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Everything posted by VT 1010
None taken. If people didn't point out when I said something stupid, I'd continue to make myself look like an idiot. Nope. Not that I expect they'd answer anyways. If we can, it's worth a shot... Stuff like that happens all the time with other games, so it could have happened to this one too. I remember when Halo 2 was being beta (I think it was beta, but it may have been a later build)tested, Bungie mailed the games to some of the testers (I can't remember why they did that. I think they wanted them to do some Xbox Live testing or something from home). Doesn't mean somebody didn't burn themselves their own personal copy of H2. This could have happened with macross. How we are going find a copy, I have no idea... Until then I will search through the game and see what I can come up with. JBO, is there a site that has some intructions and details for what you were suggesting earlier, or any sites that might help me with looking through the game?
Ok, I'll try and see what I can come up with. HG has used all the valks currently in the game (VF-4 included) in some sort of RT product, with the execption of the Ostrich and Elintseeker. With the super posable figures, they've already tried milking the original version of the macross TV series and DYRL. They released the un RT'd series and I wouldn't be suprised if they tried to release DYRL in the future. There could have been some discussion about releasing it in the US. This game was already being made by someone else, so all HG would have to do is get someone to "translate" it for the US. Somebody else does all the work, while they exploit it (sound familiar). HG might have made the demand that those valks had to be taken out in order to be released here (due to Manga having the rights to M+ and BW having M0). How about this for a scenario: The devlopment team has already created the valks and put them into an early build of the game. They get an order from the higher ups to remove them (for the afformentioned reasons). Instead of completely removing them, they just disable the ability to use them. The game was either released in Japan before the deal went south or they just didn't bother to put them back in (maybe it was time constraints or lasiness, I don't know). This is all speculation, of course. It's late where I am, so I could just be talking out of my ass. I think I can taste a little toe-jam*... The point being, we don't know any cold, hard facts about the missing valks. All we have are guesses. Checking every bit (no pun intended) of the game will answer at least some of our questions. Does anybody know how to contact the developer and ask them? BTW, I wonder if there's a way to get an early build of the game, like the one used in the demo movie... *reference to foot being in mouth, meaning to talk like a dumbass.
Ok, so I just scan the data files...How would I do that? I wouldn't really know were to begin with that either... That's exactly what I was thinking. My theory is that they were considering releasing it in the U.S. under the Robotech title (there were rumors about this too). But since HG didn't own the rights to Plus or Zero, they had to take the valks out at the last minute. Even though the bastardiza-er, I mean "importation" of the game never happen, they didn't bother to fix it for the Japanese release. This leaves the question: Did they COMPLETELY remove every trace of the valks, or are they still there, hidden under the surface from us?
Is there a way to hack the game and get the source code? Don't they get gameshark codes by hacking the games? I also remember some people with a modded xbox messed with Halo and started changing different elements in the game (like flying the banshee at the beginning of Halo, playing as a marine, visiting every sqaure inch of a level, etc.). Would there be a way to do this Macross?
The m+/m0 valks could still be in the game. There could be some button combo or hidden menu or something that allows you to use them. If anyone can access the source code, that may have all the answers. Or maybe there's way to contact somebody from the development team and ask them... Of course, they may have been taken out of the game. I was just now thinking, HG has used the majority of valks in the game (with the exception of the VT-1 and VE-1. Not sure about the strike though) for various products, like comics, books, games, and toys (even the VF-4). They may have taken out the other valks with the intention of releasing it here in the U.S. under the Robotech liscense. There were discussions and rumors about it being released in the states anyway? Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know... Thoughts? EDIT: Oops, accidentally pasted the wrong thing.
I have been a huge Alien/Predator fan ever since I was five. I had always dreamed of an AVP movie. When they finally made one, I began to wish they hadn't. At least with a sequel, I hoped they would realize what went wrong with the first and do a better job. I guess this movie will be even worse than the first. Why couldn't they have just adapted the comics or games into movies? At least they were entertaining. [Hudson]What the F*** are we supposed to do now, huh? What are we supposed to do?[/Hudson] Anyone know what cars the execs at Fox drive? I hope they paid a lot for them, because I have a key with thier names on it... However, I'm sure AVP could have been worse. Even though Alien3 sucked, I just think about how it could have turned out. Wooden planet (yes, I $h!t you not), monks, Ripley with freakish morning sickness and some elements from Ghadrack's idea. BTW, Ghadrack, does the hospital know you've escaped?
