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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. I just love how the Tomino fanboys who do the reviews over at MAHQ piss and moan that there isn't anything original or new in the AU and constantly praise Tomino, yet they can predict what charcter dies and when. I don't know about any of you guys, but when I can predict who dies and when, well things aren't exactly new and original anymore.
  2. So what's the deal with Morgan (Gunbarrel Dagger pilot)? That's the Astray mangas. I don't think Fukada touches Astray. I think he confines himself to just the anime. If he didn't then we'd have Prayer, Canard, Ed the Ripper and a whole bunch of other people to deal with. Heck, in SEED, we only saw Re H.O.M.E. once. Well I guess that explaines why Astray is better... I was flipping though the Destiny Astray and in a few scenes where Morgan is fighting Ed, it looks like he has that ping.
  3. I take it you're not satisfied by the exploding people?
  4. So is this thing like a Perfect Grade or something?
  5. So what's the deal with Morgan (Gunbarrel Dagger pilot)?
  6. Bah, none of those ships would last three seconds against my Drillship Vandal Heart.
  7. I was talking to Dat Pinche Haro about that awhile ago. Since Mwu was originaly a Mobile Armor pilot they should give him a really tricked out Murasame with a DRAGOON system and nuclear engine.
  8. Glad I'm not the only one, I like those three guys more than any of the current Destiny characters (not including hold-overs from the first SEED). It was fun watching them annihilate the ZAFT guys the way the Mobius units were in the beginning. I just love that one liner Crot throws out when he notices some ZAFT suits going after the Peacemakers. "Where you going, you must play with us!" I'm looking at my Blue Frame 2nd, and started thinking, the Alliance is probably better off just hiering the Serpent Tail to go after the Minerva. It's not like they don't have the money.
  9. Yeah, really, if we factor things in like the Alliance's manufacturing capabilites, they should have totaly steam rolled ZAFT and ran them off Earth and be fighting in space by now. I don't care how good Shinn and Impulse are, he's not going to drive off over 100 Windams. This is really beggning to piss me off, I mean come the hell on, the Alliance wants to annihilate PLANT, and they control, like what 5 continents? I'm pretty sure that's far more resources and manufacturing capabilites than PLANT could ever pull togeather. And the whole time we see the Alliance it's like they're fighting with both hands cuffed behind them. They developed the Hyperion, they developed the Mobius Zero's Gunbarrels and suddenly they've become so inept that they can't put togeather a decent Gundam? The only reason I'm still watching this pile of crap series is to see what happens with Neo and Ramius.
  10. Just saw it the other night, have to say is HOLY SH!T...
  11. Thank you for that bit of info! So I was right about the XBox 360 out performing the PS3. Either way, I'll probably still pick up both systems, and maybe the Revolution if Zelda, Mario Kart, and Smash Brothers look insane. I only wish MGREXX was still around. =( Would like to hear what he/she has to say on the above article. Don't forget to take into account that arcticle was written by some microsoft guy. I'll wait till someone not affiliated with Sony or microsoft makes an evaluation.
  12. That's going to clear up a lot of things...
  13. As for myself, I've always liked girls in micro-mini skirts, but each to his own I guess . Graham Hey, hey, hey I like the chick in the grey uniforms too. I've yet to see a gundam chick who looks as nice as Ramius and Natarle.
  14. Now are we actualy going to see these new striker packs or are they MSV stuff? Well if they really are gaugeing what's popular, I guess ZAFT was the popular side over in Japan. Personaly I've always liked the guys in the grey uniforms for some reason.
  15. I actualy wonder if the writers actualy have a story planned out, or if they're just making it up as they go along.
  16. You make it sound as if Zala wasn't as bad as the Titans, but who's really worse? The guy who kills a few million people who have made a conscious decision to oppose him, or the guy who nukes the billions of people living on Earth with a giant gamma ray cannon because their parents didn't have them genetically altered before they were born? And of course, there's all the collateral damage that comes with hitting the Earth, that you don't get from gassing a colony. I think Patrick Zala might not seem as bad because SEED didn't play it up as much as Zeta did with the Titans' crimes, but if you compare goals (genocide vs. political control) and methods (actually, I guess poison gas can be pretty painful too, but it's hard to ignore all those exploding bodies), Zala's pretty bad. I mean, obviously they're both bastards, but it's hard to say the Titans are worse than Zala. Well in a way Patrick wasn't as bad as the Titans, the Titans were just power hungry to begin with. Patrick got messed up in the head after his wife got nuked and finnaly his son betrays him. You could probably make the argument Patick was insane. But that still doesn't excuse what he did. Honestly though, I was hoping to see Azrael's Peacemakers nuke Yackin Due with him in it.
  17. Man, I'd be pissed at the girlfriend for ruining everything...
  18. Yeah, especialy since more and more signs are pointing that Neo is Mwu. They could have made Jibril into Jamitov and Blue Cosmos into the Titans, but they opted to make him into a little girly man with a cat. I'd say the worst person SEED had was Patrick Zala, the guy was willing to fire GENESIS at Earth despite the fact he'd beaten the Alliance's space fleet and a good number of ZAFT forces were in the line of fire. But even Patrick didn't go gassing whole colonies because some people there didn't agree with him. I guess Azrael was the closest thing SEED had to Scirocco, his group made the last three GAT-x units, and most likely the Dominion, and he let loose the Peacemaker unit against PLANT not Yakin Due, nuking either one would have ended war, but he opted to attack the target with civilians.
  19. Yeah really who the hell is leading the Alliance anyway, Peter Griffin? Homer Simpson? If the EA is supposed to be like the Federation, where the hell are Bask, Jamitov and Scirroco?
  20. Oh you got to love Legend's model number. Not too bad actualy, that's how Providence should have looked to begin with. Shockingly enough, I acutaly like Impulse with those striker packs. Next time they get Okawara to design something, tell him to design it twice before they use it.
  21. Anyone know where I can find a wallpaper of this?
  22. Only reason I'm supporting Sony is that of the three, they're the only ones who haven't really pissed me off...
  23. So you're telling me the PS3's chip is the Gundam and the 360's chip is the GM?
  24. More powerfull? To the best of my knowledge, the only thing the PS3 has over the XBox 360 is a more powerfull graphics card...and that's it. The XBox 360 beats the PS3 in all the other aspects...bus and cpu speeds, RAM...etc. And from what I've read, the XBox 360 should be coming out (with the 20 Gig HD included) @ ~ $300. I havne't read anything price wise on the PS3 or Revolution. Going though the arcticle, it can be argued that the PS3 is a more powerful system. The gamespot people right now are giving the power advantage to the PS3's Cell. They definatly seem more evenly matched than the xbox and PS2. http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-15015-1985-4-6-x
  25. Sounds like an unrelated problem to me. You should take better care of your computer. The only problem I've had with Windows XP since its come out is infinite loop errors and that's had a suspicious correlation with when I've had VIA chipset mobos(Only nForce from here on out baby!). So that's probably not even MS. As for Sony; wait til you get a D.R.E. . . Personally, I don't really care for any of the systems. Nintendo's is the most intriguing, but I have to see more, I think that they have more up their sleeves and it should become apparent soon. Oh it's not just the occational error with XP, my true dislike for microsoft came about when I had to put up with that steaming pile of SH!T OS called ME. And don't tell me it isn't microsoft either, the thing was crap and they knew it yet they released it anyway. Use an OS that with a 99% chance on crashing on you when ever you use it and tell me you love microsoft.
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