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VT 1010

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Everything posted by VT 1010

  1. I was referring to the addition of "Viewmaster" to the title.
  2. It looks like the thread title and subtitle were edited. My original intention was for this thread to encompass all of the crappy Hollywood movies in development that are based on preexisting properties, not just View-Master. I figured it would be better than adding a new thread (at this point) every week for something that won't garner more than a few posts, then enter into obscurity. What do the mods think? I think the NES Zapper had a better Lazer-clang . The View-Master's clang was just awesome on its own.
  3. View-Master?! Asteroids is one thing, but f'ing View-Master?! I just don't understand Hollywood. Wait, maybe they'll make Slinky and the Coils of Doom next... EDIT: Spelling; It's "View-Master", not Viewmaster.
  4. Only 6-12? What was the disease that Robin Williams had in that awful Jack movie again? Or better yet, maybe we could sue them for discrimination. This is pure ageism--those little brats are getting preferential treatment. It's kind of ironic though, since the movie is rated PG-13. My figures: Gung Ho: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGrhxrJn7ooKp Night Viper: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGgy1kdQdGfd8 Scarlett: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGvQhJIoY9TL/ Stalker: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGgL/pBOe2hOZ And everyone's favorite, Capt. Grid-Iron: http://hasbro.promotions.com/gijoecobra/ta...S6WGkYB8EBllwRj
  5. A lot of Vista drivers should be compatible with 7. I was able to install drivers for Vista on a Tablet PC running Windows 7 without any problems.
  6. Not to be a buzz-kill or anything, but didn't Tomonobu Itagaki leave Team Ninja recently?
  7. Wait--That's it! They need to add electronics to it that allow you to hear Top Gun quotes every time you press a button. They could even license the soundtrack and included with a built in mp3 player. I'd buy it. "Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash. " "Don't tease me." I wonder how out of place this would look on the U.S.S. Flagg. If only I had a 1/18 scale aircraft carrier. "Any of you boys seen an aircraft-carrier around here?"
  8. "You don't have time to think up there; If you think, you're dead." "Talk to me, Goose..."
  9. New Heavy Metal movie? http://www.aintitcool.com/node/41330
  10. Dragon Ball Evolution 2?! Wasn't it a huge bomb here in North America? I guess this one will be a...spirit bomb. Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  11. It seems to be more than just a rumor about the "reboot": http://www.bloody-disgusting.com/news/16348 I have mixed feelings. On the one hand it's another Alien movie--and one that isn't a continuation of the events and characters in Resurrection. On the other hand, it's a reboot/prequel--by Fox.
  12. There's supposedly a french flier that says the Quadrilogy is coming to Blu-ray soon. These are the movies I have been waiting for the most on Blu-ray. I hope this release lives up to the awesomeness of its DVD counterpart. Did anybody check out the first issue of Aliens that was released last week? The next issue doesn't come out until July. At least the new Predator series comes out this month.
  13. I hope this is just a spin-off too. I loved FM3 on the PlayStation. The Gundam Side Story games on the Saturn and Dreamcast came awfully close.
  14. I just got some DeoxIT© contact cleaner (shown here) from the local Radioshack. I can't help but find it interesting that isopropyl alcohol is one of the ingredients. We'll see how well it works.
  15. On page 3 of the official NES Cleaning Kit manual, it says the following: The fact that it initially suggested to use water caused me to question it just a little bit. I don't want to replace the connector if I don't have to. I used some alcohol and Q-Tips to clean a couple of cartridges and they worked fine on the first try. Even if I did replace the connector, I would still have to clean the games. Any foreign substances on the cartridges would eventually accumulate on the new connector, which would then have to be cleaned as well. As long as my current one work fine, I don't see the need to spend even more money than necessary.
  16. Thanks, JB0. The Official NES Cleaning Kit said to use a 50/50 solution of water and alcohol, but I was obviously a little hesitant to use water. I was wondering about Brasso--though I figured as much. Is there a particular type of contact cleaner you recommend?
  17. Blowing into them is generally a bad idea. It may work in the short term, but the reason it works is also what causes problems in the long run. The moisture from your breath results in better conduction right after blowing on it; however, this will eventually lead to corrosion on the cartridge. My main concern is using a cleaning method that is the least harmful to the contacts down the road.
  18. What's the best way to clean cartridge contacts on old games? I've heard isopropyl alcohol (though the percentage usually isn't specified) form some, but others have said not to use any alcohol and instead use Windex. I'm not sure why former would be worse than Windex, which if I remember correctly has water in it. I have even heard Brasso is good cleaner as well, but I'm not sure. Does anybody have some good experience in this area?
  19. I'll give them the last two; they certainly do look similar. One of the early Mako designs in the fourth picture certainly looks like Syd Mead's drawing. The first two, however, don't really share much of a resemblance at all. With the third picture, there's only a vague similarity between the contour/shape of the nose of the Mako and the sketch on the left. The last one is kind of on the borderline anyway. I keep examining pictures 1, 2, 3, and 5, yet I still don't see any flat out plagiarism in them, IMHO. I can't help but wonder if some people are overreacting just a little bit...
  20. The door on the front gear to my Skystriker is also broken. Unlike the Night Raven, this should be an easy fix though. And if you're reading this, Hasbro, please release the classic Night Raven again.
  21. Do you have any suggestions on how to best convince Hasbro, Shin? If only the Skystriker mold was still intact...
  22. I wish they would re-release the old Night Raven. I dug mine out a while back and when I went to lower the landing gear, the front gear flew off the bottom. Now I need to find another intact bottom half of a Night Raven.
  23. It looks like there's another laptop battery recall: http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/14/70-000-...to-fire-hazard/
  24. I thought amperage was more important than wattage. Considering his background, I wouldn't think James Cameron would've made a mistake like that. EDIT: I meant more important as far as lethality was concerned.
  25. Provided you don't crank the white levels all the way up, or leave the same image on the display overnight, "burn-in" isn't as much of an issue as some may have you believe.
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