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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. wow the CG arm looks quite weasly ...are u sure that shot is for real..? ME WANT full TRAILER!!!!
  2. Has ANYONE seen the Japanese Boxes for toynami's LEGIOSSS...????? *don't move the thread...cause technically...japanese legioss is NOT an mPC* so... WHERE ARE THE Japanese BOX PICS for toynami leGioss????? sombody help me
  3. MOTO-SLAVE?!?!?!?
  4. 9 out of 10 MW'ers agree.... mPc ALPHA KicKs A$$$$ !!!!! ..... now bring on the BETA and CYCLONES...!!!
  5. hey..is tom baker still alive...hope he does a cameo if so!
  6. thats what i'm talkin about!
  7. ...........................................pisses me OFF!!!!!!! i can't even make RENT ...let alone pour money into saving some shhty tv show hey enterprize lovers, take a hint from william shatner, and; ................get a life
  8. kind of sad that the retail value of this pic is $400 plus shipp
  9. DUDE ....WHERE's my variable MOTO-SLAVE?!!!!!!!!!?!!!!! .....do you guys think they'll make one?!???
  10. do you guys think the garland will come with a PILOT????
  11. I'll live without the sculpt mods for the shadow... ............but NOT for the FUKE RIDE-ARMOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We better get a good representation(FINALLY)..of fe-male ride armor PLEASE!!!
  12. ohhh i get ya' while i love the 19 ...at least several versons already exist...mac7 by bandai , yamato's 2 versions ...sorry 3 versions ..and various kits of the 19. i'd much rather see resourses go toward valks that haven't yet seen the light of day...of which there are many. whatever floats thy boat, thou
  13. I've heard SOOoo much BITCHING about the fuggin 19 fastpack!!!! really guys, all they are is "FAST-PACKS". .............................!!!!! I mean, how difficult would it be too have captain america or another fine sculptor sculpt you some fast-packs for the 19????? ...it just seems like alot of hot air for a couple plastic boosters...gawd you'd think they were the holy grail or somthing; the way people talk about them around here. the topic seems blown wayyyyyyyyy out of proportion (imo)since the packs and mounting arrangments represent a very simple project for the likes of C.america or others. so if you really want them so fuggin badly ...go hire someone too make the packs..that's all they are!
  14. any idea on price..? I'd pay 120$ in a second!!!! ..at that size ....then again i've been waiting 20 years for one BTW ...is this toy being released in THE u.s. STATES???? don't tell me HG owns MEGAZONE23 in the states...did'nt they use footage for the robotek movie or somthing??? thanks for any info
  15. I've got a fever.... and the only cure is more GARLAND, baby ...MORE GARLAND! screw the cowbell...
  16. hey monkey nugget... YAMATO was trying too obtain Mospeada RIGHTs and failed...???? someone tell them too KEEP TRYING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no Garland info from Yamato?!!????
  17. what do you guy's think of BETA/tread Superposables? also ...does ANYBODY have pics of the Japanese MPC BOXES?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!? MUST SEE tv!
  18. nice...................
  19. Toynami said the cyclone superposables were : "coming SOON" about 2 years ago.... soooo, can we expect any info on these any time ...SOON???? and perhaps a beta super-posable would allow them to gauge the demand for possible MpC...just a thought, what are yours ?
  20. they make me want to kill,kill,kill
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