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U.N.N.GhostRider303 VF-0

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Everything posted by U.N.N.GhostRider303 VF-0

  1. I haven't posted in god knows how long but here's my opinion 1. Max (he's got insane skills) 2. Isamu (mainly because he is insane) 3. Guld (who happens to be more insane than the others but he did turn himself inside out) 4. DD (he was Focker's teacher after all) 5. Roy (only one guy in Macross history that can still kick ass while drunk, and not barf in his oxygen mask) 6. Hikaru ( he did fly into a mother ship by himself and kill a whole bunch of stuff) 7. Nora 8.Shin (cause he did shoot down a ton of guys in the F-14 so that sorta counts) 9. Basara (you try flying, or driving for that matter while singing your little heart out, while playing guitar. Its not easy) 10. The guy in Macross II that flies Metal Siren (just to piss everyone off)
  2. Man that looks great! Can I have it?
  3. I'm suprised no one has said APHOS yet. That would be one way to clear the highways and main streets on your daily inbound to work. It's also a good way to whipe the whole building out on those bad days too. . . . I am evil
  4. VF-0A Shin Type all the way
  5. by the way Daaaaaaaaamn nice kit man!!!!! lol
  6. Its kind of pointless to try and figure out why things are the way they are in Macross lol I used to think about this kind of stuff all the time, and eventually I got to the point where it didn't matter any more. I don't think the VF-0A two seater was meant for training, if that was the case the 0D, even though its a supposed electronic warefare aircraft, would also be a training aircraft mainly because we've seen Shin training in it. I honestly think the 0A two seater was meant for jobs that most two seater fighters were meant for, aside from electronic warfare stuff the 0D does. Make sense?
  7. Ya gotta love Alpha. He's always got me covered. Want to go into war with me bro?
  8. Hasegawa didn't make up the two seater. The compendium says that a two seater VF-0A exists. I have a nice picture of one, but in all honesty its too huge to post, but if you look for my Episode 5 color scheme thread you might be able to catch a glimpse of what I'm talking about. Anyway, Hase dubbed the model 0B so that it wasn't confused with 0A, but again in all actuality 0B is the two seater 0A. Hope that helps.
  9. Thats cause in the TV show Max and Milia flew those. Being that there was only one sighting of a VF-1J in DYRL, and seeing as how the Super/Strike kit is made to look like the ones you see in DYRL, it would only be normal to not have the J head in there. oh yeah, and Hasegawa likes making money.
  10. I've only seen a few sites with the Macross II mecha on it. Both places I usually go to are always sold out. I've been searching for a while for a VF-2JA, but I can't seem to find one of those either. The Bandai kit is cool, but I hate that clear green canopy. It just looks like crap. I don't really recall it looking like that in the movie. I dunno. Phadeout I got your PM I just havent had a chance to reply yet. I will soon. I actually managed to squeeze some time in to reply here lol!! What are the two add on kits for the VF-2SS?
  11. Any idea where to get these? I haven't seen that many in stock from the web pages I've been to. Are they that hard to find?
  12. Does anyone know how to get into the fire base on the second leg of level 6? You're supposed to sneak in, flip a switch and operate a crane, but I can't seem to find the way in. I've been at it for a while now, and so far I keep coming up with nothing.
  13. Cheng, It was nothing major, it was actually a reply to the original e-mail you had replied to some time ago, regarding the subject matter of this thread. So no big deal. You replied and that's all that matters
  14. No RADD you're totally right in that aspect. Another prime example is the VF-2J, which is actually 1 of 2 of my favorites from MacII. All it really is, is a VF-1J that sports flat edges. For all you Mecha stat junkies that happen to own an RPG source book, look up the VF-2J. Why can't the bugger fly in battroid mode?
  15. I like the Macross Zero helmets the most, but my opinion doesn't mean much considering I like all the Macross gear. I think that certain gear worn by pilots were allocated to what mecha they were assigned too, as far as Macross 7 goes anyway.
  16. I don't know how any of you feel about Macross II, but Metal Siren and the Zentran Valkyrie are hideous. Seeing those make looking at the VF-17 variants as well as sound force bearable.
  17. I managed to score a copy of Kill Zone as a birthday present. In my honest opinion its the best first person shooter I have ever played. I seriously like it more than Halo. Has anyone here played it yet? I wonder how they got away with copying the troopers from Jin-Roh though . . .
  18. Ok, I picked up a pin-vice at the nearest Sears. so hopefully when I get to that particular section it will go about smoothly. Then again when building kits nothing ever really does go smoothly huh? I also picked up some Testors liquid glue. The stuff in the triangular container. Anyone here ever use the stuff? I usually use the orange tube stuff, but I also came across some blue tubed stuff too. Any recommendations?
  19. I was going through some tools and came across a variable speed dremel. Do you think that'll do it, or would it chew the thing up? Also thanks for all the help in advance guys, you're all great.
  20. You know, I sent him an e-mail about a week ago I think and I've yet to hear from him.
  21. How you drill the small holes out in the VF-0 air break without damaging the part? What's the best tool for the job?
  22. You're right Gerwalker. I'm sorry I didnt mention you. I honestly thought I did when I posted. Anyway you're right as well. Another thing I noticed, is that in extreme close ups of Shin's VF-0A you can see a faint white stripe across the air brake, much like the black one on Skull leader's. There's also another one just under the canopy that runs through the UN SPacy fighting kite logo, also like the black ones on Fokker's VF-0S.
  23. Wow kick ass !!! I definately think your choice in paint mixture looks more like Nora's than the instruction's. For some reason instructions are always off a little bit. any way Niiiiiiiiice!!
  24. I've been avoiding this thread for some time now. IMHO I kind of think some of the gang here went a little too deep into it. C'mon guys is it really that important to start a debate as to what timeline who fought who, or if this is a direct connection to that? It really doesn't matter. Enjoy it for what it is. Don't get me wrong, there was a lot of great points on her. I'm suprised that my head didn't explode due to half the stuff I read though. Sometimes when you dig too deep, you forget what you're actually digging for. On a whole (Despite three episodes of terrible subbing <Which Alpha can verify>) I'm quite satisified with the opening and closing of Macross Zero. So what it doesn't show the VF-1. Big deal, you would think you'd be sick of seeing the thing. The VF-1 (granted we all love it), is old news. I mean the thing is everywhere, everywhere. Let it go and move on. After watching the whole thing start to finish several times, I think it was best not to show the VF-1 at all. Reason being, we all know where it came from, when it was built, what company built it, and I'm sure there are some fans out there so fixed on it, that they actually counted how many panels it would take to really build a life size mock up. (<-- in that case, I would suggest that you seek professional help as soon as possible. Your social life must be seriously lacking) Getting back to said subject. Macross Zero had hints to all the series (excluding Macross II <nothing against Macross II I liked that one as well>) in 5 small episodes, some were big and some were small, some were really small. The story was totally Macross. I'm definately glad the series went the way it did. It was different. If it wasnt for the change in direction, I think it would have just been like the others. That's my .02
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