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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. THIS BOOK ISN'T THAT OLD!!! Childhood does not play into this rape, or whatever. Still, I'm not a fan. Who cares. yeah this "raped childhood" shzt is quite out of hand... oohhh nooo: captain crunch raped my childhood..oh noooooo! ......deal with it america!
  2. on that note...i expect BIG things from lucas on III...it better happen georgie!!! must go see incredibles
  3. yeh...amazing what happens when your'e the ONLY game in town !
  4. dr.reggae watch out..youre ON FIRE!.....yeh. - jah live man!
  5. just contact toynami if u get a dud.. they had better be shipping my bernard..i sent it off 2 weeks ago!
  6. btw......i have reggae fever! thanks for the info man, pleaasssee..SoMebOddDY post some picss!!!!
  7. please post any info about this mysterious cyclone-like armor!! ........for the love of jim!!!
  8. how about NO destroids ..just every transforming mototcycle design by ARTMIC studios.... wooohohhooOOOO!!!!!
  9. how about a headless shadow drone custom...anyone??
  10. ..I'd be happy too just see the proto-type...that way--we know they've invested some $$ in the beta project ...bring on the BARTLEY!
  11. so whats the deal here...is that really a bike on samus or what??
  12. loookin gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood.
  13. Nah, as long as they give me a Garland, I say SCREW the Destroids *Ducks thrown chair* FINALLY ...someone is making some sense around HERE!!!!!! hey,mechamac..................i'm with u 2000%%% HALLELULLLAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. i just wish they would get the contract for a mospeada game!!!
  15. gotta love that 3rd person...
  16. since i love mospeada and metroid...i guess this will be my lucky day.. .....i really hope it inspires a HIGHER QUALITY sequel for invasion!!!!
  17. u guys rock...thanks much!
  18. No no no no no no no no!!! When Yoda said that "Wars not make one great." he clearly meant that he never used a lightsaber! Just one more example of how Lucas is pissing all over the OT.* * real, paraphrased posting from some internet dweeb on a message board far, far away. im not sure of how clear yoda's statement was;..in reference to himself not engaging in war.. afterall ..he is head of the jedi(lightsaber wielding cops). : and he himself never claimed too be great..others did it for him!
  19. BRUTISH DOG!!!
  20. i think it may sound cooler if u just call it... " DAWN OF NEW GAME" whatadya think??
  21. hey final, that commentary was laced with some heavy political ideology.. heh, seems like we may share a similar world view...but what good does a view of such a world do for us? too me..thru witnessing daily life in all aspects: poli,law,relig,sport,food,werk,sex,sleep,starwars,taxes,death,more poli,+yet more poli.. >>the true nature of mankind can be witnessed..yet too what end? ...yes, it's a big nazi hampster wheel! 2 cents
  22. Thanks... As for a sequel, I know the people behind the original want to do one and some pre-production artwork has been made. However its not very clear what Disney has planned at the moment. You might find some more here: http://www.tron-sector.com/forums/default.aspx?do=frm&id=140 Carl thanks man... keep up the great work, how about a transforming tread cg sequence!
  23. DUDE,Where's my Yamato megazone GARLAND??? or motoslave,,for that matter..
  24. does anybody have a GOOD link too the trailer yet?? thanks!
  25. Feyd-Rautha

    Yamato 1:48

    hey guys.. what's the lowest price you've seen a mint 1:48 go for?? 100.oo or...lower? >>also ..is e-bay my best bet too buy one? thanks much
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