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Druna Skass

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Everything posted by Druna Skass

  1. Actualy I can see that happening if after mauling the Alliance and destroying LOGOS, people realize Gilbert is just as bad and everyone backs whats left of the Alliance and takes Gilbert out. As for Newman they seriously need to make a custom mobile armor for that guy, I mean he barrel-rolled a battleship in an atmosphere in the last series.
  2. There aren't a lot of pieces in that scene though, not enough for a whole suit anyway, so there's still a chance we could see that scene. Maybe the hole the anti-ship sword made is where they install that cannon. I really doubt that blast was nuclear, there's no way Impulse could survive a nuclear blast at ground zero.
  3. So you're telling me commandos wouldn't be the likely pick to send to get rid of these two? So if you were on a super-power's wanted/hit list you wouldn't take precations against commandos then? No, the point is, you can know that someone is coming for you and it still wouldn't make one damn bit of difference if the opposition was good and if you acted stupidly like having a predictable schedule and location. Let's say you're wanted by the U.S. government dead or alive. They'll send Delta force after you, would you continue to live in your cushy apartment say in the middle of Libya, and go to your 9 to 5 daily job in some factory? I don't think so. That's a sure way to end up dead. In case you don't realize it, the best way to avoid becoming a target from say a super power is to stay mobile and keep from staying at a place long enough to become a target. (for advice on this, consult Osama and company) Having a routine schedule which can be nailed down like a coffin is a way you end up dying. What I'm saying here is that there have been no precaution against a raid at all. Because if ZAFT or EA is as dangerous as you claim and they're hunting for you, you wouldn't have a regular job where you showed up 9 to 5. Their life style immediately shows you what type of danger they actually think of themselves in. This of course turns around and point to the fact that the ZAFT commandos they sent SUCKED. Fixed target, element of surprise, minimal opposition, and they still screw it up. That's what the whole thread was about. You brought up the two combat vet thing that tipped the balance? My response is, so what? The only reason the commandos failed at all was because they were terrible at their job. And no, if I wanted to get rid of those two in a fixed house where I know their schedule everyday, I wouldn't send in commandos, I would just send in a dozen cruise missiles. But of course, the commando had a stealth job, and they botched it. Or you could maintain a low profile in a nation that has agreed to harbor and hide you. You brought up the whole thing about them not being able to deal with them because it wasn't in their job description, and my response was that you'd think they'd be carless enough to not learn how to fight in buildings and learn how commandos operate all because one is a ship captain and the other was a pilot. Like I said these people are fugetives as in someone wants them dead. As for moving around where would they go, to North America a territory under Atlantic Federation control? Or how about Australia, under ZAFT control? And it isn't like Andy isn't well known within ZAFT. Orb is the only place where people aren't after them. You know what screw it, I'm repeating myself just like in the last argument...
  4. So you're telling me commandos wouldn't be the likely pick to send to get rid of these two? So if you were on a super-power's wanted/hit list you wouldn't take precations against commandos then?
  5. What the hell, now Gilbert sounds almost like Gendo Ikari...
  6. Hey is that "misguided missile" the AIM-26 Falcon?
  7. Oh the after affect, I thought you meant the blast itself. I hadn't seen that episode yet and you made it sound like in your post that Phase-Shift would have saved the Freedom from a positron cannon shot.
  8. But Phase-Shift doesn't do jack against beam weapons, only anti-beam coatings and Laminated Armor.
  9. What does putting me in a warzone have to do with anything? Just because there hasn't been anyone after them doesn't mean they didn't take precautions. You don't survive very long as a fugetive by being careless. Especialy if one of the groups that has you on a wanted list happens to control 5 of the seven continents.
  10. You seem to forget these people are wanted I don't think ZAFT and the Alliance looks kindly on desertion, especialy since they jacked each side's most advanced ship at the time. I'm sure they learned a few survival tricks.
