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Everything posted by Brianw76

  1. We've got enough artists around here to easily do it. Its just a matter getting eveyone interested and everyone finding enough free time. I'd even put my vf's to the side and concentrate on environments, like buildings and stuff.
  2. damn, that is beautiful! all us CG guys should get together and make some animations.
  3. man, the detail on that thing is amazing. i love how you added the dirt to the wings where they sweap back. bad ass!
  4. wow dat. congrats on finishing. the rest of us aren't far behind i hope. maybe another year and i'll be done. i'm already on my third year i believe. haha
  5. Man, its been awhile since i've posted anything. Got out my vf-1 the other day and messed with it. Cleanned up the arms and legs a little. I still need some damn HANDS!!! Don't mind the textures. I was bored.
  6. i don't know if anyone would wanna fly this but i'm building it... it should be done in a few days.
  7. Great work Doc! Looks like I've got a new wallpaper as well.
  8. Man, that is sweet. I got the FS2004 SDK today and decided to try my hand at adding a plane to the game. I had a Cowboy Bebop Swordfish II lowpoly model laying around that I made a few months back and put it in the game. pretty simple to do it. I'll have to model a VF-1 or VF-0 for the game now.
  9. Man, thats sweet. You make it look so easy! Damn!
  10. That thing is gonna be huge! Good to see another person put a docutech to use with personal projects. I'll have to do the same with my 6180 at work. Can't wait to see more of your project.
  11. Hey guys, got a question. I'm messing around with the textures for my VF-0S. I'm trying to make it look as real as I possibly can. How is this? Too much, not enough, or just right?
  12. Man, that is sweet. Your doing some great work. Keep it up.
  13. I also model in polygons, all my pieces are closed. Well, since Macross Zero episode 3 was realeased the other day I decided to dust off my VF-0 model and mess with it. I started a gunpod for it yesterday.
  14. hey man, i might be able to help with some top and side view pictures. as for the front view, don't got any. i also have some tutorials for max and maya. hope this helps. http://www.anime3d.net/cgproject/resources.html
  15. holy hell! nice job on the textures Gammera!
  16. Hey doc, looking good. Can't wait to get my hands on it! Here's what i've been up to. Making new textures for my YF-19 model.
  17. Brianw76

    CG Methods

    I myself do plain polygon modeling. I start with a cylinder for the nose (I always start with the nose for some reaseon) and go off from there. Then after many hours it finially starts to look like a valk. Its a very slow process. I've been thinking about getting rhino and trying it the nurbs way. I've seen some pretty amazing F-18s and other aircraft modeled with rhino.
  18. Thanks Dat. the main parts that had to be rebuilt were the arms, hips/intakes, hands and gunpod, plus all the textures. only finished the arms and hip/intakes so far.
  19. still working on the textures.....
  20. Man, this sucks, I bought this game with hopes of flying the VF-0! Not a big deal since its a killer game but still!! Hopefully its all still in there and you've got to use some crazy secret button combo to unlock it. Anyone know where to get the sales figures for the game so far? I hope it makes enough so they make a second game like Graham said. As for the guide book.. anyone going to scan it and translate it for us when they get their hands on it?
  21. Haha, never noticed that. thanks Dat. Thats what I get for throwing the page together so fast.
  22. If some of you guys haven't done so already, make sure you cut and paste that list and add your name if you want to be part of the project. Don't want to leave anyone out on this. As soon as you do i'll add you to the site as well.
  23. No Problem. I thought it'd be nice to have a place to keep everyones art so you don't have to search 17 pages to see it. I'm going to try to keep it as updated as i can with new art you guys post along with tutorials and reference pictures to help everyone out.
  24. By the way, i've made a site for the CG Project. Its almost complete. Hope you guys don't mind that I put your stuff in the gallery. Check it out and tell me what you think. Macross CG Project P.S. WHERE IS EVERYONE AT!!! This thread sure has lost alot of steam in the last few weeks.
  25. I'll let you use my textures. Since both of our models are based on the hasegawa model, they should fit no problem. What VF-1A scheme would you like? It might take me a few weeks to get them to you though, i'm still making them.
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