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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. Will check shapeways thanks
  2. Hopefully one of the 3d printer gurus can make some hands
  3. I hope they reissue the weapon set, I should have picked one up when I ordered the strike fighter with the fast packs.
  4. just got the email from HLJ, waiting on how much shipping is, glad they will hold it for 60 days, please keep me up to date on shipping also if you find out and final price
  5. Hope we get the Sue Graham version also.
  6. I canceled my order and a member on MW sold me thier second copy.
  7. Just sent money to a member here on MW (no3Ljm), thank you for the sale. Can't wait to get it.
  8. Still waiting for BBTS
  9. man I wish BBTS would hurry up,
  10. Wish BBTS would hurry up cant wait to get this.
  11. 1/12 gear update, need to clean the stuff up and paint it
  12. This kit is big
  13. Hope we get a Sue Graham version or grab two bartley and custom make one of them.
  14. I know a sculptor who makes patterns for companies, I will run the idea of the AJAC and Spartan by him. I might need some detailed pictures with dimension form my fellow MW members. Will up date you guys as soon as I get a response back.
  15. Man I hope they make the Dark Ride Armour also.
  16. once we get 30 kits and we can confirm people are on board, then I will Capt gives us more details I am sure more people would come
  17. found some pics on FB, not mine but there is a two seat version of the AJACs. Hey Capt, can a two seat variant be made? Like I said before I would love a non variable kit hope fully 1/60 or 1/48 o
  18. also upgrade time lol maybe a future Captain project lol
  19. Awesome news, hope they also make the other one also when will they have this out for sale?
  20. more pics
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