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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    I was thinking of selling my thunder hammer and low viz valk, so I started to take pictures of the partial kit, man it looks to cool, so now I am up in the air, but anyways I wanted to share the pictures. http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1493.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1494.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1495.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1496.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1497.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1498.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1499.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1500.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1501.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1502.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1503.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1504.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1505.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1506.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1507.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1508.jpg http://i534.photobucket.com/albums/ee348/p...05/IMG_1509.jpg
  2. I just started to watch the MF series, so i have a question, is the green fighter with the bigger radom suppose to be the same as the VE-1?
  3. Guys I have time to do this conversion now, I am just having a hard time finding a 2.7mm and 1.93mm drill bit and 1.93mm plastic rod, any idea's were I might be able to get them? I am back in Ohio now.
  4. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    I will see if I have enough room, but I do have a 1/48 VF-1D conversion I want to do when I get home, that is going to be a tough one.....I will e-mail you if I do bring it.
  5. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    Cool, no problem, I will be back to my east coast home in Cleveland, Ohio, I see your from Pitt, Pa?
  6. Karma has its cycles man, don't worry it will hit her very hard when it comes around at her and when she tries to get you back, take your stuff and run. Worst thing a woman can see is a ex happier than her.
  7. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    This is very professionally made kit, the build guide come on a CD that came with the kit, this kit went beyond my expectations in every way. Look at the detail of each part, the pictures speak for themselves. Great Job EXO, can't wait for the next project.
  8. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    For those lucky enough to get this kit, its worth the money, I have no regrets it turned out much better than I though, I will be putting them in better bags and make a video of the parts to people can see the work of the person who made this kit. I wonder if he will make the reactive armor for the VF-0 1/60 kit. If so, well I am sure it will be worth the price. This will go with my Low Viz v1 very well.
  9. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    Awesome kit
  10. Ex, I already have an old rider, will try him in a few months. Thanks
  11. I bought this from a MW member last year, he was going to recast it and sanded down the paint, it was yellowing and was beat up. I always wanted a custom ride armor, the bike itself for display. I am not done yet, need to touch up in a few places and make the sticker's in to decals. This is my first time doing this to a toy, so be easy on me.
  12. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    EXO, Just got the kit, its a 20 out of 10, will post pictures.
  13. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    EXO Please do e-mail me and let me know when you get my mail, I have e-mailed you with no response, thanks
  14. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    payment sent EXO
  15. I wish the thunder hammer was out at a later point, otherwise I would have been on this kit, looks good Capt, your work is totally awesome.
  16. I am selling my first run 1/72 monster kit, its mint, pm if interested
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/CMs-Brave-EX01-Robotec...1QQcmdZViewItem $280.00 didn't know it was that much? http://cgi.ebay.com/CMs-Mospeada-Brave-Gre...1QQcmdZViewItem $320.00 for this one alone.
  18. Cobra pose!
  19. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    nightmareB4macross You might as well get the decals ready for this kit
  20. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

  21. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

  22. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

  23. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    pmed you
  24. Cool8er I understand that it will be about 15 in in length , just wanted to know the other dimensions and maybe an idea of the weight of the kit. I am looking forward to this kit and his other enemy kits also. Regards Rob
  25. Captain, Can you please give me an idea of the size of this kit, I think its going to be huge, pretty much all of captains kits are the holy grail guys, they are the best quality that money can buy. Rob P.S. I have included a picture for your Capt.
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