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Everything posted by Brianw76

  1. this thing is a pain but its getting there........
  2. Thanks luke. This thing is a pain with the low rez pics so far......
  3. I already kinda made that shirt. it looks bad ass in green.
  4. Thanks, that would help alot. I'm using the ones from the model section right but they arent very high resolution, i cant make out any details or see the lines where it breaks apart for transformation. Booster would be cool too
  5. I cant wait to see my SV-51 model either. Too bad I cant find any high rez hasagawa instruction scans anywhere.
  6. With my current skills at programing... it'll have transforming but i dont know if i could do ground combat. We'll have to see.
  7. Hi guys, long time no post. I started working on a macross game a few months ago. Its just a little personal project. I'm planning to model all the fighter/mech aircraft, but that'll take quite some time. For now I'm doing macross zero craft just to get the game off the ground and I'll return to the others once i get closer to finishing the engine. I'm hoping it'll be a "Battlefield" multi player type game with unlocks and ranks. if anyone out there knows the blitz3d game dev software and wants to help let me know. Heres a screenshot and some pix of a few completed and 1 almost completed models. It wont be the most advanced game graphic wise but I hope it'll be fun. Brian
  8. That looks great! I'm really gonna be watching the progress of this one. Please keep it up.
  9. Wow, you guys are blowing me away with this stuff. Good job, everyones stuff is coming long great!
  10. Hi all, long time no post. Finally got a break from work over the holiday weekend and had some free time to do some modeling. Hopefully work will slow down like it normally does this time of year and i'll get more chances to work on stuff.
  11. Sweet Woz, Your using truespace also aren't you?
  12. looking good Rodavan! made some new hands for my valk today. i hate the way they came out but they are good enough for now.
  13. Here's Mechmasters Prometheus after 2 days of modifying it. Haven't started texturing it yet. larger image Here
  14. Man, that green one really kicks ass! Great Job!
  15. I got Mechmasters SDF-1 yesterday. Nice model Chris! Too bad the U|V and material info was lost in the import or export, not sure which. So I had to repaint it myself, Not done though. Here is a render. I started to add a little detail on the front, hope you dont mind Chris.
  16. I guess you guys can send anything you got ready. I'd say send it in whatever format it was created in and also .obj format if possible. Most programs will open .obj format right? i'll make a page for the files on my server so the others can download them. I'll also make it so you have to log in to access the files. email the stuff to mastershake@anime3d.net . also email me the username and password you want for logging in.
  17. that sounds like a great idea.
  18. ok, lets get a list of everything we've got that we could use. From there we can see what we can do and what we might need. just cut and paste and add to it. 1 Vf-1J 1 Launch Arm From what I remember, nobody has any big Zentradei ships. Don't know if we'll need them or not, just a thought.
  19. I second that!
  20. haha, I couldn't agree with you more about going into hiding if the animation sucks. I do a gree with you about not caring how it looks at this point. although, the reason I brought it up was becuase I thought since it might take awhile getting models converted to whatever animation package we choose to use, others can be doing tests with particles for engine exhaust and missile trails and simple lighting tests if they wanted to. That way once the animation gets rolling some people could do the animating, then hand it off to the next person to add particles, then the next person for lighting, and so on. I spoke with >EXO< about this project, he seams to be interested it doing some storyboards for us. As for the script, any idea? Should we take the easy way out and recreate a battle from the series or come up with an entirely new battle/story?
  21. Yeah, i'm sure we'll need all the help we can get. I'm not that great of an animator, I can do your basic ship flying, missile chasing it stuff though. Hopefully Doc will get in on this and help out. And another thing, how should this look? Should we spend a long time trying to get it to look like recent cg stuff out there like Star Wars or Battlestar Galactica? Or should we just go with what we got?
  22. Good to see that you guys are interested. How does the max millia dual sound? Or should we do something else? Space battle or urban battle maybe? What enemy models do we have? Mechmaster has an SDF-1 model that looks good but could use some higher rez textures if he's willing to join in. I think he also has a battlepod.
  23. Anyone out there interested in doing some animations, or atleast donating your models for animations? Depending on what the animation will be, we may need lots of models. I'm willing to put my vf models to the side and make objects to fill whatever environment we choose as the setting. My first thought would be for a CG version of the Max/Millia, VF-1a vs. Queadluun-rau dual using Rodavan's killer Queadluun-rau model. Anyone up for it? Any ideas?
  24. Great find shawn!
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