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Everything posted by jorawar_b

  1. I talked to PsYcHoDyNaMiX about maybe getting a clear canopy made, he said he might look into it if there is enough demand, so speak up guys if you might be interested.
  2. jorawar_b

    1/48 VF-1D

    This was started before the LV2 came out from what I remember.
  3. jorawar_b

    1/48 VF-1D

    thanks man, but I am looking for this one its the upper right one. I don't want to buy the kit...
  4. jorawar_b

    1/48 VF-1D

    I am trying to build a 1/48 yamato Orbot, this project has been going on for a few years as I work on it here and there. I have tried to get some hi res pictures of the orbot model kit to try to match the paint, but I have not been able to find any, if someone on here can help, it would really help me. Thank you in advance to everyone who can help.
  5. its painted, still work in progress, trying to find the right decals...... something different. I was thinking of doing the new digital camo but don't know how to do that as of yet.
  6. my VF-1A low viz v1 anf TH kit
  7. add a at at gunner also
  8. this would go well with the AT/AT
  9. will do boss........how many were white and how many were grey again....lol this one might go tan or low viz or maybe another color depends on what I can find with tamiya
  10. I am thinking of making either a orbot tan or low viz VF-1D, if I go low viz....then thunderhammer all the way
  11. mike i think you should shoot for a 1/48 scale or 1/60 scale to match the yamato ....line
  12. can we still get this for fsx?
  13. sorry guys about not e-mailing back I will catch up with everyone ASAP, windows 7 has given me a lot of extra overtime that I did not want, I promise to e-mail everyone back by friday...thanks again for all the kind words in the PM's...
  14. Yes sir, I will be post in a few days, I will have to see what these kits are going for now, I wouldn't mind selling the whole lot if I can.
  15. I was cleaning out my room and storage place and look what I found in a box, the sad thing is that there is more....looks like I will be selling a few kits... I wonder if this has happened to other member's, I totally forgot about most of these
  16. Mike, This time around, I wonder if you can make a re enforced mouinting point for the arms, and maybe look into making a detailed cockpit, I am in for one regardless as the v1 was nothing less than bad@ss, I would like to see a poll in the toy section on how many people would be willing to go with a 1/60 version since the other mecha is 1/60 scale
  17. I am in for one more mike, since I did buy the V1, let me know since yamato came out with the 1/60 destroids, how about a 1/60 monster...lol
  18. check this out guys http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamato-Macross-1-2000-...=item3a5445b4ba
  19. so toynami is coming out with a shadow beta fighter, sorry if this is old news, been away for a while
  20. http://www.hisstank.com/gi-joe-news/custom...or-custom-7982/
  21. guess this should be the next one to start...lol
  22. Add me for one Capt, I will pay you with the money order as before..
  23. Good time for me to bring out my Capt A Vf-1d conversion and actually get it done.
  24. I have two of those kits, they are recast kits not originals, with the metal photo etch parts, but no metal landing gears if anyone is interested please let me know. I am just trying to break even
  25. jorawar_b

    Thunder Hammer

    I would only sell as a set, the thunder hammer kit was made for the VF-1, that is why I picked the dark grey to go with it, looks good without the fast pack, I thought about the GI Joe character firefly when I picked this color.
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