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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. Capt, I would like one, but before I commit how long will this project take? The later the better, got to wait for those tax returns.
  2. please add me to this list
  3. I also have a recast of the VF-2 1/72
  4. I have these two kits for sale, I think this is what you guys are looking for: http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j75/Trea...Picture_001.jpg http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j75/Trea...cture_001-1.jpg
  5. Capt, still have your kits, great work..... maybe you can make a 1/48 elint kit...lol
  6. Andy, The price is right, any idea of what shipping would be to either 98248 (US) or V4N-5B2 (Canada) as I have a house in both countries. This is going to be a must, will you have a custom box made for it, I am one of those model kit collectors and not builders (dont have time for it). Regards Rob
  7. cool, I did see that also, just wanted to be 100%
  8. if the price is not to crazy I would like one, this is the complete armor kit with robot or do we have to source our own VF-11 in robot mode?
  9. I know that why I added a I would look into getting one of your kits with a cockpit set...
  10. so is that a yes or no
  11. Cobywan what do you think of my idea, thanks for the support Grayson.... I have a 1/72 Lancer and man if I had any talent I would try it myself.
  12. I got an idea, what do you make a total custom two seater recon Lancer with set up that looks like a mini VE-1 or VEFR-1 Do not add a radar boom but make the exension of the boom longer and add the circle radar of the elint. Add a few sensors, add some antennas make the front mount cannons smaller Call it a RF-3E Wild Weasel Lancer Hows that for a total custom lancer. If I had the talent to make something I would try it.
  13. guys here it is I have gotten response from almost everyone 1. Scale will be 1/72 2. I will be robot mode 3. We have all agreed to put down a deposit for Capt A. 4. We have all agreed to the time frame of Starting the project summer 2008 Now the most important factor is that we must all help in finding out as much info as we can to help Capt on the tranformation and other detailed information that would make his life easy. For those who do not want it in 1/48 or robot mode, please e-mail me and we can go from there. Thanks Rob
  14. Capt, Thanks for looking into this project, you have all our support and I know most of the people that want to see this kit made have expressed to me that they will try to get you as much resource as they can. Thanks Rob
  15. Its a sad day today, he was a very good actor.
  16. 1st Border Red Devil I have been told by a few of our brothers on MW that your the go to guy for specs on mecha, any help on getting details is wonderful. Thanks Rob
  17. We have the 40 kits total I need the following people to respond by e-mailing me at tread72@gmail.com robodragon, Jorawar (3), THOR (2), NeoverseOmega, Ranger 565, PatS, 1st Border Red Devil (2), Vermillion One, Spiff, brianthreedee, X1Commander, CoryHolmes, cobywan, lord_breetai, promethuem5, thegunny, jipe, malakite (2), Grayson72, jadefalconguard, Totoro242, s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d, valkyrie cadman (2), cool8or, Viceland (3), Major Tom, promethuem5, neptunesurvey (3), Penguin, Rocco 77, Zor Primus I need to know the following: 1. we have all picked 1/72 scale right? 2. What mode have we all agreed to Robot? Copter? ( we need to start with one, I feel the copter would be good, but please let me know) - Robot: 12 -Copter: 2 3. If this project starts, I feel we need to give some type of deposit to the Capt to make sure no one loses out? 4. Capt has a few projects, so maybe this will start sometime this spring or summer does anyone have a problem with the time frame? 5. Also I need info from everyone on any technical spec that might be helpful for the captain to start? I thank everyone in this community for helping out and being a part of this, and Grayson sorry for the wait but hopefully this will come out good
  18. Well if we need 40 people its 1/72 I think it was like 30 people at a higher price for the 1/48. So I think most of the people that responded wanted only to spend 150.00 and keep it at 1/72 scale.
  19. We are just 1 kit away from making the happen, so please if anyone on the list can do 2 kits or a new MW member would like to get on the list please let me know WE just need 1 more person
  20. When is this kit coming out?
  21. We just need 2 more kits....bump
  22. no what I mean is that since your making sections at a time, then why not make a base, two solid wall (which you have already made) and one wall that looks like the opening in the pictures where the valk goes out, this way you can make it as an attachment to the factory look, So if the people that have the launch arms, wanted to add the arms to one side they could find a way to make it work. Just a add on,
  23. Mike Would you be able to make one panel the size of a air dock that the launch arm comes out of so we can make a diorama with a valk and maybe for some of us who still have the launch arm, we might be able to incorporate into it, maybe mount the arm on one of the wall and have to stick out the opening, something more of a detail look . I figure this could be an option for people that might also want to add the VF-1's to the diorama?
  24. I would jump on the 1/24 VF-1..... But mike would you consider making a 1/24 VE-1 Elintseeker? That would be crazy or even a VEFR-1
  25. I talked to someone that might be able to take on this project, but it will not be looked at until summer, keep you guys posted 50/50 chance.
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