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VT 1010

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Everything posted by VT 1010

  1. Of all the movies to remake, Way of the Dragon is NOT one of them. And to make matters worse, it's starring Steven Chow... This is just getting ridiculous; is it really that difficult to green-light an original idea? I mean, one of the highest grossing movies of all time wasn't based on a pre-existing franchise. Can't they see some sort of a correlation there?!
  2. Yep, it's the same developer that made the first AVP shooters. Whether the same people worked on it though, I don't know. Either way, it's quite disappointing considering how fun and innovative those two were back in the day. Then again, Rebellion also developed AVP: R on the PSP... The new AVP felt more like I was playing Doom 3--and I mean that in a bad way. This is due in part to the fact that I couldn't see a damn thing, even with the lights out and the brightness up. To make matters worse, the flashlight is laser thin and you can only use one (very quickly burning) flare at a time. I mean it's not a terrible game. There were some things in it that I liked, but it has overall been quite mediocre. AVP2 by Monolith was a much better game, and in my mind it's still the best of the Alien/Predator shooters. Fingers crossed that Aliens: Colonial Marines will turn out to be good--provided they don't cancel it again...
  3. Once again, I'm still shocked they mentioned the Atari Jaguar by name. I mean, how many good, exclusive games does the Jaguar have--excluding an obvious AVP? Either way, making you buy over-priced cables from Sony would probably be quite lucrative.
  4. I can say from experience that your hunch is correct--touch controls suck for at least 85% of video games. This is why the iPhone/iPod Touch still can't replace a dedicated handheld. It's not the horsepower, but the interface that makes things so difficult. On my iPhone, I couldn't even get past the first zone in Sonic the Hedgehog. Touch controls are so bad they can make the d-pad on a 360 controller feel like the Saturn's. If Sony can somehow pull it off though, then more power to them.
  5. Sony making a universal controller, huh? I'm still shocked that the Atari Jaguar and some other obscure consoles were mentioned by name... http://kotaku.com/5475448/sony-files-paten...ne=true&s=i
  6. "Electronics" is a part of the title, so I think you're safe. From what I hear (is that a pun?), it's not so much that Bose equipment sucks, but that it's just not that high of a quality for what they cost--especially comparing them to the competition in the lower price range. Bose = Basically Over-priced Sound Equipment...
  7. I've been watching Muh-cross for years and I had no idea I was pronouncing everything wrong. It's "Hee-Kahroo," not "Hi-ka-ru"... I'm glad I never bought the ADV DVDs when they came out. This dub is cringe-worthy. And some people actually prefer this?
  8. I'd get a TV Focker only if it were a light gray--and the shoulders don't break. My DYRL? Focker is white enough as it is. A light gray Hikaru VF-1J would be nice as well...
  9. A large part of what makes the iPhone so great is the App Store. Without all of the apps, the iPhone is just another smartphone. I was very skeptical of the iPhone when it first came out too; however, the new features of the 3GS as well as the apps won me over in the end. If the iPhone hadn't changed from launch, then my opinion of it wouldn't have changed either. The problem with the iPad though is that it is basically a large iPod Touch. There's really not much of a reason to get one over an iPod Touch or iPhone. They both do just about everything an iPad can do, but they do it cheaper. Tablet PCs have been around since the GRiD days and Apple just now comes out with a tablet. The thing doesn't even have a stylus. I'll just stick with my Tablet PC for now--at least it has flash and supports open source software...
  10. Just my luck. After I finished reading this, I have to change discs (link is spoiler free). I figured it'd be at least a week before I had to move from the couch...
  11. False Alarm! The UPS guy just arrived. Apparently the ice was so bad he wasn't able to make earlier. Time to save the galaxy...
  12. 01/26/2010 5:28 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY 01/26/2010 9:32 A.M. EMERGENCY CONDITIONS BEYOND UPS' CONTROL Rescheduled Delivery Date: 01/27/2010 Well this sucks...
  13. No matter how bad this movie may or may not be, I doubt it could end up being worse than AVP: R.
  14. Well to be fair the suckage of the third Alien movie was due largely to the producers and Fox. Besides, David Fincher went on to make some great movies after that. Spider-Webb could do a decent job with it. Maybe I'm just being optimistic though. Spider-man 3 was so awful, I'd be shocked if the next one could actually be any worse... After saying that, it's now going to be Batman & Robin bad, isn't it?
  15. Does anybody else find it funny that the guy's last name is Webb? So shall we now refer to him as Spider-Webb?
  16. If locking those nerve endings with each other is how they have sex, does this mean they also had sex with a tree? Now this movie is just starting to get weird...
  17. His father is Japanese--hence his name...
  18. How about an antenna for the backpack in GERWALK? I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned before. I'd also like pretty much everything Graham mentioned in his post, but I have to echo the shoulder replacement. Some of the stuff mentioned in the VF-1 book would be nice as well. And there's also Hikaru's magic bicycle--which will be available as an online exclusive weathered version, limited to 1000 units, and will be 150% more to import it. I was also going to suggest Orguss armor, but I think I've thought of something better: a VF-1 head set with a VF-1R head! [ducks behind a table] Hopefully, Yamato will do something like this for the other valks; I'd love to get all of those accessories for the YF-19 that were on the cover of the M+ TIAS.
  19. In T2, he was impulsive because he was a kid. And even at that, he was still quite tactful. This was emphasized more in the deleted scenes and early screenplay drafts. It's yet another reason why the franchise died after T2...
  20. With the bird as an accessory, I thought it was Raptor for a second there...
  21. There's quite the difference between a spear and an AK-47. The guerrillas may have been poorly armed in comparison to their enemies, but they weren't reduced to the level of using Ewok-esque sticks and stones. Hell, even the afghan rebels got new and shiny Stinger missiles to use against the Soviets. Technology may not be the only factor, but you can't completely discount it. Look at the various indigenous populations that have been conquered over the years by a high-tech force; I'm sure they had a lot of heart and will too. Of course disease played a factor too, but my point still stands. Nonetheless, I've still got hope this movie may be decent.
  22. It's my understanding that the movie is a little bit of both...I think.
  23. That would depend on the perks you've equipped... Well Maximus has been in more one-on-one fights on screen, so I'd give him the edge. "Makin' movies, Makin' songs, and fight'n 'round the world!"
  24. And for the 25 kill streak reward, William Wallace come out of nowhere on horseback, shooting lightning bolts from his eyes, and fireballs from his arse. "FREEEEDOOOMM!" Seriously though, this doesn't sound like too bad of a game idea...
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