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Everything posted by Darkwater

  1. He actually has, on a number of occasions, compared the success of of RSC with the "failure" of Superman Returns (ironically, a WB property). If anyone remembers, it had a huge marketing blitz and more or less broke even in the box office. (while ignoring the profits from television, merchandising, international b.o. and home video rights). Often time he refers to being more successful than their "competitors" in 2006, and while it goes over the heads of 99% of the people who read it, that's what he's referring to. So yes, Kevin is comparing Harmony Gold to Warner Bros. The funniest part is, I've heard that on nearly every occasion from "persons in the biz." All three of the occasions.
  2. If you guys care, another interesting look into the mind of McKeever. I apologize for the assload of quotes, but I found this too interesting. On his last blog post: http://bankofkev.blogspot.com/2011/04/box-office-down-20-so-far-this-year.html A 20% loss in revenue and we are already 3 months into the year. This 20% loss in revenue is despite numerous large marketing campaigns by several studios for movies that have fizzled. If this keeps up it will cause a severe crimp in revenue (theatrical runs are 15% of a films total business) for the studios. Now would be a good time for the people who "know this business" to explain how a 20% loss in revenue and losing 18 million subscribers is somehow a good thing. Remember when I said a few weeks ago something to the effect of "you attack Robotech's marketing, you're attacking Kevin personally?" Looks at his first comment: Interesting note, the article had no mention that marketing was the reason why box offices were down 20%. None, at all. Nor did it mention that studios were spending a ton of money this marketing. Let's look at the next comment: Now, remember when I said that him referring to people who "know this business," he's referring to me? I would love to take the flamebait and actually oblige him, but the article he's linked to has already explained it for me. So to paraphrase, it's too early to tell as we're only 25% into the year. And what does Kevin mean by losing "18 Million subscribers?" I can't tell you, because again, there no reference to that (or even what they're a subscriber to) anywhere. Subscribers to cell phones? Netflix? Cable? I don't know. But this all goes back to what I was talking about earlier, he wants to justify his method of marketing, which I guess is to convey the message that NO marketing is the BEST marketing. Now, I love watching people make weird rationalizations and then break them down (hence the entertainment factor I get from Bendo), but I'm fully aware of my own problems. ps mods - this is actually Darkwater, even though I recently posted as Darkwater1. I actually forgot one password, but remembered the other.
  3. They??? I WISH I had a staff on this one. It's all me, bro. And the reason I do that's a recurring theme is because A) it's funny (somtimes), B) there's not a lot of news right now C) it makes for a better read if people think HG would actually shut someone down, even though they probably won't.
  4. 381034[/snapback] More like a slow news month. I can only pull so many contradictory HG quotes for a while until it gets old.
  5. But you'll always be "someone" to me.
  6. Hi, This is my first post in here. I thought you guys would be interested in some homemade clips of what the dub will look like in action. This guy who sent them to me was pretty innovative. Preview The New Macross DVD (Kinda, Sorta) Another (Kinda, Sorta) Macross DVD Preview
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