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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. i am quite pleased that the VARIABLE droid tie-fighter looking things will be returning after thier debut(extemely brief)in ep.1 wooohoooooo!!!!! too me ..this is george lucas tipping his hat too japanese variables..nice!
  2. ahh yes! thanks very much, man!
  3. i've waited 20 years too pilot a cyclone...20 LONG FUGGIN YEARS!!! ...and i have not played many games since a few years ago.so for me invasion could be worse... i have gleaned at least 30 hours out of it so far because i just cant get enough of piloting my favorite all time mech!!! but i'm really hoping that they make a more playable version of a MOSPEADA based title .. >>> this time i want too pilot LEGIOSS,TREAD and more fluid RIDE-ARMOR!!!!
  4. hey guys.. are you farmilliar with this site..i dont remember the exact name but its somthing like :super robot labrotory ...or somthing. many great toy shots>>it's a japanese site where is this site?? thanks a milion!
  5. thats a trip..is that fan art or somthing???
  6. sorry i cant post pics from this location..but both the legioss and cyclone toys are quite honkin"..and similar size. and zeo...the tri-charger pilot is a bit BIGGER than a starwars figure..too be more accurate!
  7. google the word : tri-charger >>>hopefully that will werk for u.. the toy is about as tall as the big gakken cyclone..but different scale - the pilot is exactly the size of a star wars figure. hope that helps! goodluk
  8. just saw the preview for this flick..it looks incredible!!! has anybody seen the film? if so...any imput ? thanks much
  9. huh? I what?!?! What did I beat you to? oops it was Pat S not you must have been half asleep or something when i typed that, does anyone know how much that Zillion bike go for? I really want to get one. yep, zeo.. i snagged a *mint* zillion tri-charger toy for about $250 u.s. off yahoo japan auctions about 2 years ago. ...after checking the auctions for over a YEAR!!! - i saw one on eBay ONCE for $500.00u.s.doHHH!! ...no one paid the minimum bid! ..... i must thank matt alt from:TOYBOX DX,,,otherwize this artmic bike nut would'nt even know the toy existed..a dream come true for me!!! you will love this frigggggin toy man!!!!! absolutely stunning and ultra-rare! .............. well worth the possible long wait and $$$$ http://planeta.terra.com.br/informatica/br...ger/page_02.htm
  10. we should at least get some more 1:48 varients ... what's the point of NOT making more bank$$ from an existing mold?? - that would be collosially dumbbbbbbbb!!! otherwize...i DEMAND the following!!!... LANDMATE(s) ! GARLAND(s) ! MOTO-SLAVE(s) ! they can keep the $200 votoms...thou a bruthish dog would snagg my money.
  11. does anyone recognize this transformable bike..legs look mighty stubby, but other wize it's awsome! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WDVW .... thanks a million for any help in i.d. for this toy!
  12. fuk!n lame..jerryborkavizh SUCKS!!!!!
  13. todd's saving grace is kenada's bike... where else can you get a iconic anime related machine for $6???? other than that..his stuff sucks..spawn sucks!
  14. i'm a struggling artist(glassblower) who uses the nickname "supernova" on my pieces... so this thread naturally bums me out..for more than one reason
  15. is anyone making these? the runt's that yamato is using are just pitiful.. thanks!
  16. ive got my hopes up for seeing a bubblegum crisis MOTOSLAVE proto from yamato.. what do you think the chances are? at least we should see the garland in armor mode!
  17. the 1/60 cannon fodder is my only yamato toy.. it is the toys'r'us version from japan...very nice toy BUTTTT.. >>>It's got more q.c. issues than my toynami masterpiece alpha!!!!!
  18. does anyone know about the G-1 RE-ISSUES?????? : where is my MIRAGE formula one??? do they plan on reissuing this...it was by far my favorite g-1 thanks for any info!
  19. u should cut down on the fugggin' attitude thanks for the link thou
  20. robotech invasion!!! the game is rather bland but hey...you pilot a cyclone in it so ...i LOovEee IT!!!!!
  21. the cyclone is the small Gakken version...very poor construction and materials.. the transformation is quite lame..but can be customized for better appearence. ...the front of the bike cowling can be carefully removed(so it doe'snt hang over the pilots head(quite doofy looking)in armor mode. ..as well as the wind shield can be cropped in back too look more like the anime. the ugly "fins" that stick out the sides in armor mode can be dramaticly reduced in size(without effcting tranformation)_ ...not too mention the arm plates stay stuck too the front wheels..good luck with that. over all the toy sucks...but it's the smallest variable cyclone you'll ever see
  22. i think there was a member here...milkmanX if i'm not mistaken>>> he was customizing a gakken for shadow varient.. he had missle bays in the chest...which i don't think the toynami will wonder how it came out..(his photo's looked awsome) ***BTW ..i've been paying only $5 bucks too shipp to toynami from the east coast..and here's a tip: keep the rifle(double fisted possibilities!!!) keep the sticker sheet(oh yeah)!!! keep the cyclone(mmmmmmmm)!!! that should be worth your 5 or ten bucks!
  23. Not really, every Appleseed/ Shirow fan wants one... I think that's what this article (upper right) is all about... http://stwo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/shirow/index_enu.html BOoinnnggggggg ....good grief, charlie brown!!!!!! me likey...me wantie! ! ! ....c'mon, chuck! yamato would be fuggggin crazy not too deliver somthing like this juicy resin kit! http://stwo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/shirow/Images/softwired01.jpg dear lord..please gimmmmme land-mate
  24. am i the only one who wants a decent LANDMATE with opening cockpit??????
  25. hey man, what do you got against beearthur!!!!!! she MADE that '78 holiday special SHINE!!!!!!! i mean who could forget that # number she belted out in the mos-eisly cantina?!?!?!!?!?!??!?!!??!??!? you got issues man!
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