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Everything posted by Fugly

  1. It's yaco...here's his blog: http://wildcat.pupui.net
  2. "We will never approve independence from the federation!" Yah, whoever goes, make sure you take lots and lots of pics...maybe get one of those lapel cameras
  3. Shush you! Haterist said that all these designs, valks and stuff, were fine. Besides, all these valks have heads don't they?
  4. Gah, the macrossy goodness! Yay! I like the fast pack man, very nice. And I like that third head of yours, MARINE.
  5. Fugly

    What scale Destroids?

    Can we see the 1/60 monster, please? Pretty please? With a sherry on top>
  6. Damn man, that's awesome! My only "thing" with it is that the upper arms seem to scrawny, cuz' they almost look like a single shot could tear right through them. BUT! Other then that, that's some fine custom macross goodness, my man. Very nice.
  7. Fugly

    What scale Destroids?

    What Zentrandude said, but in 1/18 scale...that would be so sweet... Ahem! Actually, I think 1/60 would be cool. That way, you can get more guys, but they can be in your shelf. Or even better, 1/100!
  8. Dang, now THAT'S a nice fighter mode, nice n' busy. And I can see why the legs are kinda short, heh heh, notebook space indeed.
  9. Yay, some more drawings of UN-MARINES stuff! Whoo! Nice man, but the legs seem a bit short? Not the thighs, the chunky thighs are awesome, the lower legs. If they were longer, they might fit in a bit more. The rest of the mech is badass, and I really dig the "grunt" head.
  10. Fugly

    Yamato SDF-1

    Umm...Hornet? You don't actually mean 1/48 SDF do ya? Cuz....well, we've all been bitching at each other for a while about that... 2 feet...might be to big. Fine for hollow Jumbo Machinders, but at 2 feet that'd be way to pricey, and the fact that Yamato loves oversized boxes would make the shipping insane, if not impossible. It's like when I got the DX Black Gourai-Senpuujin, and it was only 189. But the shipoing was around $100... And the SOC line is bad for macross, since SOC is for toys that were originally solid diecast (that's why it's soul of Chogokin ) and Valks were mostly plastic. Also, bandai isn't very good with modern valks...banpresto fighter, anyone? Yamato would do a good job, although most likely to overprice it. Perhaps a new company is in order...
  11. Bollywood movies are awesome, if you like musicals. Myself, I LOVE musicals, and Bollywood films are the friggin' pinnacle of musicals. And any film that has that guy from Asuka innit is bound to be good.
  12. Horny! Sorry, couldn't help myself... Why head missiles though, wouldn't machine guns or lasers work better? Just curious...
  13. Fugly

    Yamato SDF-1

    Whoop, well never mind that! Still, wouldn't a big-size (around a foot or so! Yeesh!) SDF1 rock? Man...that'd be as cool as that 1/48 armored Valk...
  14. hey Dat Pinchy Haro, that's pretty slick. Though it might be to "advanced" to fit nicely onna vf1? But nice head, otherwise...
  15. Fugly

    Yamato SDF-1

    What about a 15-18 inch SDF1? That way, it's bigger then a 1/48, but still within reasonable price range, yeah? How big would a SDF1 have to be to in-scale with the KT Kaiyodo figs, out of curiousity?
  16. Hmmm....that seems to make sense. Then again, since you would be a "small company" you probably would just slide under there radar. My guess is that you'd get off scot free...as long as you aren't a big company (yamato, toynami, etc etc) you should be fine. \ Whatcha planning to make, though?
  17. Ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, that's about right I can draw flat stuff though, and I'm relatively good at 3D stuff...but SO BAD at drawing... Oh, and OT: Typing this on a new 12" iBook G4! Whooooo!
  18. Thanks! Man, whoever did that netlaputa vers. is a friggin' genius. Looks like he modded the elbo joints too[?]! And good luck for the further modding...you'll need it
  19. Hey UN, no prob. I'm sorry if I'm hi-jacking this thread though, seems like I have a talent for that... Anyhoo...for sculpting, you could use simple clay for a rough mock-up, and then make it in styrene (plastic board)? Of course, that'd be some hardass work, BUT! Us people at MW would friggin love our own 1/48 head. I would love to draw one, but my artistic "ability" is equal to about a five year olds...heh. And if we ever decide on a head, I'd like to take a shot at it (in plastic) but sadly, I don't have a 1/48....I don't have any valks... ANYWAY! Babble babble babble...let's make sure we keep the heads comin ya?
  20. Hey man, other then the fact that you had to mod the ball-joints, how is the toy otherwise? I really like the design...
  21. Man, that is some hot stuff! The robot mode is great, the head is great...nice nice nice! I was wondering tho, do you have a Gerwalk mode? My only critique about it (no offense!) would be that the back (top of the fighter) is a bit plain/flat. Maybe add some vents or curves or something? Then again, I couldn't draw anything better (only worse! )
  22. Hah hah, I really like the bear head on the Vf-19[?] ...where'd you get that? Oh yeah, and UN MARINE I was wondering if the whole mech was your's, or if just the head was? I really like the intake vents...
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