  11. Are we talking about the same commandoes that tried to kill a couple of kids and failed miserably? Heh heh. Somehow, I'm less than impressed with ZAFT special forces, special ed, may be... but not really special forces. I do hope they have a few more druggies lined up for EA, because let's face it, the last group sucked major league. Heck, one of them got killed by a bunch of nobodies. You mean the ones who went up against a couple of combat veterans and the Freedom and "failed miserably"? Though I wouldn't mind seeing another set of crackhead pilots like the first three guys. Hell since the Alliance is being painted as the bad guys I'd be happy with just as a squad of aces known for brutality.
  12. Something about the openings has always bugged me, why does that scene with Rey and Neo have Gilbert in the background, is there anything behind that? Could it be that it was Gilbert who found Mwu and let Blue Cosmos have him for what ever reason? It certainly doesn't seem out of the question considering how he's been manipulating just about everyone.
  13. I'd like to see LOGOS get whacked by some ZAFT commandos while at the same time DaCosta leads Lacus's commandos to go whack Gilbert, and it'll be nice seeing them get blasted at the same time. I wonder if Lacus went and loaded up the Kusanagi with DOMs too. That ship loaded to capacity with high end suits would certainly do some damage, especialy since it carries the most suits of the three ships. Now that they're exposed I really want to see LOGOS take the straightjacket off and show Gilbert just who he's screwing with. (OK so I'm a little biased towards Earth...)
  14. Whoa, I certainly didn't see that second part comming... Damn that Skygrasper looks pretty damn nice, hell I'd be happy with just the Skygrasper.
  15. No, but he didn't exactly re-make it, just made it look flashier and tied it in with the new trilogy (Naboo and the actor who played Anakin at the end of epi 6).
  16. If it ain't broke don't fix it...
  17. I'd laught if they were rednecks like the original Trinity.
  18. For some reason this was the first thing that came to my mind after reading some of these posts...
  19. I don't know about you, but it kind of does get a bit tireing seeing the Alliance's ineptness. I mean come on, they could have crushed ZAFT eariler on if the really wanted to, but their commanders couldn't win a Total Annihilation skirmish. Apparently they didn't learn their lesson from the last war, kill ZAFT first then get PLANTs. The war could would have gone the other way if that idiot Azrael targed Yachin Due and GENESIS instead of PLANT itself. Hell Archangel probably wouldn't stop the Peacemakers if their target was GENESIS. It's getting to the point where it's just predictable now. Oh look Allied fleet against one ZAFT ship, ZAFT is going to win. I mean what happend to people like Colonel Sutherland who was willing to lose a good number of his combat forces if it meant handing ZAFT's ass to them? What happend to the Alliance that was willing to lose it's best forces (3rd Fleet and the Mobius Zero squads) if it meant wiping out ZAFT's Lunar forces? It just really bugs seeing the Alliance constanly fighting with a straight jacket on. Give me total control over OMNI and I'll have ZAFT completly annihilated and PLANT as a vacation resort. Maybe it all has to do with the fact that the leader of Blue Cosmos wears purple lipstick...
  20. I'd like to see those three DOM pilots against the three Murasame guys on Archangel.
  21. Hey, at least we ain't like those pedo trekkies. You guys are all wrong, Ramius is the best looking one.
  22. Along with the PG Wing 0 I have, I've also got an F-15S/MTD in the works. Took an old Hornet and F-15C kit that I built when I was a kid, cannibalized the Hornet for the rear horizontal stablizers and fixed them onto the F-15C. I'm not hardcore like a lot of you guys here so it'll still have the round nozzels and look like the AF Delta Strike version instead of the Ace Combat version. Going to repaint it and slap on some ISAF markings.
  23. Hey is that Bruno Azrail guy (one of the Logos guys), related to the Azrael on the Dominion? Looks like his dad or something.
  24. Crap how could I forget to mention this one. RB-79 Ball
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