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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. WOW I LOVE the cover art for Macross Ace Vol. 4!!! Anyone see this with out all the headlines and words? I would love to have just the art by its self!! -Star
  2. I am just wondering what chapter Shonen Ace - Macross Frontier Manga is up too. I have up to chapter 6, translated (Thanks MW!!!) I was wondering if there are additional chapters and what they are going up too? Does anyone have chapters past 6? Thanks for the info! -Star I think I posted this in the wrong forum first. Sorry for the re-post!
  3. I am just wondering what chapter Shonen Ace - Macross Frontier Manga is up too. I have up to chapter 6, translated (Thanks MW!!!) I was wondering if there are additional chapters and what they are going up too? Does anyone have chapters past 6? Thanks for the info! -Star
  4. I found a GREAT download of the Haruhiko Mikimoto - Innocence art book. He is my absolute favorite. Obviously the Marcross stuff is from, well, Macross.... Does anyone know if ALL the pics in that book are from other series or are some just stand alone pieces of art?
  5. That was it. THANK YOU!! ENJOY
  6. I use to have a really good sized version of this image. Does anyone know where I can get it again? A link or a post would be apprecuiated. Thanks -Star
  7. Can you or anyone scan it hi-rez in separate sections?. I will photoshop and repost Scans of the separate sections would be PERFECT! here is the full image - scroll down to the bottom. its the FULL image. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...28705&st=20
  8. Closer!!!
  9. TY - but yeah - I was hoping the get the raw untouched pic - its a great scan though, Ill keep it anyway.
  10. This has always been one of my favorite Macross images. I first saw it back in the '80's when it was labeled "Robo War" ROBOTECH back in the day - but it MUST have existed before HG used it for posters and box sets. Anyone know where it originated from and where I might get a really high rez scan of it? Thanks -Star
  11. TY!!!!!!
  12. What is the status of this. I remember reading good things about it here. Was it ever completed. It there a link anywhere to download it? Thanks for the info, -Star
  13. I did a search and could not find it... the google searches seem inaccurate... What is the best English translation? Thanks -Star
  14. Here is the biggest I have found so far and I cleaned it up a little in Photoshop. -Star
  15. TY for the info --- Can anyone get a higher rez scan?
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