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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. I thank everyone so far in this group effort, when we hit 40, then when people see this kit made hopefully we can get more MW members on board. Anything that is good and we all know Capt A work is 20/10 is worth the fight, so I still keep my fingers crossed and hopefully 2 more people will get on board.
  2. We have a total of 38 kits now, we need 2 more ppl to ge this going from Capt. A
  3. Mike, Do you think you can make on for the 1/48 kits, just wondering, I 2 club-m 1/48 kits and a few of the yamato kits.
  4. I updated the list, please let me know if I didn't put your name up. Thanks mike I am so glad we will have this done. Also please don't forget about this group buy, we need 5 more kits: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24144
  5. the movie was okay, It could have had another 30 to finish off a few details and make it more interesting, I am just wondering how that lady survived the drive from MD to NY without running into the mutants. I wouldn't pay the movie price but maybe rent it, its was at the most 6/10.
  6. http://precisemodeling.com/project_mi24.shtml very detailed
  7. I want one also
  8. PetarB I don't mean it in any angry or hateful tone, after all we are all one big happy family, but I don't like to be called out like that either. Other than that, its all over and done with and lets just move on to the poll. Grayson is a cool guy and we both have no problem
  9. Total of 36 kits so far, we need 4 more kits common guys just 4 more left and we can get an AJAC's made!
  10. Well lets see grayson we have 36 kits out of 40 needed to start the AJAC project right? (Capt said needs 40 kits until then it is a no go) And thank you Grayson for putting yourself on the list everyone person and kit counts, so thanks again. And the 1/72 factory project, I was the one that approached mike about it, look at the original thread, it is still going and that will happen when mike has time (project is still working out) I did a group buy on the 1/48 strike fighter it worked out The tread/beta idea was shot down not by me or the sculptor but by high powers So whats your point? At least I am trying to see if I can get group buys or projects going, I wish I had the talent that the master sculptors have on here, then I would try something, but I don't Like the AJAC and factory kit, I e-mail a lot of people, I e-mail a lot of people and put in a lot time, and look up drawing that I send to the potential sculptor to see if its a go or not. So if we get enough people on board say 40 people then maybe one of the sculptors will bite. So no disrespect grayson, why don't you help out and try get people on board, make this a group effort and not "You're always asking these kinds of questions about potential models Jorawar but I don't think anything has ever come from any of them"
  11. I wish someone would recast the F-203 Dragon II
  12. this is cool never seen this before
  13. If enough people show interest who knows it might be built
  14. We are at 35 kits so far, we need 5 more or 5 people on the list wanting 2 kits, almost there
  15. Thanks Vice for stepping up, I might do the same if we cannot get 40, maybe the capt will look at 35 kits, who knows.
  16. We are at a total of 34 kits, we need 8 more to make it work, so close
  17. Here you guys go: straight from Capt A's mouth " -At 1/72, I'd need minimum 50 orders at $100-120 per kit, or 40 orders at $150.00 -At 1/48, I'd need minimum 40 orders at about $200 per kit -At 1/32, 30 orders at $350 per kit. If I can get those requirements met, AND proper reference, I'm good to go." we have 27 people and a few want more than one kit, so we are with in a few people to get 40 limited kits made at 150.00. The thing is that this is a rare kit, and for the mass people out side of MW who know nothing about this place, this kit would be highly sought after, so its an investment, as with all of Capt A kits, there is quality and value in his kits. There are about three people that would get more than one kit so at this point it would be at 30 kits, so we need like 10 more people for a 1/72 or 1/48 scale. So 10 more kits from making this happen. I am keeping my fingers crossed on this one, so close.
  18. John, we have about 27 people in this so far, whatever scale you make is cool, maybe we can get a whole new series in that scale. So hopefully we can get more to join up in getting this kit made. Keeping my fingers crossed and hope for the best, thanks to all those people who have signed up on the list. we need a few more people to get capt to look into it. I like the 1/32 idea. Think about it: 1/32 hover tank 1/32 Logan 1/32 Bioroid 1/32 figures. Hell Capt can even make the 1/32 alpha 1/32 Beta
  19. Trust me john all you have to do is show us pictures of your next project, enough people will come, your work is that good.
  20. Can't wait till these are back
  21. I saw this style helmet on ebay last week
  22. Unless you live on the moon it shouldn't be a problem, but you better check with Capt America.
  23. I understand what your saying and that is something john talked about, getting the proportions right, but if we get enough people interested I am sure john can come close to the spec's. The bottom line is that this will be a stepping stone to other mecha regardless of if it s macross/mospeada.... This project is going to be an up hill battle but it will be a catalysit in getting other uphill projects going. I have seen the Capt work and when I have the funds, and he has a project I will support him and any other master sculpter.
  24. all my club-m's came with extra pilots.
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