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VT 1010

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Everything posted by VT 1010

  1. Uh...what? What do mean by "lie?" Comets are basically big, icy snowballs, with some rock and gas thrown in. I'm not sure what you're on about.
  2. To be fair, Steven Soter and Ann Druyan both worked on the original Cosmos. Despite not having Carl Sagan, it shouldn't be too far off from the original.
  3. What doesn't get a sequel these day? Fox is an odd choice though and I have no idea why Seth MacFarlane is producing. Nonetheless, if Neil deGrasse Tyson is hosting and Ann Druyan is involved, I'm sure it will be good. Source: http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2011/08/cosmos-to-get-a-sequel-hosted-by-neil-degrasse-tyson/
  4. They copied the the Spider-man movies' ridiculous costume textures. Basketball-man is bad enough, but Superman too? And I too liked the Routh's Superman, even if the movie itself wasn't very good.
  5. Yeah, I'm hoping for the best by seeing how far I can go with cognitive dissonance. Either way, they have to work hard to make a movie worse than the first one...
  6. IIRC, the .30 cal was used a few times in WWII like a SAW. I think they wrapped a web belt around the barrel shroud for a grip. It wasn't that common, but I believe this was done in the pacific theater by the Marines--though my memory is hazy. If only I could remember my source...
  7. Unfortunately, not all old receivers sound better. My dad's old Kenwood receiver (which is older than me) is the source of more buzzing than a beehive. The newer one of his (circa 1990's) that I have is of much better quality. Furthermore, I'd keep my slightly inferior home theater receiver if that means I can continue to enjoy multichannel audio. My weakest links are the speakers and the room anyway, not the receiver.
  8. I wonder if the actors take their hero and villain roles a little too seriously... http://blog.moviefone.com/2011/07/23/rhys-ifans-arrested-at-comic-con/?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk1|80531
  9. Back in the day it was cheesy and not a personal favorite (I don't even know anybody that actually liked either). The nostalgia factor can't even compensate for it's awfulness. If it ever makes it past preproduction, I doubt this project will break even, let alone be a major hit. EDIT: Okay, I'll admit the show just plain sucked when it was on.
  10. Coincidentally, I actually just got done training earlier today. I've been training in Jun Fan Gung Fu/Jeet Kune Do on and off for around a year or so (I actually trained in it before this but it was years ago). I've also trained some Muay Thai (such as today), Boxing, and some FMA. It's been difficult trying to get in shape with my schedule, but this adds some good motivation. Nothing like being sore for a couple days to help remind you how much more you need to hit the gym (and the heavy bag). Ah, martial arts stuff on Youtube. It often ranges the gamut from impressive, interesting, and informative to bad to hilarious--which often entails being so far from right that it's not even wrong.
  11. Of course it's because of marketing. The simple fact that they're giant robots already causes "science issues". It's more fun to debate the trivial technical details though. Besides, transforming a toy car into a toy...faceless alien toaster-thing isn't as fun as a robotic dude with a gun. "What's he supposed to fight the villains with?" "I don't know, but my toast is done."
  12. Wasn't that kind of already done in the Dawn of the Dead remake?
  13. When I first started reading this page, I was about to add my own rant about scientific theory vs. casual usage of the term theory. Anyway... IIRC, part of the reason we don't have twenty limbs is because it's not very cost effective. Doing so would provide us with little survival benefit, yet we would have much greater energy requirements. Why don't we have three or even four eyes? It's because we have been able to efficiently get away with two for quite some time. Think of it this way: You may have three arms, four legs, twenty eyes, and sonar. All of this added weight may make it more difficult for you to run from predators--particularly those with fewer limbs. What if you evolved to move quickly and evade those predators? You're now going to have to eat more to sustain that incredibly freaky body of yours. This is problematic when food and other resources are scarce. Contrast this with your more ape-like cousin. Though he can't do everything you can, he can do most of it and at half the energy cost--just enough to get by. It's only an evolutionary advantage if you can get away with it. So how can this tie into humanoid looking aliens? Our current biological "configuration" is successful because it's the minimum we needed to get by. There are only so many ways to configure four limbs, two eyes, two ears, a mouth, etc. and this version has worked for us. It's not hard to imagine an alien evolving in a similar environment, with similar evolutionary pressures, would look similar to us. Speaking perfect English on the other hand... Let's also not forget we're talking about giant robot aliens that transform into cars. Let's not over-think this too much. It's certainly obvious the filmmakers haven't.
  14. I'd definitely steer clear (no pun intended) of any non-Shelby/SVT (V6, GT, and Boss) Mustangs with a manual transmission. They've been having a lot of serious problems with them lately. The automatics have been fine though.
  15. A really good fake trailer is making the rounds: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/950530/genuinely_impressive_fan_trailer_for_the_dark_knight_rises.html I can't wait for the real thing.
  16. Snake Eyes having lips never bothered me. Everything else bothered me. Nonetheless, I hope this is a good sign.
  17. I've had difficulty getting into any sort of post-90's, non-U.C. Gundam stuff. Every time I try, I'm always disappointed with the mecha designs. And considering mobile suits are so vital to Gundam storylines, this is an important aspect to me. I'm sorry to say Gundam AGE doesn't look any different.
  18. There are a lot of actors that would've been a better choice for Duke...
  19. Considering Marlon Wayans played Ripcord, them having the Rock play Roadblock doesn't really shock me. I still think the biggest casting mistake they made was having Channing Tatem as Duke.
  20. Just found this: http://ca.kotaku.com/5810223/remember-the-ps-vita-memory-and-game-cards-dont-forget/gallery/
  21. Yep. And nearly five years later, what happens after that still hasn't been answered. They have more than one loose end to tie up.
  22. More than likely, the Chief and Cortana
  23. It's not like a fourth Halo is a complete surprise. The third had a bit of a cliffhanger and (since the last two games were prequels/side stories) it's been four years since a true sequel has been released. I'm just glad it's at least another year until it comes out (if only the same were true for MW3).
  24. Vita will use new proprietary flash-based media called NVG cards in addition to downloads.
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