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Everything posted by docterteeth

  1. SO Graham what is the eta for Yamato to make more of these? They have to be happy with the reviews and the sales so it stands to reason they have to be considering doing more. Help reassure fans who didn't get it in the first batch and want to avoid paying more through ebay.
  2. I have a question for anyone with the Beagle Cyclone. I got the Toynami "inspired" version in last night and its nice. There's alot there to like. The first problem I seem to be having is trying to stand up the figure by itself. I understand that with Cyclone on him, he's too top heavy and that's why the stand is there, but I can't even seem to get him to stand up by himself. I've tried adjusting his toes, his ankles and his legs and he just won't freaking stand! Any ideas? Am I missing something? I agree his feet/boots seem smaller than what they should be but it almost seems that the front part of his boots sit lower than his heel. Anybody else run into this problem or have a fix for it? Btw, emerson, I've had my Beta on a Flexi tri-pod since I got it a few weeks back. Its beautiful. It sits atop one of my glass Ikea cases and it looks like its flying over me. Its secure and I've not had any problems whatsoever. I've been using those little stands for anything and everything. They're great. Keep the screws nice and snug and you'll never have a problem.
  3. Just a heads up for anyone that is waiting on the Toynami Cyclone... I always order any Robotech items I want from Twin Moons Anime's website of tmpanime.com. The guy who runs it, Tam, does a good job of responding if you send a question. When I recently emailed he said they're due in next week. Since he's located in the continental US, I would guess that this would apply to other places such as Robotech.Com. Hope this helps.
  4. I got my Beta last week and I'm very happy with it but like many others, had a few minor issues. I've learned a little tweaking to items can improve how much I like them. For anyone having problems with the support bar that holds the Alpha being loose when you slide it into the Beta, I found out scotch tape can help. Here's what you do: Put the bar into the Beta and determine exactly where on the bar is covered by the hole entrance. Take a little scotch tape and wrap it 1 length around that part. It won't take much. Now you can put the the tape all the way on the end of the bar but it’s a tighter fit on the arm that's near the mouth of the hole. A little trial and error will get it perfect. Do this and slide the bar back into the Beta and you'll find it creates a tension that holds it in place and makes it nice and snug. I have not had any problems since. And because the arm itself is in the hole, its hidden and you can't see the scotch tape. The other thing I did (temporarily) was to wrap a little plastic around the head of the Beta cockpit for when I have the Alpha and Beta connected in fighter mode. I took a litte bit of the plastic from the bag that held the manual and wrapped it around the cockpit head. I cut it and made a sheath out of it so I can slide it on and off. This way, when I dock the Alpha in fighter mode to the Beta, it doesn't scratch the yellow on the cockpit. The plastic is hidden since the cockpit is folded down between the Alpha's legs. Now its my intention to find a more permanent solution for that and find a way to cover up the yellow for when the Beta is in battloid mode but for the time being, it will due.
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