Your opinion, if Kawamori were to redesign..
VT 1010 replied to twich's topic in Movies and TV Series
Hey JBO, do you happen to still have the address to the website? There is this internet archive site that lets you view websites that don't exist anymore. I can also post a photo of the picture I was talking about, if you want. You sound as if those people where lying. Everyone knows it's true. They did rip off Robotech. Harmony Gold could kick Studio Nue's ass anyday. Carl Macek is a genius and Reba West should be nominated for a Grammy for her work in Robotech! The Protoculture is a an alien race? Yeah right... And...uh...HG RULES!!! I'm Joking of course... So this doesn't become a thread hijack, In M+, Millard says the 19 and the 21 won't use reaction weapons due to political reasons. I guess they aren't all equipped with WMD because of politics. -
Your opinion, if Kawamori were to redesign..
VT 1010 replied to twich's topic in Movies and TV Series
That's what I do best. Wrong on so many levels. Energy weapons CAN fire plasma. Humans in macross prefer lasers, which ARE a valid form of beam weapon.. Other beam weaponry in the Macross universe is undefined. Could be electron beams, proton cannons, anti-neutron rays, etc. And plasma is NOT pure energy, nor is it charged particles. Heck, your description of it is electrically neutral. Plasma is fire, basically. Highly-energized matter, but otherwise normal. A flame thrower can be argued to be a low-grade plasma weapon. Part of teh damage from explosives could be argued as plasma weaponry. How damaging it is depends on how hot it is and how long it touches. In point of fact, a "pure energy" weapon is undescribable under current physics. The closest you can get is antimatter particle streams. Assuming the barrel is, aside from ammo, a vacuum, and your plasma isn't radiating infrared, and the energy expended to heat your ammo TO the plasma stage doesn't heat the barrel, and your containment field is 100% effective. Provided it's strong enough, which is harder than it sounds. Actually, they use the fictional minovsky particle. Beam saber "blades" are constructed of a lattice of minovsky particles that is then filled with plasma. No magnets involved. If they were purely magnetic, they could be forced through each other, BTW. Also note that dual sabers would become very popular. One of each polarity. PPB isn't magnetic. We don't think so, anyways. It's undefined tech, based on energy leaking from a spatial rift created by a faulty fold drive. It also blocks all objects equally. Paintballs, gunpod projectiles(Macross use depleted uranium?), conventional explosives, lasers, zentradi "beams", it makes no diffrence. Of a specific wavelength. Macross uses fusion power, so no biggie. Though... lasers can be chemically fired. As can plasma weaponry. ALL PLASMA WEAPONRY USES AMMO. IT IS REQUIRED TO MAKE THE PLASMA. And lasers MAY run out of ammo of they are chemically fired. Fortunately for Macross, they have miniature fusion drives as a universal electricity/heat source for all mecha components. Kevlar doesn't absorb the impact. It just disperses it over a wider area. Much like "hard armor" does when it's not being punctured(kevlar can be punctured too, and a thin-enough weapon can actually slip BETWEEN fibers, avoiding the necessity of tearing the vest to generate a puncture wound, and bypassing almost all the protective attributes of the fabric). Plates actually work BETTER than fabrics. High-grade bulletproof vests have plates imbedded in them to spread the shock, because it is still possible to be killed by a bullet that the kevlar mesh prevents from penetrating. The force is carried through to the body anyways. A normal handgun bullet can bruise someone through kevlar. A high-powered rifle can kill, even without penetrating. Kevlar doesn't disperse the force enough to prevent damage the way a good plate will, because it gives. A solid plate, the force of impact is distributed across the entire plate, instead of the localized region of a kevlar vest. On the other hand, a proper suit of medieval-style plate armor is implausible at best. Once it gets thick enough to stop a bullet, it's too heavy to be man-portable. The kevlar, for all it's flexibiltiy, is lightweight. And spreads the impact enough that the plates don't shatter(because the impact on the plate is less focused) And what sort of energy field? Obviously the undefined energy of a Macross barrier can, but what else? Why not? Not really. "Hard armor" is just more effective. Armor-piercing rounds will chew through any conventional defenses you have. Also note that "armor-piercing" is a very vague term. It can mean a simple discarding sabot round, or an exotic multi-stage shaped-charge device. Sorry about my discription of plasma (and