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About jorawar_b

  • Birthday 08/30/1972

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    Pacific North West
  • Interests
    Its all about the thunder hammer

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Bridge Bunny

Bridge Bunny (7/15)



  1. Response form builder: No it has a different joints system, nothing like the logan.
  2. I will reach out to the builder and ask this question and get back to you.
  3. Test printing will start soon 🙂
  4. Sorry for the late response, I have been away for work, here are some updated shots with more details. 🙂
  5. Saving up for this
  6. The builder is wondering if the group of members who might be interested , he is consider building it on ten inch or twelve inch height, what would you guys be interested in?
  7. No sir I am not. I am just the guy who posts updates 🙂
  8. Not know yet but once I find out I will let you know
  9. I will ask the builder
  10. working on it between other projects, as soon as I get something from the builder I will post it 🙂
  11. omg thats awesome, thank you sharing, hope they make them all. Looking forward to the tread/beta coming out.
  12. Thank you sir, I embarrassed to ask this but what is the breakers team? I hope they get re-released wouldn't mind getting them again. Thank you sir.
  13. Can't wait to get mine, is sentinel make other variants of the ride armour? Sorry if this was already talked about, I don't remember, thx in advance
  14. I have a box full of loose figures , might have to looking into customizing or might sell them.
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