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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. i wish they would just let studio ARTMIC take over the project as a mospeada sequel!
  2. that's Rufus...he's the man.
  3. thank god for that!!!! this flick is going too rockk! now i'm getting antsy waiting for this film!
  4. REDICULOUS!!!!! the guy could have bought a mint TAKA vf-1s for that cost!!!!!
  5. All the alpha's share the weak point on the white "bicep" part of the arm. I had my 3rd replacment scott arrive too me with the left arm dangling by this weak point.. - i very carfully split the shoulder open..went quite well..then - then split open the upper bicep from the lower bicep ...revealing the post on the lower half of the bicep(with rubber gromet). .....the rubber gromet leaves a gap where; once you fit the top half of the bicep back on it ...You find that it will dangle because of this gap! I wound some thread extemely tightly arong the post with grommet too fill the gap..and then re-inforced it with some decal material too furtur reduce gap. Then i glued the pieces back together carefully..... Now it looks better than it did from the factory!!! ...the glued area even looks better(not saying much for china's q.c.) on top of that it's nice and tight!!!! bottom line...now i can yank the arm out of the shoulder and forearm and the bicep is not loose OR dangling at all! in Toynami's defense.. my first Yamato 1/60 id dangling at the exact same section of the arm ....and there's NO way it won't show if i pry it's arm open ..and otherwize the bernard is really well put together! bottom line..because of the missle hatch on the shoulder...there is'nt much visible seam line on the shoulders...this is ideal if you find yourself having too do what i did...you can't tell it's even been taken apart gooood luk with your tho man, it looks like the post Snapped on yours..it will reqire more work...but if you open the shoulder and upper bicep...get yourself a new arm post and re-assemble from ther or have toynami REPLACE the entire unit!!!!
  6. great valk.. does anyone have good shots of in: roboto mode??? heeh..or transformation sequence,...similar to yf-19? cool.
  7. ..I realllly hope we get some screen time with the variable droid fighters..these are one of the more impressive designs from the prequels imo! ..and only brief moment of there walk mode in episode 1 i guess it's official that we will see them in the flick..but i'm holding out too see them change modes..
  8. me wants me some newz on the Binaltech/alt JETS,man!!! ..when god, whe-n
  9. It's not motor oil, it's a grease cleaner from the makers of motor oil. you can also try goo gone. exellent, sounds great! > thanks much! ...I'm thinking of using regular model glue once the pieces have been serviced, do you guys use somthing different for toy plastic vs. models...ya know somthing stronger for a glue?
  10. hmmm ,motor oil ..but, it wont stain white plastic? thanks, man!
  11. hey guys ..i have a yamato 1/60 tru and a bernard mpc that both need glue removal for various parts too be serviced.. what's the best way too go about this without damaging the plastic???? is there some sort of solvent that won't eat the plastic? thanks for any imput on this issue!
  12. does anybody got any tips for tightening up the arms??? i just got my 2nd replacment bernard..after much waiting..and the left arm is practically dangling off the shoulder!!!!! -it's the white bicep part of the arm where it swivels.. this is a poorly constructed section: as much force is applied(no matter how careful you are)...since you have too pull the arm out of the forarm and shoulder. i feel like it would require "un-glueing the shoulder too get at this troubled bicep..then un-glueing the bicep itself to try and remedy the prob. but please..any imput on this problem would be greatly appreciated! other than that the rest of the toy is quite nice!
  13. hmmm,, when do you guys think we might see more prototypes??? the megazone garland has yet too be seen in armor mode! +I'm really holding my breath for a BGC moto-slave..as well! thanks for imput!
  14. hey guys.. do any of you know the next time we will get any sort of update from Yamato on new toys for: ..bubblegum crisis megazone23 votoms(want my brutishdog!), ..or others ..when's the wonderfest..or others in japan where yamato will show us some goodies? thanks much!
  15. here's a thought.. is anyone out there doing reproduction decals for the mpc alpha?!? these toys really look MUCH cooler will all the decals. ...yet, many(like myself) want too keep the sticker sheet intact..for collector's value. so where are the repro's??? glad too hear the greenies are nice and tight! ..can't wait too grab 1-3!
  16. sounds good too me
  17. thanks for info..i'll opt for the FP ..sounds good!
  18. Feyd-Rautha

    Yamato yf-11B

    hmmmm, hey guys..I am looking for imput on the imfamous yf-11B and it's horrible hip design. I love the look of this toy but for years have abstained from buying one(orig or fastpack ver) is there any hope for this bastard yamato?. i thought i might get more imput that posting in "whats wrong with my...thread"...espcially since i dont OWN one yet! so,what's the final word on salvaging this toy from it's horrible hipp-itis??? thanks for imput on a old/tiredtopic...it's greatly appreciated!
  19. ummm perseptor..the worst deluxe G1 of all time..mmmmm i might skip this one that sucks about soundwave, too thanks for the low down!
  20. ....i predict we will se a quick sell out for the SHADOW version!!! let's face it ..the VF series sucked royal arss..and had HEAVY competition from Yamato + Bandai! with Mospeada..there is zero competition ..and the sculpt is worlds better than the fugly VF series! ...and it's diffucult too say with certainty how toynami's sales are going.. it's entirely possible that the Bernard could sell out in the first 6 months or a year and that would not hurt their bottom line at all who say's they need too sell out of 15,000 in some short time frame like the first 6 months of release? I'm no authority on this topic..and my guess is that the speculation about this could be without much merit, other words ..who REALLY knows where toynami stands on adequate sales figures and rate of sales! so,all should feel free too use your "spidey sense" of toy marketing if you will ..but until someone at tonami says..."wow,were not selling enough too make ourselves/hg happy" ..until then - we'll just have too wonder! ***the fact that many VF skull/rick mpc's are selling for well over $150 dollars is a good sign that the toynami product is gaining true collectable status! gawd knows why..since the VF's are pitifully sculpted and horribly constructed! as far as cyclones and beta's ....i'm holding my breath for these babies! honestly..i'd trade my first born for a variable Bartley or yellow ride armor!!! what are the alternitives...well the Imai yellow i have built is my all time favorite mech in my collection no bartley, thou as far as the Beta/tred????.. well i wont be shelling out $20,000 u.s. for the only known gakken for sale thru carl hoff.(bartley type tread)
  21. hhmmm .. i vaugely remember from the series.... upon hearing that! ThanKs! Soundwave re-issue in japan only?! man...This is my brothers all Time Favorite G1..does anybody think they show up on ebay or japan seller?? hehh..the smallest transformer series has soundwave in the line up!..i bet he fit IN soundwaves cassete deck ..like tiny megatron fits in 20'th ann.primes hand!
  22. it's 1/48 scale apparently..but yamato? it looks enticing!
  23. damnn ...that bad huh?? bummer..
  24. oop dublepost-- also i hemmed and hawwed for them too INSPECT this 2ND replacement..too avoid further problems. ...perhaps this is why i'm still waiting EDIT. . .... - just checked my e-mail and toynami has sent my tracking#bernard is on it's way JUICEY!!! Yep, toynami is showing it has salt by: friendly replacement of dud product! BRAVO Toynami..!
  25. nahhh, that's good newz dude!..glad too hear it ,+ it also means my replacment is'nt in limbo....... if your getting yours soon. and i can't b#$#tch too much , these customer service guys really are on the ball(too bad the chinese Q.c. people arn't ) - afterall..my first replacement took only a week or so too arive yehhh, toynami is really doing themselves a favor by being prompt+courteous with customer service! i still hate waiting thou
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