almost everything else). I was mostly going off of fragmented memory. I apologize for my ignorance. However, For the beam sabers, I was going of the picture on page 11 of the Gundam Instruction manual (not to be confused with the Construction manual), that comes with the Perfect Grade RX-78-2 model. It's the picture with the saber that says (in English) I field and under it Magnetic field (with lines pointing in the appropriate places). I'd post a picture, but my scanner won't work and I really don't feel like digging the digital camera out (if you want, I can though). I guess that means magnetics ARE invloved, but they may not be in the way I descirbed. Since the details are in Japanese and I only know very little (still learning it), I can't read any of the details. BTW, where did you get the info on the beam saber. Not that I'm skeptical of the source or anything, I was just wondering. Is there a Gundam site like the Macross Compendium? There are a couple of other smaller issues in your comments about my post, but I don't think they really matter or anything. At least not right now. I thought I knew what I was talking about, but I guess I didn't. Looks like I've already made myself look like an idiot. My first impression happened to be one of stupidity. -
Your opinion, if Kawamori were to redesign..
VT 1010 replied to twich's topic in Movies and TV Series
Ok, my first post on this board. I'll try not to make myself look like an idiot. Anyway, If my facts are wrong, please correct me. I'm going off of memory... Concerning the use of traditional kinetic energy weapons over beam and laser weapons: First off, for those of you who don't know, there is a difference between an energy beam and a laser. An energy beam is a beam of plasma. Plasma is a collection of charged particles containing an equal amount of ions and electrons. Basically pure energy. Obviously, being hit by this would be quite damaging. You can, however, control plasma with magnetics. With this, overheating isn't as much of a problem with a beam weapon (infact, the barrel shouldn't even be that warm at all). But that means if you have a magnetic barrier, a plasma beam isn't much of a threat to you. The beam sabers in Mobile Suit Gundam act on this principle. Notice when the two beams meet, they don't go through each other. The beam is surrounded by a magnetic field. This prevents it from acting like a beam rifle and where it just keeps going and going. The magnetic field is what also allows the beam sabers to cross and not go through each other. If they're magnets, how come the beam sabers don't stick to each other? That's because the magnetic fields have the same polarity, so they repel each other. My point is that if you have mecha equiped with the right magnetic field or coating (like the PPB), that makes beam weapons not very effective. A laser is basically a really narrow beam of light. If strong enough, you get an effect similar to what happens with a magnifing glass under the sun. They vary in strength, but aren't always as fast acting as most people think. The U.S. military is working on a laser system that will intercept and destroy flying artillery shells. However, it still takes several seconds to destroy the shell. It's hard enough to get one shot in, but having to hold the laser on an enemy is a lot more difficult. Also, since a laser is pretty much light, it can be reflected or refracted with a mirror or something highly reflective. Lasers and plasma need a source of energy in order to work. And energy, atleast with today's technology, is finite. Batteries won't last forever. So although lasers and plasma won't run out of of ammo, they will run out of energy. They will need be to recharged, have spare batteries, or have an alternate energy source. They won't last forever. The discussion of which of the three is more efficiant with ammo/energy is a seperate issue. This now brings us to kinetic energy weapons or projectile weapons (guns). The basic idea of hitting a target with an object. Simple physics (I won't go into detail about it since I've talked enough). The only real way to stop the projectile is with strong hard armor, a field of energy, or absorbing the impact with soft armor (like a kevlar vest). An enemy mech probably won't have the an energy field capability and soft armor is a little difficult to equip on a mech. That leaves us with hard armor. Hard armor isn't much of a problem with armor piercing ammunition. In the show, you see a GU-11 tear through a regult like nothing. My conclusion: It is probably best to have a kinetic energy weapon as the main weapon. It has a better chance of damaging the enemy mech. The beam and laser weapon system would be better used as supplemental armaments. At least thats my $0.02. Sorry for the lengthy post.