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Everything posted by Feyd-Rautha

  1. dOH!
  2. it like info@toynami.com or somthing... just go too toynami's website..and click on "contct us".
  3. thanks for clarifing boba,, it looked like it was pretty straight forward..but was'nt sure
  4. i used too do this with my little ride-armor toys..it looks great! good clean fun!
  5. Feyd-Rautha


    man,,we have a winner on our hands here.... .....gotta love those hushpupppies!!!!!
  6. your cool man,,, - i wouldnt mind seeing thunder on every page of this site...it kicks royal @r$$!! i don't know what these dudes are bitchin about. i like it more than the old gps ...just more modern and somehow more realistic looking armor ...gps is too 80's look for my taste.
  7. Feyd-Rautha


    very nice indeed....indeed,indeed!
  8. yeah... the beast mode of ravage... >> did they scap the beast mode because of negitive response or...
  9. Toynami, Inc. 15315 Magnolia Blvd Suite #216 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 i had no recipt for mine...told them that i got it thru robotech.com and that RT.com failed too address my problem...toynami told me too shipp the defect too this address for replacment..badabing
  10. the master speaketh.. ...... thanks for the imput capt.A - we all think toynami would really benifit from your expetise and overall understanding of variable design...one look at your legioss should silence any dis-belivers. George Sohn could really use some good publicity for the tread..and your the man for the job.. do you think HG/Toynami may consider you for the beta ..-or is the $$ discrepency too great for you too consider working on this for them????? we all have fingers crossed for this thanks again,man! ....boing' http://www.artemisgames.com/robotech/Resea...tClouds_bc9.jpg
  11. true enough... yes u must pay shipp. too them..they cover return shipp.. mine cost $5 too mail from mass. too cali. not bad when you keep the gun/cyclone/pilot from your dud!!!!
  12. KOOOOOL ........looking forward too these babies
  13. these look cool but i really dont understand...looks like some appear too be transformers designs?? whats going on with these(me likey)...the bike especially.. where ican i get these babies... thanks for any imput!
  14. i think the cat mode is actually growing on me... is this official or what?? thanks for info
  15. agreed.. yet i wonder if john is at all flexable when it comes too the level of detail that he is WILLING too work in.. does anybody know about the japanese sculptors for the legioss toy?? the names are : - Daiske fukuda -Shin tanabe since they seem too know what they're doing ...i dont think they work for penuts and rice... i mean...how much of a cost discrepency could we be looking at here????? i'd love too see john somehow involved!
  16. email 'em first.. make sure too keep the gun so your next alpha will go double fisted!!! i returned the box with no insert or rifle or cyclone...and they sent me a spanking new unit.yeahhh! not sur about box thou... enjoy
  17. only one way too find out.. Johnny..where are ya???
  18. possible yes.. likely..ummmmm , I think the reserchers/engineers grew up dealing with such concepts...and will engineer combat robots with this in mind... this makes piloted robots much more of a possibility ...due too fear of 30 foot atonomus mechs killing people indiscrimnantly.hmmmhm
  19. Bring on the the beta.....at ANY cost.. i wonder if John M. simply contacted George with a reasonable offer...George may consider hiring his as at least PART of the design team for the beta.. John ..are you really more expensive then their current sculptors..i find it diffucult too belive they are paying these guys THAT MUCH less they they would offer you for your services.. certainly better than wal-mart/mcd' employees are making right??????????? just a thought.
  20. Ill take your advice Please do! REALLY! I really hate Toynami after buying the MPC Alpha Rook. Been kicking myself mentally everytime I see it sitting in the unwanted corner. just send it back too them for a replacment. the sculpt is worthy! the gamble of QC is not a gamble if you just keep returning duds until they give you a good one.. hey, if you dig mospeada designs...your left with little alternative. they really do make my large gakkens look kinda dorky..(never thought i'd say that)
  21. the joints on the fingers are so frail even the slightest bend in the wrong direction will break all 4 main fingers off, all i was doing was taking the gun out of the hand and all the fingers fell off. it is very hard to fix, i managed to fix mine with glue but from this point on i will not touch the hand with fear of it breaking again, be careful everyone when putting the gun in the hand , it is not just me there are a lot of reports of the hands doing this. chris I'd send it back dude...Toynami should be held accountable for this kinds of sshht...my bernard hand crumbled..and i was e-mailing toynami moments later(zero tolerance). they prompty replaced it for a bernard with a funky fin and SUPER LOOSE left leg.... .... so off it goes too toynami for replace and i remain pleased with toynami enough too blow more$$$ on mospeada stuff..the end.
  22. yoda is lookin SICK ! that they're is some kick ass cg for ya...
  23. I think he means there is way too much anime-magic going on with the Shadow Alpha's shoulders for a lineart-accurate shoulder to work in both modes. I for one have never seen how it works, given that the legs and rest of the arm seem just like a regular Alpha... Either way, loads of anime-magic or no, you can't do those shoulders with the MPC sculpt and have it turn out good on the fighter. good point.
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