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Everything posted by Brianw76

  1. I got mine from Here for 29.95. free shipping too. ordered it thursday, got it saturday.
  2. sounds like your fishing for compliments Brian... You know you can make a 3D piece sh!t look good in TrueSpace. There! how's that for a compliment! haha I wasn't fishing for compliments exactly. I just don't see what the big deal is with software. Its not the software, its the person in control of the software. I know that even if i did use maya i still couldn't get a job in the industry. there are so many artist out there and so little jobs. i'd rather just use something i know well since 3d is just a hobby. *edit* i can't spell when i'm mad!
  3. Is my truespace stuff really that bad?
  4. Check out the Gmax proggie - it's a stripped down version of 3DSMax and free. It also supports a "Game Pack" for FS, so there should be no trouble exporting to whatever format FS uses. Really, you might even be able to make the game pack work with 3DS, it's the same modeling engine (I think...). It would be no problem to export to FS with Gmax, you have to have FS2002 Pro though. FS2002 Standard version and FS2004 don't come with the plugins needed to export. So if any of you have the Pro version let me know. I've already got a few models ready to test.
  5. WOW Dat! looks like your getting the hang of the lighting. looks great.
  6. RENDERER LIST Cinema4d - Mechmaster, LParisek Maya (Software /w/ faked Global Illumination) - Doktor Gonzo TrueSpace 6.6 - Brianw76
  7. MASS CG PROJECT MASTER MODELS LIST VF-1S Roy Focker Colors - Doktor Gonzo VF-1J Hikaru Colors - Brianw76 VF-0S Roy Focker (If we can allow it to be in space) - Brianw76 YF-19 - Brianw76
  8. hi guys. i'm willing to create macross stuff for FS 2002 and 2004. i have a low poly valk model i made long ago. it should work if i can find it. only problem is i have 2004, and 2004 doesn't have the plug-in files needed for gmax to export the models. only FS2002 has them. if any of you guys have 2002 let me know.
  9. hope this helps. CDisplay ZIP Archived Comic Book File This is a renamed .ZIP file and can be decompressed with any .ZIP file utility. The CDisplay program displays the comic book images so it is useful to use for this particular .ZIP archive type CDisplay Sequential Image Viewer
  10. Its coming along nicely Dat! Modeling is almost done for fighter mode of the VF-0S.
  11. Here's the biggest i've got. Got it from wm cheng.
  12. Thanks guys! Where is everyone at? Am I the only one working on anything?
  13. Ok guys, alot of the basic modeling is done. A few are parts totally missing here and there. I think i'll make a VF-0D version once the modeling is finished on this one. Textures are going to be a pain in the ass if I want them to match the show.
  14. haha, looks cool man! got a copy of that thing in 1280 x 1024 for my desktop?
  15. some progress.
  16. haha, not at all.
  17. fixed up the textures and modeled a little more. what do you guys think?
  18. Thanks Dat. Its kinda hard to model when your reference pictures are tiny. Hopefully i can do it though. Next update on the vf-0 might be awhile. Wow Dat, your right. looks like your starting to get the hang of it. I think in its current state, if you added textures to it, the lighting might look alot better. Yeah, i can post a wireframe pic. dont laugh though. my models look pretty ugly in wireframe, i have no idea how they look ok when rendered.
  19. Looking Great Doc! I still can't believe you modeled all those panel lines! Got bored tonight and thought i'd try and model the VF-0S with the crappy line art thats out there. I really can't wait until December for the Hasegawa VF-0S model and the INSTRUCTIONS!!!!
  20. here ya go doc. Global Illumination v1.1
  21. I was way too slow with maya, I couldn't remember all the shortcuts. It took me days to do simple things. I'm still thinking about using it again, but only for animating the valk once its done.
  22. hey Dat, if that script isn't working out for you you can get alot more lighting scripts at http://www.highend3d.com I used to get scripts there all the time when i used maya.
  23. I agree mk16, add a plane below the valk and tone down the light a little. The lighting that I use is called IBL (image based lighting). It basiclly maps an image onto a sphere that surrounds the object and produces colored lights based on that image. Its exactly the same as the mel script except for the image mapping. The image used for the IBL render below was of this battle pod Note the new textures and rebuilding i've been doing since last friday.
  24. Looks good. What software did you use?
  25. Anyone have high res scans of the decal sheets for any VF-1 and YF-19 models. I lost all my files I had for painting my 3D models in a big hard drive crash. Any help anyone could offer would be great. Thanks in advance. Brian
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