing, and I'm even less impressed with the controler. God I hope that controler isn't a finalized design. I all I can say is, I keeping my PS2 around for a little longer, I'm not makeing the mistake of picking one up at launch, only to have it die the following year. But Metal Gear Solid 4, Devil May Cry 4, it's going to be hard holding out, for the second model.
  10. The Archangel should have fired on both Orb and Minerva. I'm sure the Archangel could ahve eaisly taken out the Orb carrier's engines and blast to the Minerva would get the point across that they're not siding with ZAFT.
  11. I thought it got mauled worse in Alaska than any other place.
  12. As far as MS compliments go, not counting that big ZAFT carrier, it'll come down to the Kusanagi, Minerva, and Girty Lue. Over at the official site they say the Kusanagi carries a lot more suits than the Archangel-class.
  13. Is this the Dom? Looks like he went on the subway diet or something...
  14. It doesn't say whether it will be a talking or action episode. Guess we'll have to wait for Newtype or Gundam Ace for more details. YES YES!, I've been waiting for this to go down since episode 28. It is possible that Archangel could have a full compliment of Murasames and Astrays that didn't die and decided to go to Archangel after the carrier went down.
  15. You got to love this name. ZGMF-X43E Damnation Where's GFAS-X2... As for Neo getting I Justice, it doesn't seem right that he's have an MS with no Gunbarrels.
  16. Ugh, that would be a nightmare if craposoft dominates the console market. If my gaming console crashes, somebody is going to DIE. You said if yourself Sony is egotistical, I doubt they're just going to give up their bragging rights and ability to say they're at the top. It's not like microsoft is a great innovator either.
  17. Personaly I'd rather they ripped off the SNES or PS style pads. **Waits to get yelled at by the so-called "true" gamers**
  18. I think it's modeled after the controller S pretty closely. Comparing my controller with the pic, the thumbsticks and d-pad seem to be the same distance apart from each other, or at least damn close. Assuming the picture is real, it looks like they ended up putting the black and white buttons on the back afterall. Considering how poorly place they were on the controller S, definately not a bad thing. It's the grips the looked wider to me. Good they learned their lesson about button placement. The placement of the black and white buttons on the controler-s was a serious flaw. Even after pulling an all nighter on Halo 2, I still had to either look at the controler or fumble around to hit those buttons.
  19. That's what I was thinking when I was putting that gif togeather.
  20. Wait a minute, harmony crap isn't sh!tting all over this?
  21. Either way, still looks like it would be an LEV to me.
  22. Er, looks just like the current XBox controller? It looks wider than the original controler to me. I'm kind of surprised they didn't just model it after the controler-s since that one seems the more popular one. Is this thing still the size of a VCR?
  23. I got bored and made the transformation sequence into a gif. It's a bit sloppy, but hey like I said, I was bored.
  24. From the front that thing looks like a vase. Shape of the controler don't look that great either.
  25. I think that was Mwu. If Im thinking of the same picture that you are thinking of. I'm thinking about that one we see in Mendel with a kid holding a toy plane.
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