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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. it kinda scares me.
  2. have grey spray paint?..then you too can have low-vis valks!
  3. hey, i really feel the last topic on this game got somwhat heated and off track... ...so could we get some fresh perspectives on the first MOSPEADA game ever made(besides rumored Gakken handheld)..albiet under cheezy robotech auspices. >>>inquiring minds want too know... and could we see a seuel with flyable legioss and tread(oh boy)??? thanks for any imput...and cheats besides the ones on the street.
  4. DOH ...i can't seem too get my hands on a good link too the trailer.. any help would be deeply appreciated!!
  5. YOUCH!!!!!! I didn't think things were that bad.... remember, john: -toynami had "ocean's" of competition for the VF's!!!! ..something like 4 other companies pumping out variable vf's! The Gakken legioss is quite expensive in japan(thou the series is'nt terribly popular too say the least) there. ....also, The Gakken TREAD is absolute toy legend in Japan. ....and if toynami has 15,000 of each color for the entire world market..they can probably get rid of them i would think. ..but you are far more knowlegable about such matters.
  6. i just want too see the japanese box! ...i for one loath the stupid ass "book" design. ..........................just reaks of HG american CHEEEEZE!!!
  7. well i don't even care for the game... .........sports stats are about as interesting as plaid slacks!!!!! quite simply,i have no point too make -other than boston just beat your precious team!
  8. couldnt resist
  9. hey kevin, can you get your hands on the Japanese legioss versions when they come out? lemme know! thanks!
  10. i always knew ya had it in ya' haterist so...finally it's out of the closet! Now u can relax and take the yankee tower of power till your hearts content! as far as the new rau..i thought toynami was the only price gouger out there..shame on you yamato..now gimme my GARLAND and Motoslave!!!
  11. haterist..your a sucka mc. ...and being macross fanboy or yankee ball-washer will not help this
  12. actually you're the loser, in a loser town, on a losing team pal! great comeback there...
  13. MOSPEADA 2 ???? ..I will be there!
  14. haterist..you are such a loser. ...the yankees got their @$$ handed too them! ...they had a chance too be world class...and failed!!!!(cause they suck) ...so go get a fuk!n clue!!!
  15. let us hope,INDEED!!!!!! I must have mospeada stuff!
  16. it's 3 seperate models in each of the 3 modes ...nice sculpts too..but not very posable!
  17. great work, wmwwmmwmmmmwwwmwmwmwmwmwmmwmmmwmwmwmwm!!!!!! ..has anybody heard ANYTHING new about a possible sequel for Tron?? Thanks!
  18. ahhhh, true confessions from an toynami/MPC fan. if what you say is true, then they should stick with figures and leave the TF'ing mecha toys to the professionals. as far as the no pics, i don't even get it? if i had something that rare and unseen, i'd have like 1000 photos showing it off. to each his own....i guess. i guess they might be afraid of someone trying too clone their toy by careful study of the photo(s)...God knows
  19. ...rather gloomy, ehh?? kind of a drag,...considering the glory of the mospeada licence! well let us hope for the best; shall we? my moto ..some mospeada is better than NO mospeada.
  20. hey right on guys..about too watch it now!
  21. my gun hand fell apart just as i slid the rifle in for the first time oouchhh..! ...do you guys think i can use 1/100MG gundam hands for replacment/up-grade?? other than that i LoOvvVVEeeE the sculpt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...QC otherwize is decent on mine(#3271) i support this toy because the sculpt kicks a$s and i love mospeada! but Hg does suck.
  22. thanks guys , by the way??.. are the motoslaves found in the old series only?
  23. have you guys seen this anime ......and is it any good? thanks for any input here!
  24. now your talkin!
  25. these japanese collectors are EVIL MEN !!!!! ...you would think they would relish the idea of a world of oggling fans looking at photo's of thier pride and joy ...but NOOoooooo. ...no justice in this life
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