hey do you guys know the person who was making these, and sold them on ebay?
it was..about 1-2 years ago i think-
the set contained rooks rocket launcher, a gallant with rifle-stock and some others i cant remember..
is this ringing a bell with you guys..i'd love too get a set of these!
thanks for any help
man, ive been waiting for my replacment bernard for 6 weeks over here
silly thing is ..it's a replacment OF a replacment with busted hand!
the first replacment showed up in 2 weeks or so.
i can understand the holidays slowing them down ..but it's getting a bit rediculous!
called toynami after a few unanswered e-mails..then they e-mail and say ..sorry for delay thanks for your patience!
but...i'm losing it!
on the east coast here ..you'll be lucky if you find a hound ...definately no miesters or s2000's,mustang's ...not by A long shot!
i'm still staring at a bunch of blue subies...yuck!
yeah..my yamato 1/60's have many QC errors!!!!!!!!
the dirty paint..paint chips..glue marks...FINGERPRINTS!!!!!!
i feel like people are somehow much more forgiving too yamato...when in reality..all their offerings have bad Q.C.!
and price...1/48's are NOT CHEAP!
everybody bitchs about high priced MPC ...the fuggin 1/48 runs twice the cost!
yeah it may be twice as big...but that certainly doesn't make yamato a bunch of saints!
forgot which TF site it was...
and personally..i'll be glad to get ANY realistic,deluxe scale jets from the alternators line!!!
heres hoping for the best
this new GF transformer is lookin gooood...
looks like another exellent varible bike too add too my list..
just read on a TF fan site...
Hasbro said they MAY be getting a line of variable JETS for the alternators series..wooohHOoOO!!!!! -scale will be diff. from the cars-
have you guys heard anything about these?
they will sell!!!!
..there is'nt alot(any)of options for GithS fans!
my guess is alot of japanese fans would love your kit...can you have it shown at wonderfest?..or other japanese venues..like yahooJapanauctions?
keep the faith,man!
i'm hoping they simply expand upon the energon ACREE !!!
the tranformation is quite wonderful...and a larger more detailed version would just rule!!
..makes a great ride armor if you remove acree's ugly-ass head and replace it with small anime chick head..i took one from a small female gumdam fig...it looks fantastic!
ehh,, the marvel shht is making me feel funny...maybe they'll gow on me
what do you guy think about a larger size ACREE ?????
............................any chance we'll see one ?
ahh yes, the tie-defender...the others look equally kool!!!
and yet we get NONE of them in rots(the dorky tri-fighter sucks!)......
and that makes me mad,bonehead ..mad,mad,mad
yeah,the father figure thing is severly creepy; yet some girls really respond too this!!!
>>u guys have great advice so far..
my thing is i've never dated any asian girls, and always find myself wondering what different approachs might werk best..
they seem so ..alien in a way//hard too describe
please continue with your hilarious advice!
so i've heard that alot of asian girls prefer american dudes...
but.....where is good place too meet some of them on east coast, usa?
+ what is a good icebeaker for asian girls?
need imput!!!
Maybe the Japanese girls really want to get a gaijin boyfriend/companion. Some i spoke to mentioned their preference for gaijin especially caucasians over japanese men.
i'm moving to japan...goodbye
carl and his confounded TREADS!
aaarghhhhh ...carl, u get all the good stuff
so... hows about we recast that little gakken of yours!
actually did'nt you let someone recast your tread Soldier kit?...whats the deal
this is easily the lamest looking of the new stuff...yuck!
what ever happened too the the three winged tie-fighter from galoob . . ...i would have taken that in a heart beat!
hopefully the variable droid fighters have more screen time than these p'sOS!!!