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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. 1.MONCHICHI's 2. land of the lost(new and old)-no, it's not a cartoon ...but sux too high heaven. 3.my little pony! 4.thundercats HOOOOO! sucked IMO. ....that's all i can think of
  2. sorry anyhow ..you can count on some innovative, highly articulate posts from me in the near future mr.focker...as you were. ....just being goofy(o.K?)
  3. koool exo, i think it was the BGC book,not artmic. ....hopefully someone can post pics of it if they have 'em. Anyway, i figured this section would do since yamato product is discussed here. but,, mods: feel free too move it-
  4. most interesting.. hhmm,,wasn't there a variable MotoSlave sculpture in the old ARTMIC bible? ... I though carl hoff posted it a while back, along with some megazone kits.verrry kool as i remember. -anyone have those pics? thank much
  5. yo kiddo,,is your old MW name agent orange by any chance? and no...i'm not all there, unfortunately - part of me is here.
  6. anybody want to venture a guess- as too when we can expect to see the Garland(s) ? does it usually take a year or so after the initial sculpt showing at the wonderfest?? Also,, is'nt the sculptor of the Garland also making a MOTOSLAVE for yamato?? thanks for any imput
  7. kool
  8. is it me ..or are some folks just a bit snooty when it comes too console games>>yiKeEssS the game is NOT perfect..but is it really all that BAD?? too me it's better than NO mospeada game play ..which is where we've been for 20 years... so i'm happier than i was with no newGen game! just my 2 cents-
  9. T.V. for me..
  10. what about tranformers decepticon jets in this sort of scale...would they not Kick@$$??
  11. OHhhhgod ...that flippin' Garland is gonna make me soil my nickers!
  12. finally i play mospeada!!!!! i like the game -and want next gen. sequel with more beef
  13. fabulous re-incarnation of IMAI...treat this toy like model! ...for instance..the right hand on mine disintergated when placing gun in hand! arrgghghhhhhh!!! ...can anyone thnik of how too replace this?? thanks for any ideas!
  14. i must say i go with guppy . smokin' design, but lousy QC
  15. those are cute..hehh
  16. ...thing sucked.
  17. hard to find
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