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Everything posted by Wumzi

  1. Hey Medison Man Just wanted to let you in on something... Most of the people here are Macross fans, but they don't necessairly "like" robotech (to put it lightly). There's a thread in the "Other Anime or Science Fiction" section where you can discuss all about the MPC to your heart's content. Direct link is right HERE. In either case, enjoy your stay, and welcome to MW PS: Guys, take it easy on the new guys, no need to rip them apart, lol
  2. now that you mention it, a new Roy would be better than the one i have too. mine has crooked skulls AND a backwards arm. at least i think it's backwards - the screws are exposed on the wrong side. now i just need me some money. I have that too, on my Hikaru VF-1A... The shoulder and upper arm are backwards.
  3. 3- the only difference i can recall is that the originals had stickers, while the new bandais have painted on detail (stripes and stuff) EDIT: woops, sorry, didn't read the whole line
  4. and another
  5. Here's one for whoever needs it
  6. http://www.airforce.forces.ca/equip/cf18_h...t_summary_e.htm Here's a couple Good luck with the project, i'd love to see some progress pics
  7. Right from Macross World's magazine section:
  8. Wumzi


    I think he means Hey, what's up guys? Where can i buy a sheet of paper that looks like a runway (for his valks i suppose)? My suggestion? Open paint, paint the whole thing black or grey, add streaks of white, find a photocopier and copy... presto!
  9. That box looks pretty beat-up, probably why it sold for that much. My advice is to sell it now (if that's your intent) before the new 19 arrives. Just look at how fast the original Taka's dropped in price as soon as the Bandai reissues were announced. They sold for even less after they hit the shelves. Good luck with that
  10. WILD guess.... i'd say at least 150? It really depends on how hyped people are for the FAST pack YF-19.
  11. For those who didn't catch it, this says "a night battle between Shin (VF-0 D) and Nora (SV-51). So i guess that's Shin getting his ass kicked
  12. Wumzi

    Hello all....

    Not necessarily. I do my shopping at a few local(toronto) anime shops and you can get the valks you want for as cheap as what some of our more reknowned sellers sell them for minus the shipping. You have to pay in ca$h and put a pre-order in with them.....*cough*valkyrie-beggar*cough*... Besides I just want to know where Caufield's getting his valks. Same place I do means the guys are doing good business. Different place means another source for me to check out. B) BSU: Hase's go for about $40cdn for normal VT's. Armored ones go for about $50cdn. In that case sorry, i was assuming it was going to be the same as over here in Montreal. I've only seen 2 hobby stores that had the 1/60 (no sign of the 1/48). A Hikaru 1/60 was for $200CA, that's about $140US.
  13. Wumzi

    Hello all....

    First of all, welcome fellow canuck Second of all, you're screwed These guys aren't kidding, once you start collecting yamatos, you can pretty much say goodbye to your bank account, visa, cash, wife, dog, and fish.... Not sure how those last 2 got in there, but anyways... If you're doing all your shopping in Toronto, you've probably been ripped off, big time. Anime stores usually mark up the price by 50-100%. I do all my purchases online through valkyrie exchange, twin moons anime or hobby link japan. The first 2 are slightly more expensive than retail price, but you save a fortune on shipping. HLJ sells at japanese retail, but you probably wouldn't like their shipping methods (expensive and slow, expect a month before getting your stuff). Plus, when getting stuff from HLJ, you ALWAYS get hit with taxes. But with the other 2 i sometimes get away with it Probably since they're based in the US. Enjoy your cashless... uh... fun stay
  14. Wumzi

