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Everything posted by Wumzi

  1. That was the first PC game I ever bought. I loved taking that twin engine space explorer, cruise out to Mars, detach the lander, and head down to the Mars base. Ah, memories
  2. http://www.emulator-zone.com/doc.php/saturn/ Haven't tried any of them myself. But give it a shot.
  3. Ugly yes, but it kicks major ass in VF-X2
  4. This is the best shot you can get before the scene changes to something else. But you can almost make out the top part of the word sex
  5. It's in episode 15, Chinatown. Right after Global and Misa take off from the Macross and head to UN headquarters, 2 VF's come to escort them. That's when you see it.
  6. woops, forgot the pic
  7. Well, we all know that the series creators like to insert all these cool cameos in the show. Like the Orguss in one of the battles, the Studio Nue sign that gets destroid by Hikaru, the beer can missiles. I was rewatching my dvds, and this happened to catch my eye. I don't recall it being mentioned before, so forgive me if it's already known Those VF-1 pilots sure know how to get women, lol
  8. If I recall correctly in Macross Plus, when the chip to be installed into Sharon apple was bought, the guy payed for it with "credits"
  9. It comes on and off... So try every hour or so. It took me a while but i managed to get vo from there.
  10. Both your efforts are greatly appreciated. Just out of curiosity, anyone else getting an error when choosing "Variable Combat System (Equipment)"?
  11. Ah crap, I really like both. Despite this thread being here for so long I only first looked at it yesterday. I thought I had more time to choose, but I guess I have to pick a design NOW, lol
  12. How about a screen grab from the DVD itself. I was always fond of this pic,
  13. These boxes are four sided, in other words, you will have the images as shown, the bottom will be unfinished, and the last side will be open, gotta get the DVD's in there somehow Haha, I was thinking that it would open from the top like the Escaflowne DVD case. Silly me
  14. Forgive me if it's already been mentioned on an earlier page, but what's the forth side of the box going to be showing?
  15. Viewtiful Joe Classic side-scrolling beat-em-up. This is the kind of game you can just pick up and play for a little while, and not have to play for hours before getting to the good stuff. F-Zero GX Insanely fast futuristic racing game running at a constant 60fps. Also insanely hard game. Reminds you of the old NES days where you kept on dying at the same spot on the same level every single time.... Maybe that's just me Eternal Darkness The gameplay is ok, but the story and presentation are excellent. Plus the more you avoid enemies, the more sanity you loose. Leading of course to interesting sanity effects. Prince of Persia Kinda short, but very fun game. Very nice graphics and interesting puzzle levels. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker It's not a huge leap from Ocarina of Time (N64), and the cel-shaded graphics turned a lot of people off. But once you see the game in motion you'll realize how beautiful it looks. Plus it's classic zelda gameplay... Where can you go wrong? Metroid Prime Buy it, buy it, buy it. I can't emphasis how good this game is. Very long game length, looks great, creative bosses, huge worlds to explore, clever puzzles. My favorite game
  16. Anyone remember who did this? http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=24092 Or these? http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=37061 These last ones are cool, but non-transformable from the looks of it.
  17. I take it nobody knows anything about the silver Subaru and it's due date?
  18. I think this has finally convinced me to pick up the new Alternators line. I was going to settle for just Prime, but this Mazda is sweet! Which leads me to a few questions, is the silver Subaru available or not yet? I'd rather get that than Smokescreen. Plus, what's the difference between the Takara and the Hasbro versions, Diecast content?
  19. It was Honda, who built Asimo Whoever said it'll take a while or these to get on the market is right. I remember reading somewhere that each Qrio costs about 20,000$
  20. I think that was one of the coolest vids i've seen all year... Nice find!
  21. Well that's not good... HLJ already shows it as being discontinued. But I pre-ordered it as soon as it got listed
  22. I got the chance to watch the movie commentary with PJ and the other writers, and I liked how they actually justified all the deviations from the book. What they said made a lot of sense.
  23. So it's decided: Short hair ==> Dead Long hair ==> Live Therefore, in Mac0 Shin has short hair.... .... I guess I don't need to see the ending afterall...
  24. Are you MAD? That's never going to happen! They're be back on a floating astroid......
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