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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. well smiley...life is just risky! ..... i say go for a green and shadow! if you get duds just ship 'em right off too toyami for a prompt replac-o-ment!!! whala!
  2. are we forgeting the air dominator: raptor?
  3. very goood points! -but i belive chrystler bought lamborgini several years ago..could be wrong thou-
  4. yeah, you'll say that until Master Windu steps up and opens a can on ya.... i thought alot higher of jedi before the preqels..now..the dork factor is impossible too ignore in the old flicks they were mysterious and cool.. now they are dorky do-gooders with cardboard personalities which makes me..mad,mad,mad!
  5. Beacuse a LOT of the companies you just listed DIDN'T give hasbro and takara the licences. VW specifically said they did not want to be involved with war related products due to their WWII ties in the past. But hasbro is still fighting for the beetle license. Of course to make an alternator bumblebnee hmmm..wierd because, >>>some of the G1 transformers were based on the lamborgini and volkswagon,correct? yeah..i heard somewhere that the honda s2000 would be weaponless because honda is a "family company"and doe'snt want too be associated with violence of any kind. true? i belive ferrari and lamborgini are now owned by the big 3 u.s. car makers..like chevy and dodge... as far as the more obscure companies like lotus..i would think they would welcome the exposure TF could offer them..welp
  6. Heyyy ,,nice SMITHS lyrics !!! that joke is'nt funny anymore........ sorry for dubbble post
  7. good question indeed!
  8. (imo)why are all the binaltechs made from shhty wanna be sports cars like mazda and chevy??..fuggin' subaru..c'mon now! ....how about , LOTUS ? LAMBORGINI ? FERRARI ? BUGATI ? DeTOMASO ? MASERATI ? DeLOREAN ? hell ...i'd even take a nissan 350Z ...over that rx-8 any day of the year! just wonder...
  9. what about Galoobs 3 winged TRI-fighter..these sell for $100.00 i belive the original price was like $6.
  10. are you kidding.. these guys are too koool for sony and honda....that's why they frequent japanese robot sites like this..too brandish their cool savvy for us mere mortals..and how grateful we are..
  11. at this point i'd take either!
  12. whatever it takes man! i hope they stick too the IMAI 1/12 sculpt for the basis. ...while i love the gakken too no end...it's too fat for bartley or even blowsupirior varients too look normal!
  13. doh...maybe yur right. but they have the "only game in town" thing goin for them.. i will simply return dud after dud ..unit i get a good unit>>it's working like a charm for the alpha's!
  14. yamato P-please make this moto-slave!!!
  15. all i'm seeing is a couple kikicks,ishkiks...no orgoids..
  16. i wonder about possible unseen cyclone varients in this new series..it would give toynami/hg more milage out of their upcoming cyclone line i say...bring it on!
  17. too bad it's so FUGLY!!!!!!! ....they went out of their way too make that thing look so doofy!
  18. I belive druna skass said it best when he said.....
  19. unless your armored!
  20. all i'm seeing is fuggin blue subaru's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and a red viper here and there..gawddd
  21. good point... le'american market is the only strong enough too justify mospeada stuff... so strange...those japanese don't know killer mech design when they see it? well,cult classic status over there makes it all the more cool too me in a way..hummm.
  22. my child raped my hood.
  23. ive always thought yoda and sam jackson looked alike!!!! ...that's the first time i've heard someone else make the connection!
  24. i wish yamato had mospeada rights
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