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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=2170&st=60 ....only 350,000 yen ...where was i ?????
  2. There were some Invid prototypes made. I *think* I even know where some of them are today. However Gakken went under before any of them saw any sort of production. And yes... I've tried to get them and No I didn't get very far. Gakken had many Mospeada toys in the pipeline when she folded. Most are now in the hands of private collectors in Japan that won't even let them be photographed. Carl oh god, i would kill to see...die too see. ugghhghhhhh
  3. carl hoff has turned down offers to clone his tread toy(i don't blame him) ... sombody did recast at tread in soldier mode from him thou(very rare kit) toy is so rare!!!!!! toynami had better make all the Ride armors..or i'll go feyd-rautha on george sohn's @$$$!!!!!!!!
  4. the design has great potential ...this is good considering: ...we may actually get a Bartley and Lance variable RIDE ARMORS!!!!! --personally ..i think thats why Yamato is pulling out the megazone 23 sculpts..to compete with toynami on this. ...when toy companies compete....you WIN!
  5. sweet...1/100mg hands will do! ..since i have no recipt(got it as a gift). ..thanks guys!
  6. do you guys have any idea how i could replace the hand on my busted legioss/alpha(toynami type)??? -what about 1/100 gundam hands... where can i score these?? I'm bummin',,,,please help! thanks!!!
  7. Feyd-Rautha


    yeahh... but too bad the animators did'nt choose a GOOD beer for the gag...hmmmf.
  8. i conceed... but i will squeeze as much enjoyment as possible from this title due too my un-dying love for the licence in question: MOSPEADA ... ..albiet wrapped in a robotek package..with rushed programming
  9. ....i root for underdogs all the time good points,though..
  10. yeah bsu, whatever.... - this game seems to be getting pretty fair reviews, for such a craptastic title. besides...what heavy-hitter outfits will ever produce a fairly popular 80's anime series based game for u.s. release?? -i'll be the first too buy it! until then ..the mospeada related game that's getting a 6-8 rating is pretty kool in my book.
  11. thanks for very kool pics!
  12. i must say: Toynami's VF morphers SUCK!!!!!! YET.. Toynami's ALPHA/LEGIOSS morphers KICK @$$ !!! -for $6 bucks that is.. Personally.. i think it is a CRIME that Bandai decided against re-release of the imfamous Joke-machine series... .......... the evil that men do.
  13. you guys are way-harsh about this game..gawdd
  14. KING DAM!? ..probably not-
  15. hey JUNG, are those the original hands your using on that kit... they look GREAT! ..thanks for info-
  16. by the way, that impossiblity you stated... is possible upto or over $500.00 Comlete Getter Robo: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SHE030 Updates of the classic Getter Robos in single transformation versions: Shin Getter: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SHE015 Shin Getter 2: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SHE020 Mini version Getter Dragon: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SHE022 Mini Getter Robo: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?SHE021 BLAM!!!!!!! there's some stuff i dont see every day!
  17. Baxinger?!? No accounting for taste, I guess but damn that toy sucks. Here's why: And it is for this reason that I really can't get into any of the other aforementioned designs. All of the early combining transformer toys needed piles of extra pieces in order to work. It was a pain and has always seemed like an engineering cop-out to me. I don't mind so much when you have to discard pieces, though. I guess that's why I like Tomy's Eldoran line so much; from this springs Great Ganbalger which, at 16 inches, towers over every other combiner out there. Takara put out some great combiners from their Brave line. I personally dig Great Goldran and Super Build Tiger (which kicks Devastator's ass). If we're talking vintage, I'd have to go with Takatoku'sBig Dai X and Bandai's Voltes V and Diarugger. hehhh, what can i say i have a weakness for motorcycle robots.. thanks for the pics
  18. absolutely FANTASTIC!!! - i remember a japanese modelers site in which he kit bashes the cr@p out of this bartley kit...with similar results ...exept the torso moves and the wings are bigger...stunning ,really.
  19. personally, i'm quite pleased with the recent revelation of agent one's; that he is of the opinion that combiner/merge group robot concepts all suck completely..and without exeption. ...this is just the the sort of thing i revel in
  20. starvengers it is...brings back some memories!
  21. dang..i've never seen it- but would love too- i DO remember a show called SPACEKATEERs on a program called FORCE 5. they had 3 ships...and which ever one took first position..the combined robot would look predominatey like that ship.. very kool- but it seemed technically impossible to make a toy or model of.. anime magic hell, if i remember- please post ANY pics of kool combiner/merge toys..ThAnKSs
  22. yo folks, what are some of your favorite combiner (merge team) robots.. pics are very welcome Baxinger is up there for me, but i know there are many,many rare and wonderful designs out there(somewhere)
  23. thanks for the pics exo... ...you made my day! Now,if someone could only tell yamato, - we want MOTOSLAVE ! ...very Much
  24. ok ... i just say that a steaming pile of a mospeada related title is better than NOTHING.... which is where ive been for 20 yrs....
  25. sorry if this is odd topic,but: ..any idea how one would go about replacing a hand for the masterpiece legioss?? my right hand crubled apart!arghhhhh thanks for any help!
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