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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Now this is a ship I can get behind! I'm still unsure what relation Gatchaman Crowds had to the original besides the name
  2. The fact that the three characters share a scene pretty much 100% confirms Mirage is the other point of the triangle. Especially since Hayate didn't interact with any other females at all. Main character has to interact with the two other members of the triangle in the first ep. Tis Macross law (And I've just set myself up for a bunch of counter examples)
  3. Excited for next week. We'll see if the visual take a step up like they did in the second ep of Frontier. I'm digging the soundtrack as well. It's got such a fantasy vibe that it almost clashes with the whole space opera theme of Macross, but the more I listen to it the more it works
  4. Haven't you heard? Everyone loves Bieber now I owe whoever I was arguing with in the NYE thread an apology: Well they had to cut a bunch of stuff just to get in the new footage and stay within the running time so I guess there was just no room.
  5. I was finally able to get a -30 earlier this year and I'm pleasantly surprised by how much I like the Battroid mode, even with the pod up. I currently have it displayed with the wings out which gives it a cool presence. It's like one of those Gundams with the fancy backpacks or something.
  6. There was a LOT of adoration for the 30. Especially once the fighter mold was shown. People were less enthusiastic about battroid, but fighter was pretty much universally loved. Not sure how much of that adoration translated into sales, but
  7. Bruh, that's Alto's son 1000% confirmed! I guess the valk design isn't the only thing to carry over from Macross 30. Time travel shenanigans here we come! It's funny you bring this up because I'm literally sitting about a block away from MacDonalds Cayman right now
  8. I don't plan for anything to escalate. Here you go: It's pretty clear that that's how you felt based on this post and the rest of your responses. Now that you've actually explained yourself in more detail I do see where you're coming from. It probably would have just been better if you said all that to begin with. Because the impression I got was more that you were upset he got a refund for what you consider a minor issue and as I said in my post, I just didn't get why it seemed to bother you so much. Now I know it's because you don't think it's fair to get a refund before damage has even been confirmed, which I'd say is fair enough.
  9. So no3ljm answers another member's question about the 10 day window and all of a sudden he's an ungrateful complainer? Even with a refund he isn't allowed to be concerned about breaking a toy that he still owns? And not sure why david seems so salty just because he doesn't think a stiff ankle deserves a refund. This forum is so weird sometimes
  10. Raptor One

    Hi-Metal R

    Hahaha that's dope
  11. Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but anyone have a hi-rez version of the Delta logo?
  12. Hey Seto, I haven't finished Macross 30 yet, and even though I'm currently learning I don't think I'll know enough Japanese to follow all the details of the ending by the time I do, so I'll just ask here. Do the time-displaced heroes lose their memories of the Uroboros incident when they return to their own times?
  13. True. I misread your argument as being that it was already inconsistent.
  14. Nice discussion about consistency of technology use so far in Delta. I'm inclined to agree with Seto, and I'm not sure why in a narrative where these discrepancies can be easily explained simply by thinking about how things operate in the real world, one would choose to go with reasoning that draws the conclusion the writers are doing something simply for plot convenience while ignoring logic. I mean, this is a narrative of course, so pretty much everything is done for plot convenience or character building, the only problem is when the established framework doesn't support that convenience. If two interpretations exist, why not give the creators the benefit of the doubt and go with the interpretation that there are in-universe reasons why technology looks to be distributed the way it is? But hey, we all approach these things differently
  15. Wow, that is awesome. Makes me appreciate the actual sculpt of the ADVANCE even more (and increasing my longing for a DX Chogokin 19ACTIVE)
  16. Yup he explicitly says that the costume wasn't finished and the darker areas of the costume offered more protection.
  17. Not a huge fan of the Ravens scheme, but would love to see a proper Supernova scheme
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