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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. Hey guys, I wanted to know, I have alomst the complete MPC collection, also the 1/60 yamato collection and slowly working on the 1/48 collection. My question is the following: 1. How much do you think either of the collections will be worth in the future? the reason why I am asking is that I have to much stuff and wanted to sell the either MPC or some of the 1/60 stuff, should I hold on to it or just sell it? I am more in to the rare resin kits than the toys.
  2. I saw this magazine in Crystal mall, in Vancouver, British Columbia a while back, and it had these kids with the macross rick humter helmet and outfit, I really didn't think anything of it, until my wife wanted to know if I had any ideas for a costume for my kid for holloween.
  3. just wanted to know if anyone ever bought a super scale? Also since Oct 31 is down the road, is there a place that sell macross customes, I have a 2 year old boy and I woul dlike to get him something different.
  4. I think the reference library is a good idea, because if in the future there is a way to make the decals, then we as a community can have access and help one another out, I am ready to get out all my decals and scan them. So if anyone has any ideas of what type of format to make, then by all means please add your input, this is a whole macrossworld members project. So lets see if we can get some good ideas going on how to set up a page in this forum.
  5. Hey guys, I don't know how to make decals, but I thought it might be nice to see if we could make a library of decals, so this way if a fellow macross fan needed a reference to see what decals came with what kit, it might help them out. I had scanned a few copies of my Tread decals and sent them to people as reference points. I was also thinking that we could add a step to step guide on how to make decals or custom decals to make our kits stand out. Just an idea.
  6. ANA, thanks for the update, don't worry your info was helpful, thanks once again
  7. Oh, hell no, now I know there is a god!, I cannot wait till this comes out any idea?
  8. Now only if we could find the dark sith lord that shut us down...lol
  9. Hello everyone, I am glad to see that macrossworld is back.
  10. I am selling two of my alpha beta kits, I just realized that I have way to many of them, hope someone buys them.
  11. Thanks. I am selling 2 of my alpha beta kits on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
  12. try the model section on this forum: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=15218
  13. alphaHX, you already have me down for 1 kit, why don't you make it 2 so this way we have the 25 kits needed and get the ball rolling .... lol
  14. Do you really think they will come out with a Beta aka Tread? Here is a picture of the model kit I have of a Tread http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...me/DSC04618.jpg
  15. I have all four alpha's and let me tell you, the quality sucks. My shadow alpha, the nose section fell off the body, the parts that hold the metal pin are not glued right, the paint was chipped, and the body panels break off easy. Toynami needs to really check their quality control.
  16. the shadow I bought from the valk exchange just came in, the nose section just came a part and fell off the body, check the problem, two parts where not joined together, and then the head section that has the eye, the paint was chipped, all my alpha's are below standard, chipped paint and body panels just falling off, why couldn't yamato make these. Toynami quality sucks. The only cool things is that Kevin from Valk exchange is a real awesome person, very down to earth, and has great products, but the MPC alpha's, well there is no quality behind them, very cheap.
  17. I said I wanted one, but count me in for 2 kits if that helps out.
  18. Lets see if we can get at least 10 people or 15 at the most. Valk, when you have the time, please stop by and ask them what the discount break would be for 10-15 people or at least the 6 people so far. Valk, I thank you once more for taking the time out to help your fellow macross buddies...lol Please at your earliest, update us.
  19. common guys, here is the list 1. Jorawar_b 2. THOR 3. totallyrobot 4. godane79 5. yman1437 6. godane79 7. Logan Valk how do we order this? maybe we can get a group buy by middle of july, this way we can give people time to get the funds together?
  20. Valk, Thanks for taking the time out to research this, come on guys, lets get the list going. Valk can you post this info on the other thread also so we can get the ball moving. thanks once again Valk
  21. I still have it, I was actually thinking of another color set up, this way I have all three color's and one low viz. I ran into some low viz decals from a 1/72 model kit.
  22. Here are the decals for the kit, hope this is useful for others 1. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...treaddecals.jpg
  23. Here are some pictures of my Tread in low viz color's, I am not done yet 1. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...me/DSC01575.jpg 2. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...me/DSC01574.jpg 3. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...me/DSC01573.jpg 4. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y116/truf...me/DSC01572.jpg
  24. count me in for one
  25. Guys, I can get access to the original decal kit, or a scanned copy of it, is there anyone on this forum who can make the decals?
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