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VT 1010

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Everything posted by VT 1010

  1. After a while, the Tumbler grew on me. I liked--though not as much as the Burton batmobile. That thing, on the other hand, is kind of hideous. It's like they just bolted some panels on a Lambo with tinted windows. Going from the Tumbler to that would be a bit lame.
  2. Despite it ripping off Enter the Dragon, I at least liked Mortal Kombat. Nonetheless, this movie will probably suck.
  3. The viral marketing has started and a pic of Bane is out: http://www.slashfilm.com/first-look-tom-hardy-as-bane-from-the-dark-knight-rises/
  4. I think that "Oh God! Oh my God--the mirror!" may become a new meme. What an idiot... http://www.autoblog.com/2011/05/18/why-you-shouldnt-steal-a-gt500-and-drive-through-deer-country/
  5. One can only hope. Until then, season two is at least available on Hulu.
  6. And I'm one of those strange people that (sort of) likes Alien 3 (kind of). Nonetheless... Looks like there's a new casting update: http://www.darkhorizons.com/news/20551/-dark-knight-casting-addition-uk-shoot
  7. I agree. It worked well with Alien 3--hey, wait a minute... The fact that it's a third movie in a series stacks the deck against it. Creating a successful end-piece, even to a good series, is not a common occurrence. When done right though, it can be quite good. I just hope it's more like Return of the King and less like the Godfather: Part III.
  8. It still hasn't been confirmed JGL is playing Alberto Falcone. The latest reports are that he's playing "a Gotham City beat cop." It's possible that's just a cover though. At this point the only thing I know of that's confirmed is Bane and Selina Kyle (though Anne Hathaway has referred to her character as Catwoman). IIRC, a young Ra's al Ghul may be in it as well--which is likely since pics from the India set show what looks like a Lazarus Pit. Nonetheless, I also have faith in Nolan. Either way, it can't be worse than Batman & Robin...
  9. I completely agree. If they did that though, they would have lost the rights. Fox has already stated how low they'll stoop just to keep X-Men, Daredevil, the Fantastic Four; I wouldn't be surprised at all if Sony were willing to the same. If only Marvel/Disney were able to get those franchises back...
  10. In addition to a good source, another issue is the mastering. Even though you may only be viewing a film at 1080p, you need to scan the film at a much higher resolution for improved detail and clarity. This is most noticeable when it comes to grain. Excluding cheap film, many older movies have grain that's actually a very fine grain; however, when scanned at a lower resolution it has a tendency to exhibit aliasing. This aliasing has a tendency to make grain seem thick and almost clumpy. When the scan is done at a resolution of 2K or higher, it makes the grain seem small and simultaneously increases fine detail. This is one of the reasons why some recent remasters (like Alien, Blade Runner, the Godfather, and such) look so much better than the older masters. And this is just for 35mm--hell, even stuff shot on 16mm (the Evil Dead) can look amazing (I can only wonder what properly done 65 and 70mm can look like). I think Aliens is another a great example too, considering how awful the filmstock was. An older, well-mastered film on Blu-ray is truly a thing of beauty.
  11. After watching the trailer, I'm reminded of the Scorpion King, but not in a good way.
  12. It looks like Guy Pierce has joined the cast, though no word yet on his role. In other news, this funky beat from the past has recently surfaced. The Alien theme disco remix: http://www.badassdigest.com/2011/05/06/the-alien-theme-disco-version I now must find this record...
  13. As George has said many times before, the original theatrical versions aren't going to be released any time soon. Which specific special edition version it's going to be though, I have no idea.
  14. Looks like Jane's is claiming it's not a Blackhawk: http://www.janes.com/products/janes/defence-security-report.aspx?ID=1065929508&channel=defence I'm still leaning towards the "Silenthawk" hypothosis, but you never know...
  15. This is the most likely explanation I've found: http://www.armytimes.com/news/2011/05/army-mission-helocopter-was-secret-stealth-black-hawk-050411/
  16. Didn't George say that he would take a hammer to every existing physical copy and smash them if he could? I personally still haven't seen it yet. That file will remain dormant on my hard drive until December...
  17. Looks like the confusion continues... Someone has recently claimed to have spotted alien suits on the set: http://www.alienprequelnews.com/2011/04/exclusive-some-juicy-details-from-set.html Considering Ridley has denied it before, I still have no frakkin' clue if this is an Alien movie or not. I wonder if he's is trying to confuse us on purpose. What do you think?
  18. The reinforced landing gear was the main reason I picked up the 25th version. Both my original and '97 Rattlers have broken gear. I think they were made from tissue paper.
  19. I always wanted the Defiant. When I was little, I had most of the big vehicles and all of the major playsets--Both HQs, the Mobile Command Center, the Terrordrome, the Tactical Battle Platform, and the Flagg--except for the Defiant. That was the one I never had. The one that always eluded me. But someday, I will have one...
  20. I thought they just used the whiteboard to draw tracks for their Hot Wheels.
  21. http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/03/30/arnold-schwarzenegger-the-governator-exclusive/ This sounds so odd, I feel compelled to watch it.
  22. If only Malcolm McDowell knew that...
  23. It thought the myth was you couldn't loop a helicopter unless Roy Scheider was flying it.
  24. When the Porsche Panamera is a much better looking car, you know you have problems.
  25. Indeed, the Final Cut was excellent.
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