    1/1 DYRL Helmet

    Yup, this photo was up on the forums around a month or so ago. But still everytime i see it, i wish they'd make the shoulder pads to go with it And then i remember the price.... what was it, something like 1600US?
  15. Gamespy already has a review up if anybody's interested http://www.gamespy.com/reviews/september03...3/homeworld2pc/
  16. here's my story, dates back to about 15 or so years ago It all started when i was still living in the middle east with my family. Surprisingly, anime was widespread over there, except i didn't have a clue about it. All the shows I ever saw were arabic dubbed animes, stuff like captain Tsubasa, starship yamato, wrestler sanshiro, Tetsujin-28. I know all of their proper names now, but try tracking them down with only a weird arabic name that has nothing to do with the actual title Anyways, i eventually came across the transformers movie and the GI joe movie. I'm mentioning them both since i honestly can't remember which one had the preview from robotech at the end of it. All i remember was the music, the incredible valks, and lots of lasers.... not to mention the fact that spike said $hit in the movie, and that there was a kiss in GI Joe (hey, i was sheltered as a kid ) It stuck in my head, i asked everywhere about that show, but not a single video store had a clue about it. That was it for a few years, just a quick 15 second preview of a show i soooo wanted to see. Fast forward a couple of years. We moved to Canada and i was shocked at how different the cartoons were. There was no sign of the shows i knew as a kid, no space operas, no drama, no excitment. Just one Disney cartoon after another. I pretty much lost interest in cartoons for a while, but that song from robotech stuck in my head all along. I was about to start university in 1999, and i chose mechanical engineering. My reason? I was in love with those transforming valks from that robotech preview (weird huh? basing a life decision on a 15 minute snippet from an anime? ). Shortly after that, i was browsing a blockbuster near me and wandered over to the kid's section. I passed a row or two until i finally saw it. Robotech. There it was, the valk, Rick, the macross. It was all there on the cover. I grabbed all the tapes they had, and ran home to watch them. As soon as i popped that tape in and heard the opening, i started jumping for joy. There was that music! Just as i remembered it! After watching the tapes (up to the 8th episode i think), i started searching the web. Eventually i stumbled onto MacrossWorld, and i leared of the entire macross series. Strangly, within a week or two, a cable channel called teletoon was going to run an anime marathon on new year. Patlabor, ninja scroll, wings of hanyasomething, and macross plus. I stayed up every night and watched all of them, especially Mac Plus That show opened my eyes, imagine making the jump from watching the horrible animation of SDF macross to that of Macross Plus... I was spoiled . I saw the Yf-19 and YF-21 and wished i could build the real thing. Then came the Animego and yamato (can't remember which came first). All i remember was that i bought my first dvds without having a dvd player. And also making my second online purchase from HLJ and getting my yamato 1/60 hikaru and roy at the same time. I spent a fortune (still a student at the time), but i was happy And now here we are. In macross bliss, with toy after toy, and new episodes coming out. I graduated recently and i'm still looking for a job (damn low demand for engineers). So decided to do a masters while looking for work. I'm kinda taking it easy on the purchases until then. Hopefully i'll get a job soon, start making more cash and resume my childhood joys PS: if there's tons of mistakes, it's because i came back after 10 hours at university, lacking sleep, and because it's almost 1:30 am. Good night all!
  17. i don't think they're supposed to lock
  18. i'm having the same problem The Elint's chest plate wouldn't slide down, until i thought to look under the nose gear and saw part of it stuck under the seat. A little more wiggiling and it slid down. The Super O though is driving me nuts. I couldn't even get it to move a millimeter. Naturally i thought it was the same problem as the elint, so i looked under there and it's way too wedged into the pilot seat. I decided not to risk it and left it in fighter mode. Sorry about your new toy
  19. me too, for the right price do you have a ballpark figure of some sort?
  20. 1/72 = 3 1/60 = 7 1/48 = 1 More on the way i hope
  21. I don't mean to discourage you, but if you want this thing to be able to do a fighter to gerwalk transformation in mid air, you're going to be in for a nasty surprise. First off, the second you lower the legs, all the aerodynamics are gonna be shot to hell. It's not going to do a sudden stop in the air like in the anime, it still has a lot of forward momentum. So with a big surface area of the legs is exposed to the air, they'll act like big air brakes. That would've been good to slow it down, except for the fact that your center of gravity is still above the engines. So, it's going to nose down and flip over. Picture yourself standing on ice with your torso horizontal (funny gerwalk ). If a sudden force starts pushing your legs bacwards, wouldn't you tip over? Second, you're going to need a heck of a lot of motors or servos to get the legs moving. That's bound to make it heavy. If you manage to overcome the fist problem and avoid tipping over, now you need to figure out how to control those legs to direct thrust. I don't think it would be as simple as forward or backwards. Think of trying to balance a chair with 2 of its legs in the air and the other 2 on your hands (simply resting on your palms, not being gripped by your hands). It would woble all over the place. The only position i can think of that would make the valk stable is with the 2 legs thrusting forward and away from each other, and the backpack thrusting backwards (kinda like a tripod). Again, i'm not trying to discourage you, i'd love to see this thing fly. Heck, the reason i went into mechanical engineering is because i always dreamed of building the real thing! Which is going to be a lot worse... and financially impossible without that overtechnology (come on ASS-1, get down here already ) Good luck with your project
  22. L-W1 (1/48 hikaru left wing) R-A1 (1/60 hikaru right shoulder) I know you said that you're unsure about the 1/60 line, but i wrote it down just in case By the way, this is a great idea and it is greatly appreciated. I hope that it all works out in the end.
  23. It's good to be back And to those already reaching close to 50 posts..... I love that smiley
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