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VT 1010

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Everything posted by VT 1010

  1. I say we call it the Super DUPER Hornet. Before this is over, they're going to run out of letters. I say they go full circle and call it the F/A-17C Super Cobra...
  2. You may want to try using the new matchmaking filters--though I can't really comment on how well it works. I'm sure it'll change in the next couple of days as people learn the ins and outs of the game.
  3. Actually, invasion is quite a bit different. http://www.bungie.net/projects/reach/artic...s&cid=25863 I'm still not sure what the deal is with the buddy system though. I have to say I don't like the changes to how the vehicles control now; the Warthog doesn't drive like it used to and the Banshee flies like a brick.
  4. "Dynamite, how did you know?" "Because, donuts don't wear alligator shoes." This movie was simply awesome.
  5. Weird, all of the comic book store owners and their employees look to be at a rather healthy weight around here...
  6. Indeed, it did sound like more of an "interactive experience" and not so much a "game." I certainly respect its intent. Sadly, I think it does run the risk of being lost on the gaming public at large. Then again, the airport scene in MW2 was better received and understood than I thought. There's still hope.
  7. The story would have been perfect if Spider-Man had shot at the guy with Silly String web shooters...
  8. When it first became available today, it went pretty smoothly. It wasn't until sometime in the afternoon that trouble started to crop up; however, it was working fine for me in earlier this evening. At least it was available on time, unlike the Halo 3 Beta. I still remember waiting all day, staring at the Crackdown menu... Despite a couple of kinks, I've enjoyed Reach so far.
  9. The two wars had different impacts on American society. Both may be controversial wars, but Vietnam is still a touchy subject--even if it ended in the 70's. And I must reiterate that even if it resembled a current war, COD 4 still doesn't take place in that war. That's still different. If you want a controversial game that takes place in Iraq, this one clearly out-shines MW: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Days_in_Fallujah
  10. That's because it still wasn't Iraq. It was a generic Mideastern country, which is something has been used many different times by various games. Without delving into politics or anything, there is also a bit of a difference between the second war in Iraq and Vietnam. While it may be controversial, it doesn't hit the same sore spot as Vietnam. Let's also not forget that, like 24, Russians where the real culprits. And, again, it wasn't set inside of a real war; it was all completely fictional. Other than some superficial similarities, it didn't have anything to do with Iraq. Battlefield was the exception, not the norm.
  11. It'll just probably be an interactive cutscene like what was in the last games. Remember the Astronaut from MW2?
  12. Considering they tried making Vietnam shooters and they all bombed (is this a pun?), I doubt this will take place in that war. It's a tad too controversial and uncomfortable for many, not to mention the plethora of bad games that came out left a sour taste in many gamers' mouths, so I don't think they'll go that route. Also, if you watch closely in the trailer, the Steyr AUG makes an appearance; this didn't come out until the late 70's. My guess is you probably go to Vietnam on some secret, Rambo II-esque mission. Or it could be a flashback. Or I'm completely wrong and they just made a mistake. And as for the SR-71 stuff, there is now way in hell you'd use one just for inserting a lone operative. Aside from the fact that ejecting is a very dangerous thing (your probably going to get injured, but it beats going down with the plane), that plane is FAR too expensive to just throw away. And if it crashes in hostile territory, you better hope the enemy doesn't find the wreckage site; not only will they know something is up when a Blackbird crashes in their backyard, but they'll also try to salvage what they can from it. It wouldn't make a lot of sense. If you still don't believe me, try proposing this idea in the Aircraft Super Thread. Besides, as Beyond the Grave mention, it's already been done in Metal Gear Solid--though in a more practical manner.
  13. So it has nothing to do with Treyarch's last COD games being mediocre at best? I'm still skeptical on whether or not it'll be worth playing. What actually did work in the last game was what was lifted straight from IW. The singleplayer portion was kind of dull and the multiplayer had balancing issues (I still hate those dogs). Overall, it was an improvement over COD 3, but still paled in comparison to IW's games. I have my doubts about the gameplay--controversies aside. I will say that Activision seems to be desperate; there have been some big announcements lately...
  14. Okay, this is getting ridiculous. By the time this is over, the only original team member left at IW will be the janitor... http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/704374/R...nity-Ward-.html I wouldn't be too surprised to see Respawn come full circle and work on another Medal of Honor game.
  15. Looks like Bungie and Activision have developed a "partnership." Seems to me they made the announcement now to distract everyone from Fall of Duty. If their next game is a hit, I hope Bungie has some good lawyers...
  16. If you have the know-how, you can always build your own or modify a cheap stick with real parts.
  17. There's probably a torrent out there.
  18. I thought about the 980, but since it didn't support DDR3 1333, I figured I'd stick with the 975--plus it saved me some cash. I also went with two 7200rpm drives for capacity (this is an area in which I am in great need), not to mention it made more financial sense. My budget was thrown out of whack when I had to change the power supply, plus you have to include paying a premium for the graphics cards (each $100 over MSRP). Despite the price tag of this computer, I'm not rich or anything, so cost is certainly factor. That motherboard does seem pretty nice though. Either way, it's irrelevant since the parts are on their way.
  19. I don't intend to do wireless since it'll only be a couple of feet away from my router--plus I'll save cash. Right now, I'm still looking for a pair of 5970's though. I can't believe there's still a shortage... Would an SSD just for the OS really speed it up that much? The difference in specs would indicate it, but is there a major difference in real world performance? I'm genuinely curious if the HDD would actually be a big bottleneck.
  20. Speaking of an ultimate gaming rig, I'm looking to build my next one soon. I would appreciate the thoughts and opinions of this thread's more knowledgeable members. CPU: Intel Core i7-975 Motherboard: ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 RAM: Corsair Dominator 8GB DDR3 1333 GPU: (2x) ATI Radeon HD 5970 PSU: hec Cougar 1000 Case: ABS Canyon 695 HDD: (2x) WD Caviar 1TB 7200rpm OS: Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit I'll be using an X-Fi Ultimate and two BD drives from my old system as well. If anyone has any other recommendations or anything, my hardware budget is about $3600-$3700 or so (I can get a legal copy of W7 for $20, so that's not a factor here). I also don't intend to do any overclocking either. BTW...does anyone know where I can even find two 5970's in stock?
  21. "Uh, Is this the enemy or a dead pixel?"
  22. I agree. I'm skeptical until I see production pics. I'd always wanted a 1/18 F-14 and was so excited when I heard JSI was making one. I was set on buying a Jolly Rogers version until I saw...the leopard. I was so disappointed, I never did buy one. It was even more disappointing than the MPC valks (though I did buy some of those)... Hopefully, they've been able to learn from their mistake.
  23. I think you misunderstand the meaning of "overrated"; they have to be highly rated to begin with. Most of the movies you listed...well most of them pretty much sucked. I think the only movies you listed that got favorable reviews were the Jurassic Park movies. The rest, not so much. And I personally thought Twilight was funny as hell. I laughed my ass off the whole time--What?! It's not a comedy?! They sure fooled me...
  24. That's what I did. When my Elite RROD'ed, I popped the HD out and stuck it in my old Premium. I didn't have to worry about being without a 360--or running out of storage. I love redundancy...
  25. At least it lived up to its namesake: annoying. Shouldn't that have been posted in the video game thread anyway?
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