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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. I started building model kits at the tender age of 5... I think it just snowballed from there. Just for the record, I'm entirely self-taught. If anything, I've always been a fast learner, and would devour all sorts of books for information. Most of all, I experimented feverishly... If only I hadn't wasted my time in college learning pesky commercial illustration! LoL hey captain A, do you have any links too the legioss-tread model that you built/painted years ago? thanks! and dagggit, i sense that many perfer the motoslaves too the garlands: ...if only there were a way too assure sales prior too you investing time into a project of this scope perhaps putting some feelers out on various hobby/fan sites would elict a positive response.. but..u know better than us! BTW ..your Tachikoma rocks!!!! ..how about some Land-mate action down the road?
  2. youch, yet, is the megazone23garland much more popular?? we see that yamato has genuine confidence in the garland for profit. well, it's great too hear such a high caliber sculptor proclaim admiration for one of artmic's fabulous ride-armor designs! it's a longshot but....perhaps a 'field of dreams', ...if you make it they will buy? cant blame me for trying
  3. sad but true, ...truly ....evil ?(puts pinky at corner of lower lip)
  4. hey all, is anybody making 1/60 canopies WITHOUT a butt-ugly seam line running down the middle??? or is there a way too 'buff out' the unseamly seam line from the standard canopies? yamato really cheaped out on this any help is greatly apperciated
  5. hey guys, I read some ruble on toyboxDX from 2001..from what they say...bandai was cosidering the project(prehaps spurred on by half-eyes resin toy) the ruble suggested a parts switch for the transformation..due too complexity/impossibility of the design...fine with me. do you guys have any imput on the possibility of a 3 change getter robo from bandai? thanks!
  6. fan-fuggin-tastic!!!!! hey capt. ..what are your feelings on doing a variable BGC Moto-Slave???? please....... tell me you have strong, positive feelings! thanks much!
  7. OMG, are you serious?! I would go crazy for a glass piece with a little Macross kite logo imbedded in a bubble or something like that. dead serious man... I did a macross logo pipe for MW member agent orange...and have made myself a few mospeada inspired pieces I do the solid color logo on the head(front) of the piece...the rest of the pipe is "inside out" worked...decoration imbedded in clear glass. lots of fun!!!!!!!!!! yep,my e-mail is: drfloydd21@yahoo.com e-mail if interested.
  8. this is possible....
  9. i've blown color changing glass pipes for several years now..which makes me a deviant artist!!!!! . ...i will do macross themed pipes(with glass mech+logo imagry) post if interested! don't know about this site your talkin about...lemme know how it turns out! what is your art like..post some!
  10. toynami is happily accepting QC dud's...so if you get a dud-keep the rifle/stickrs,ect.(too re-coup shipp costs) ..and they'll send u a replacment! + the sculpt is worthy!!!!
  11. hey man...bea auther is my MOM!!!! ....and shes a fabulous singer
  12. here's why i'm optimistic...bear with me here.. >>> look at the VF mpcs...they were totally shoddy and horrible sculpt. >>>compare them with the mpc alpha?!?...the alpha's sculpt is BETTER than gakkens 1/35(this is arguable..i Loove my 1/35's)..but closer too the animation(besides the feet) qc is still a major issue...but not compared too the VF's! >>>the cyclones could be alright..the imai ride-armor sculpt should be sufficent (toynami's alpha's are based on imai)...i reaaaallllly hope they attempt these,..since it will be the first metionable fuke + blowsupirior!!!! >>>lets hope for the best!!!
  13. join the club...while i have one of each 1/35 gakken legioss..(love 'em up!): i sold my only gakken stick ride-armor last year...and i want too get another..but these are getting more and more hard too find ...have'nt seen a decent one on eBay for weeks and weeks
  14. the chest and shoulders are supposed too be different from the bike and rest of the armor..stock. even the art on the box shows the difference.
  15. Toys N Joys has them in stock and it's where I bought both of mine. thanks dude...for some reason i could'nt find em on toynjoys site.. + the listing seems a bit vauge for the moto..hmmm cooool
  16. macross: 919,000 mospeada:31,100 DOhhhh that's why they dont call it: mospeada world
  17. ....you know , I feel like i'm trying too score some ancient-vintage toy when looking for this moto-bisar...orange or white version. >>>>kinda strange for a BRAND NEW toy line ..is'nt it? man,why did i get into japanese toys...
  18. Man... I'm really happy for you to get such a GOOD deal! Is it made in Singapore? What do you mean by re-issue? When.. I'm not aware of that? BTW thanks Cyclone for answering my question. yes it's made in singapore .... is that a good thing? According to fellow members here, they're practically the same as japanese version... cool same construction... but the japanese made gakkens seem too turn yellow in a dramatic way every ride armor i see on yahoo japan auctions has a extremely yellowed tank+other parts severly yellowed..oddd ...gakkens from singapore can turn yellow too...just not as noticable
  19. any links for this white version??? HLJ is BACK-ORDERED, uggghghggggggrrrrr any other reputable dealers have these???? thanks for info !
  20. dont know if this has been posted..probably ..but, wTh>>> http://www.newtek-europe.com/uk/community/...ve/perez/1.html enjoy!
  21. I'd say HLJ, be warned though the MotoBisar has some sever design flaws. I should know, I own one YIKES!!!! ...what sort of design flaws on this toy? ..did you get QC problems ; or inherit design problems. ...what sorts of problems? this sucks
  22. you guys always seem too know the best place too buy: anime goodies... SOOooo - what's the best place(online) too purchase some AMDRIVER stuff..namely the motoBisar and figure(s)????? seen here : http://www.amenbo.co.jp/cgi-bin/detail/detail-e.cgi amenbo is out of stock!!!...is HLJ my best bet...or WHO??? I really appreciate your imput..thanks a million!
  23. yeah, would'nt it be quaint if they dropped the lawyers and hired some good toy manufacturers!
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